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Playland(PNE) Vancouver Discussion Thread

Opening Day weekend at the park.

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^ Well, I am glad I got at least two rides on it, before The Fair opened. But still. It's sad to see, that no matter what Playland does (re-tracking, seat belts, train configurations.....), it usually ends up like it's happened before and after Covid, by the way. I still don't get why they don't use off-season time for all that they do to Coaster. Oh well. Stuff happens. โ˜น๏ธ

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ๐ŸŽข ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Our day at the PNE worked out pretty good. We went last Thursday, and contrary to what was predicted earlier, there was no rain, the sun was out and it was a really nice day to be outside. We hoped to stay till 9:30 when that Pyrotech show happened. But once again, our age (and endurance) dictated we leave earlier... which we did around 8pm. Nonetheless, we got to revisit stuff, and get that ribs meal we always get every year. ๐Ÿบ

The Marketย ๐Ÿ’ต ... and Beyond Monet. ๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ

We did our usual circuit of the (what used to be called) Marketplace, checking everything out,. And when we passed by jewelry stalls, David was sure to show off one of his lit pendants (and brought another along to show the differences), and got some great feedback from sellers, and a few gp who saw what he had. Didn't buy much on this trip, except a couple of bags of salt water taffy.

The "Beyond Monet" exhibit was really, just a circle of floor-to-ceiling screens with projected (mostly) enlargements of Monet's work. When David and I were last In Paris (2015) we took in Monet's work, especially his Lillies collection which were actual curved canvasses on the walls of the gallery specially built for his work. In the PNE exhibit, we wished there were more 'displays' with photos etc. about Monet and his life. But a lot of people went into it, and stuck around, so I guess that's good for art's sake, lol.

The Taste Showcase (in the Rollerland Bldg.) ๐Ÿท

This was where the "Happy Hour" at the BC Wine Bar took place. I indulged with a couple of reds, both pretty dry. But cheaper than paying full price. This is where they also put the Cooking Demos for people to watch and enjoy (but no samples this year. Hmmmph.)

Superdogs Show: At the Barkade (in the Coliseum) ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ๐ŸŒญ

This was the usual half hour of canine fun, themed to video games of all things. A great assortment of dogs, large and small, did their thing to the delight of the large crowd, watching. Some of the racing challenges were really fun, and sometimes very funny when the dogs didn't do what they were supposed to do.

The High Divers ๐ŸŠโ€โ™‚๏ธ

This made me think about the turn of the century (1900's) when this act was probably performed.ย  A lot of people filled the open area, and the divers did not disappoint. Especially that last diver, who dove from the highest possible spot on the ladder. Crazy, but every entertaining.


With only one actual ribs company to choose from, as we passed on the BBQ Truck, which was the only other BBQ spot available. Prairie Smoke & Spice we had eaten before, at previous Fairs. So we got a half rack with all three sides (corn bread, beans, slaw). It was perfect for us and the only 'leftover' we had, was some of the cornbread to take home.

The instant fatigue set in for us, and we decided enough was enough.ย  Took our exit through Playland, and found out that Coaster was down ... again.

<sighs> It was a good visit this year, But I think we're going to aim for visiting at a later time in the day next year, AND checking out which act/artist/band is playing the night we're there, in the PNE Concert Series. Thursday night it was Pat Benatar, and I would have loved to see/hear her perform. ๐ŸŽค

Here's the photos of the visit....


We're here!


The front Entry into The Fair.


The Marketplace is now called The Market. And the Forum Bldg. is actually named in a sign, too!


Lots of bling, everywhere in the building.


A kind of Play Doh for the kids. And/or creative adults/parents.


I love these fold out cards they sell. So many to choose from!


This year's Musical Moving ..... things.


And if you've chipped or broken a (finger) nail, this spot has you covered!


And if you're into wearing serapes, this stall's for you.


The seller called these Gem Trees. Works for me.


We liked the purple one best. But didn't buy it.


I wouldn't want to bump into the person wearing this.


Entry hallway to the Beyond Monetย  exhibit, which revealed .....


...This set up. And one side had French quotes from Monet. The other side, English translation.


Very vivid, some of the enlarged paintings.



Nice of the PNE to post this at all bathrooms on site.


We checked out this metrovancouver exhibit space, which is mostly geared to kids and families.


A little concert stage with various performers doing their thing.


A sign to remind everyone where we actually are, thanks (not) to Colonialism in the very early times of BC.IMG_5043.JPG.4548c4d3ae5701d8c2784e368c620f0d.JPG

Kids having fun with Pee & Poo.


A great exhibit about indigenous canoe creation.


Finished canoes, except for the painting and decorating parts.


...and I still don't remember what this was for.ย  More photos to come....

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After the canoe building exhibit, we headed to Rollerland, took in Happy Hour, got a quick snack, and then proceeded to the Superdogs show.


Oops. Too much sun on the entry sign...


But it's called The Taste Showcase. With a Happy hour!


While in line for the wine, I saw this up above.


Most definitely for the Rollerland roller skating nights, etc.... DISCO BALL!


My two lonely little cups of red wine. They were good, but very dry for my taste.


In the same building as the BC Wine Bar. Colourful.


Outside the same building, we saw this/these.


Made me smile.


We got two "mini dogs" that were a good and filling snack, before seeing the Superdogs show.


Usually there's two attraction events going on here. But Superdogs had it all to themself, this Fair.


I don't have the experience to catch sudden movements on my camera. Like dogs. But I tried.


This was a cute trio of pugs going crazy on the racing field.


The Bows (Wows?). It was a fun half hour.


The High Dive 'attraction.'


Ready to do it.


Interesting angle to fall. And he succeeded.


Random shot in the Sanctuary Forest. You wouldn't know there's a Fair over there.


They had a "train" touring around The Sanctuary for those who needed a break. We should have ridden this.


Ribs Time!


Santa works here, part time, y'know.


David wondering if this is an actual rack of ribs on that award. Thankfully, he didn't touch it.


What we got. 1/2 rack of ribs with all three sides, there.


There were no leftovers, except some corn bread. Then we decided to be on our way home.




Outside the fair site, heading to our bus stop. And that's it for our annual "PNE Day"!

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Over One Month Later...." ๐Ÿ˜‰

^ Have you seen any more progress on The New Coaster, lately?

I am trying to get over there, and take what photos I can, from all sides, if possible. One day soon. I hope.

Been a while, so I thought I'd just ask you. ๐Ÿ˜‹

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  • 2 weeks later...

Playland(PNE) just posted info. about the 2024 Season Pass available.

PLUS, info. on the new coaster opening next year: ThunderVolt. That's what they're calling it.

https://www.pne.ca/playland/ for the coaster info.




ThunderVOLT current construction shot (posted by Playland).

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  • 4 months later...

After some time ......

Looking (above) at the layout for ThunderVOLT, I am really REALLY hoping,

that you get not one, but two cycles on it.ย  Otherwise .... yeah, ok.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There was a video posted a few days ago, of ThunderVOLT having a test run.

Unfortunately, it only goes through one circuit.... I am hoping it does two runs. We'll see, eventually.

Thanks to Playland(PNE) for the video.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just checked with the site, and it appears Playland is going to be closed Mondays AND Tuesdays, from Opening Day (18th) through June. Then they'll go to a five day week, Wed-Sundays. And for the current weekends, it'll be mainly a 11am-5pm schedule.

Whee.ย  http://www.pne.ca


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  • 2 weeks later...

Opening Day at Playland ~ May 18/24

Rain had been falling on and off through the morning. No big deal. But my intentions were to just tour around the park, maybe get something to eat and drink, and just see what's changed (if anything) since last year. The first surprise was that all the games arcade was blocked off, and to be eventually rebuilt (the facades), assuming they're going to get it done by the time the actual PNE Fair happens, mid-August. The other surprise was that the entire row of buildings on the north side of the park, including my go-to drinking spot, the Ride Side Bar, was demolished, leaving space for the upcoming new concert amphitheatre being built. <grrr> Got a couple of rides done, food at the White Spot place, an onride pic from the Kettle Creek Mine coaster... and that was it.

Both Coaster and the new ThunderVOLT weren't open. And the new coaster wasn't going to be open until July. <sighs> Until then, here's my pix...


Waiting to go in.


Testing, testing.


The new flyer and park map.



The usual plug for the upcoming August Fair.


The map.


A better showing of the map, on the wall of Customer Service.


Not a huge crowd today.


"I spy, with my little eye, something that is ....yellow."


What's this? What's this? The young woman at the Snack Shack told me about the renovation

they're doing with all the facades of the Games Arcade.


Still testing.


All blocked off. Yay.


And nothing's been done with this building since .... several years ago?


The Haunted Mansion wasn't going to open, until the afternoon. I was there between 11am and noon.


This was the closest I could get to ThunderVOLT. And more green fences here.


And the entire north end of the buildings .... all gone. Including my bar <sniff> I'm hoping they put it

into the new arcade being rebuilt on the east side of Playland.


Does anyone use the word "fly" anymore? Sky Bender was open.


West Coast Wheel wasn't open - and missing a few ride buckets, too.


The best landscaping of the park was here. Where the Honey Bee Express train travels around.


I think the Kettle Creek Coaster sign needs a bit of a touch up, yes? No?


All things considered, it's a pretty good coaster for anyone, kids and adults alike.


They re-opened the Scrambler in it's original spot. Was down all last season.


The White Spot eating spot. Really not that busy all the time I was there.


In Canadian $$$. Pretty reasonable in American $$$, I thought.


What I got: a bacon-cheese burger, fries, and a nice thick blueberry milkshake.


Lots of bacon and cheese.... yum!


After eating, a bit more strolling. This is the free Mini-Golf attraction. Not too busy right now.


And Coaster. "Closed until further notice." Okay.... time to leave.


The onride photo...


...on the Kettle Creek Coaster. And that's it, till next weekend's visit.....

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  • Nrthwnd changed the title to Playland (PNE) Vancouver Discussion Thread

Forgot to add to the TR. They give you a Digital Copy # of the onride photo, taken.

So here's a better look at myself - and check out that caption. The t-shirts came out

when AtmosFEAR first opened. The gift shop, sadly, is no more. But with ThunderVOLT opening soon, who knows?

Maybe they'll actually open a new gift shop, with the revamp of the Games Arcade .... along with the Ride Side Bar 2.0 ๐Ÿ˜‰


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  • Nrthwnd changed the title to Playland(PNE) Vancouver Discussion Thread
  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmmmph. Another very VERY RAINY weekend, here. I wouldn't be surprised if Playland closed early today, because of the torrent of rain (almost like a monsoon, truth!) falling now. So I skipped this visit. Hopefully we get back to the sunshine kind of day we all love, next weekend, lol. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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