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Playland(PNE) Vancouver Discussion Thread

Opening Day weekend at the park.

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They're posting pages from a book that was created, for the PNE's 100th Birthday, in 2010. I have a copy of it, but it's nice to see that they're showing some of it to those who didn't know about it. It's a really wonderful book covering everything that has ever been, to do with the PNE Fair and/or Playland.



Love this one. A coaster I never got to ride.... Dip The Dips (I swear that's what it's name was!) Interestingly, I do remember riding the classic Shoot-The-Chutes boat ride there in front of DtD. Our current Coaster opened in 1958, making me only 5 years old at that time, lol. Ah well. That first coaster looked awesome!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just checked today on the PNE site, and where you click the link to PLAYLAND, you get this note....




Playland is expecting to re-open in May 2021.


Here's hoping. 🎡

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Robb has just posted a great video of COASTER, that was produced in May, 2014, with several of us gathering together for the taping.

It's a great coaster AND this is an awesome video to show it off. Enjoy! BTW, Corkscrew in the back there, is totally gone, now. Boo hoo. And eventually, there is "supposed to be" another new coaster in it's place. Can't wait!

Thanks Robb and Elissa, for putting together a really great video of Playland's Coaster!


Here we all are, about to ride (RIPieces) Corkscrew. May 16, 2014.

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  • 3 weeks later...

They just posted a bit more info.at the PNE/Playland site, for last year's Season Passholders .....


So it looks like, for now, it will be the same as last year. Two comp passes.... plus "amazing bonuses".

But I am still not too sure about the "2 comp visits for every season pass previously purchased."

I have been a pass holder since 2006. So, does that mean I have..... (14seasons x2=) 28 comps, plus these two?

Tickets are not available, yet. I will wait and eventually find out. I hope.


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Playland~PNE just posted...




Playland is seeking Ride Operators, Donut Dunkers, Clean Keepers, Games Enthusiasts, and people who enjoy putting a smile on the face of our guests – for the 2021 Season.

Interesting to note, that nowhere in any of the pages with the forms and such there, is it noted the "Operating Schedule" of Playland, i.e. From When To When for the workers' contracts? I have the feeling they are holding those dates back, so no info. is inferred by us nosey Playland Fanbois, lolol. But they have said May as a starting date area for re-opening.

So stay tuned... 🎢

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  • 3 weeks later...

The PNE has been obviously thinking about what to do with all the (mostly) un-used parking space around the PNE grounds, and opposite Playland's main entrance. So this is one of the things they've come up with, by Playland - a POP-UP Garden Centre, lol! Here's the info. on it....


Urban Roots Garden Market

Every day from 9am through 6pm

Spring is in the air, and things are blooming everywhere!

This is an exciting time of year for gardeners, but this season is marked by another exciting development: Urban Roots Garden Centre is now open in PNE/Hastings Park Parking Lot 16 – directly across from the Playland entrance at Hastings and Windermere streets.

Drop by and take a look at the huge variety of plants for sale!


Artist Concept of it all:


For other nerdy PNE trivia ~ that green car is pointed towards the intersection in front of Playland's Entry 'Plaza'.  Now ya know!


What that green car is pointed towards. (pic.2019)

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I did a few morning errands, and decided to head over to Playland and see if anything is going on, etc.

The Urban Roots nursery set up looks good. I chatted with one of the workers there, and she said it was probable they were staying there through the summer. Hmmmm. Since this is taking up part of the usual parking space for the PNE, it makes me wonder if the "PNE" is going to turn into another "Drive-Thru PNE" like last summer.

Well, I guess we stay tuned till then. And here's the photos I took, earlier....


Urban Roots nursery, with Coaster in back.


The Twins look nice today.


Never noticed this before. Slidey Slides? Okaaaay.


A walk past Coaster.


There were a few people in the station, but I didn't ask why they were there. I probably should have.


Now this is Coaster's awesome Sexy Curve. Between all the ups and downs of it.


Past the lovely Japanese Cherry Trees ..... no new coaster, yet.


Nothing happening yet, in the Playland 2.0 extension area.


Nope. Nothing happening here where New Coaster is supposed to go. <sighs>


Hope the opening in May goes alright. I'll be there!

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On 3/3/2021 at 1:35 PM, Nrthwnd said:

Robb has just posted a great video of COASTER, that was produced in May, 2014, with several of us gathering together for the taping.

It's a great coaster AND this is an awesome video to show it off. Enjoy! BTW, Corkscrew in the back there, is totally gone, now. Boo hoo. And eventually, there is "supposed to be" another new coaster in it's place. Can't wait!

Thanks Robb and Elissa, for putting together a really great video of Playland's Coaster!


Here we all are, about to ride (RIPieces) Corkscrew. May 16, 2014.

I spy, myself! 

Just got the email. Playland opens May 1st.



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^ That's great!  :airtime:

I phoned the TicketLeader number about what to do if you have a 2020 Season Pass. They told me a "code" will be emailed to those with passes, and then that code will be used to secure reserved days and times. And I am pretty sure that the operator told me, that it is "unlimited visits" with the 2020 Season Pass.

David bought my 2020 Season Pass with his email address (as a gift), so I suspect they will email the code to him. So, I/we wait for The Code.



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Woo Hoo! Finally got my 2020 Season Pass Holder Code for ordering tickets to Playland.  :airtime:

And .... since the place is only open weekends for May, I got myself day passes for the entire Opening Weekend!

Damn, I just realized, I haven't been back there since mid-October, at a (what I called) "Fright Night ... Lite", heh.


I feel so much better now, now that I have in-my-hands tickets for Opening Weekend... both days!

For those who don't know, we don't have cell phones <shock> at all. Still on a land line, so printed paper tix have to do.

But you know, it is really nice, to hold on to something actually tangible (look it up), to carry around, etc. Instead of on a cellphone.

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^ I do hope to, thanks! Like I said, even I don't ride anything the first day it's open (hah!). But, there's 'word' that they're going to also open some of The Arcade this season, which is awesome! Last year, when Covid started hitting the world, Playland didn't open it's Arcade at all for the entire year. Well, except for a couple of games during Fright Nights. But not like it usually does. So this is GREAT if they do it, if only for a few games. I miss the Quarters Arcade! Where you win tickets for chi-chi prizes!


My 2019 prizes from the Quarter Arcades.

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Well ...... gosh darn it!  🙁 An email arrived today from Playland(PNE) with the following....


Playland Opening Postponed

Playland was set to open on Saturday, May 1 with a strong safety plan supported by Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH). We had confidence in our ability to provide a safe outdoor experience for local families. During discussions today with the Provincial Health Office, concerns were raised related to Playland drawing travel outside of the regional health authorities. Due to this concern, we were asked to remain closed until after the May long weekend to support the provincial circuit breaker.

We are looking forward to opening our park to guests following the May long weekend.

Note: All ticketholders will be contacted.

Hmmmph. But, what can one do, right? I got my tickets for free, so I am assuming they won't be contacting me. But you never know, hmm?

So, we wait and hold on until after our May long weekend (Victoria Day Wknd, May 22-24, always a week before Memorial Day Wknd). 🎡


Photo from the PNE.

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So the actual Opening Day (so far) of the season is Saturday, May 29th. And Sunday the 30th. 11am-5pm both days.

After that, they are listing Friday evening time periods (6-11pm) in June. And the Saturday/Sunday times,11am-5pm.


The dates, could still change of course. Hopefully they can stick to this schedule, as well as through the summer.


EDIT to add: 2020 Season Passes are being extended into 2021. But no 2021 Season Passes are being sold at all.

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They just announced that the PNE would not be happening this year (second year in a row) due to Covid-19. There's several articles about this, and now The PNE is asking the city for (minimum) $8 Million to get it through these times. If they don't get it, or a similar amount .... who knows what will happen?

They produced a modified drive-thru "PNE Event" last summer with everybody in cars, seeing acts (like the Dog Show) from a parked distance. No word on whether they're going to repeat that, this summer.

Here's a link to all of the posted articles : https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=vancouver%2C+pne%2C+news 😟

So ..... anybody got $8 Mill lying around, somewhere?


P.S. This probably also postpones the planned expansion of Playland ... or cancels it altogether. I'm hoping it's only postponed.


"A vendor serves mini doughnuts to a driver at a drive-thru event with mini doughnut vendors at the Pacific National Exhibition grounds, in Vancouver, on Sunday, May 24, 2020. The PNE organized the event to help support vendors who will be unable to sell at the fair due to the cancellation of the annual event because of COVID-19." From the article at THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

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....and they just announced that the PNE Prize Home Lottery is still going to happen! Online tickets on sale now.

The Home Must Go On!




When the PNE Prize Home Lottery started in 1934, the dream house was built on site at Hastings Park, a key programming element of the annual PNE Fair. Each year’s Prize Home has been built on site, and then relocated to its permanent home – scattered throughout the province.

This year, the decision was made to break with tradition and purchase a Prize Home in the lower mainland, for the first time in the Prize Home’s history!

The 2021 PNE Prize Home will be located in South Surrey

The home is located on the edge of White Rock, a short distance from that community’s famed beaches. The Grand Prize – valued at 1.8 million dollars – spans 3600 sq. ft. over three levels and offers 4 bedrooms and 4.5 bathrooms.


3 Lottery Eligibility Rules:

✅  I am 19 years of age or older.

✅ I am in the Province of British Columbia when placing this order.

✅ I have read and agree to the Rules of Play.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is getting somewhat frustrating to find out but..... PNE/Playland just posted this....


2021 Summer of Fun

We are optimistically planning a scaled-down version of our PNE Fair experience for later this summer, and we will soon be announcing a new opening date for Playland.

We look forward to sharing more details soon!

We expect to be announcing a re-opening date in June.

The thing to note is that they're not opening at the end of this week.  New tickets issued will (currently) start with Friday June 11 (evening), and continue with weekends from there.  So ... I just got myself (still free as a 2020 Pass Holder) tickets for the weekend of June 12-13.

Hopefully, these dates and time won't change .... again.


Photo from PNE/Playland

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y'all are still having a big of a rough go with Covid and getting everyone vaccinated - so I understand.

i have friends coming for Con at end of July, and they aren't sure they'll be able to cross the border, as no announcement on lifting restrictions has happened yet.

I feel for y'all in Vancouver (and all across Canada).

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^ There was an article in one of the daily papers today, about the "new situation" with the PNE and Playland. The Province has started a program to re-open more public spaces, as the % of Covid vaccines (1st dose) goes up, and the reported cases goes down. Hopefully. It looks like they will be working on a new version of the PNE (not the drive thru version, like last year), which obviously allows for less people to attend, distancing measures, some mask wearing (I hope), etc. It also mentioned that Playland was (still) supposed to re-open in mid-June. Probably like the same way they handled it last year. Or not.

Everything will be revealed. Eventually. Here's the full article about it:



I hope a lot of the Playland Staff will be back, being awesome as always.

Photo is from PNE/Playland.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is sad, but necessary news to post. And good for the PNE addressing this awful discovery, with compassion and sincerity.


The PNE would like to acknowledge that this is an incredibly devastating time for our Indigenous employees, contractors, and guests, as well as their families, friends and communities. 

The discovery of 215 indigenous children in a mass grave at a former residential school in Kamloops last week is a horrifying reminder of the extensive abuse, neglect, and death inflicted on indigenous children in residential schools across Canada.

Our deepest condolences are offered to the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Nations, along with all residential school survivors, and their loved ones, who continue to carry this trauma while also experiencing ongoing systemic racism. We have lowered our onsite flags for 215 hours as a way for us to honour the children and families impacted.


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The PNE just sent out an Opening Weekend email ... and it looks like Hell's Gate, the Scrambler and Coaster will not be operating at this time.


Well, at least my two tickets for the weekend (Sat. & Sun.) didn't cost me anything.

And I won't have to be there, right at opening time, to get Coaster rides in, before crowds build up.

Still.  Sad to find that out about Coaster. Hope it's up and running, soon.



Photos from the PNE/Playland.

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Was at Playland today, for the Opening Weekend of "The New Season." A few rides weren't operating, including <sighs> Coaster. But that was okay. I spent time just enjoying the atmosphere of everybody having a great day there. And just before I left, I ran into Roxann and Christina, who are involved with the "Guest Experience" of the park. I have emailed Roxann on several occasions  about Playland and the PNE in general. Was great to see them in person and not "online" lol. So a group photo was taken. Ka-ching!

Am planning to be there tomorrow, when all things point to "rain and showers" for the day. But I will have my trusty rain poncho ready! And I'll post both days of the weekend, when I get back home, tomorrow afternoon.



Roxann, myself, and Christina.



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So Opening Weekend has come and gone. Friday evening was wet for awhile (I was told); Saturday was sunny with a few clouds here and there; and Sunday... Sunday was wet, then stayed overcast for the rest of the day. I stayed less time on Sunday, than I did on Saturday.

Between the two days, seven rides were down, including Coaster. It could be getting enough staff for everything. Or breakdowns need servicing, parts are needed, etc. etc. etc. What ever the case it was sad to see so many rides closed. Hopefully everything will improve as the summer moves along.

On Saturday, I was planning to eat something at the White Spot "Triple O's" place on Saturday. But decided not to "spend that much" at this time, even though there was only a few people ahead of me, if I joined the queue.. On Sunday? There was over 20 people in line for only one ordering window. I skipped that day, too.

Gladiator was still OMG-ing me, with so much force, height, intensity. So different a cycle for a few years ago. I love it! Because of it raining so much on Sunday, most of the gentler rides, with covers (like the Carousel, West Coast Wheel) had really long lines. So I skipped them, even though I rode them on Saturday.

On Sunday, I did get something to eat: Mini Donuts! 🍩 But no pink or blue icing ones, as advertised. Only "maple glazed w/sprinkles". Fair enough. I took a six pack home with me.

Future visit plans are for this Friday, which they are running as evenings at the park. So, I hope to get some good night shots with all the lights on!


The flag at half-mast is for the 215 indigenous children's bodies found in a grave in Kamloops, BC.

The PNE reported it will keep the flag that way for 215 hours - one for each child lost.

Sorry to start out with a downer, but hey - life sadly happens, some times.


A sign of many more closed down, to come.




Looks like they changed all the banners there. No people shots on Coaster, as before.

I miss the photos of the Buddhist Monks on Coaster; and the Vancouver Scottish Bagpipe Band on it, too.


And I did, eventually.


What's this? What's this? This was opposite the Haunted Mansion, which is closed for obvious reasons.


A wall of wood.


The other end of it.  I guess we'll find out, eventually.


Bug Whirled was running great on Saturday. Then it wasn't, on Sunday.


Time to ride The Wheel.


Meanwhile .... I keep wondering if Covid-19 has killed the plans for a new coaster. I hope I'm wrong.


The Twins are "under cover."


Obligatory Beast shot.


AtmosFEAR's running fine.


Gladiator never went this high a few years ago. I love the new cycle on it!


This are the "New Enhancements"  they advertised for Enterprise. Plants and a sign. Awesome.


Still runs good.


Where The Scrambler usually sits. Not this weekend.


But my B-Day is in March!


Now, is this a boy's or a girl's name? I have no idea.


On Sunday, this was The Only Coaster running. Kettle Mine Coaster. At least adults can ride this, too.


How White Spot advertises all of it's food.


The prices have gone up, but not a lot to complain about.


The former Adventure Golf is now Sweet Escape Mini Golf!


Here and there, candy representation.


And just before leaving on Saturday, I ran into Roxann (Director Playland Operations) ..... and Christina (right).

Christina could be Roxann's Assistant,. but I don't really know. We talked about Coaster re-opening ("couple of weeks")

and general park stuff. And then my day was done! Coming back the next day for a much MUCH shorter visit. ☔



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Here's the shots from Sunday. I think I spent less than an hour there. Totally overcast, with rain off and on.






The overcast made it easy to see the lights on, on the various rides.


Too close!


I was here! Map is in front of where the "new coaster" is supposed to go. Eventually. I hope.


Standing silent and lonely. Even the ghouls and ghosts moved out, for now.


Okay. Time for some Mini Donuts!


But only with maple glaze and sprinkles. Fine. 6 for $7.


Just saw this at Customer Services, before I left. Very cool.

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For now .... My first Friday night at Playland (18th), was 'okay'. Nothing special. Several rides, including Coaster, were still down. And the damned (true) nightfall didn't happen until I was leaving the place! I stuck around for a couple of hours and took pix.  No more, no less.

Next time, I shall go a bit later to the park. And photograph, accordingly. 📷

Here's one pic (from PNE) for tonight. More (of mine of "that night") to follow....



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