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Weird roller coasters.

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This is very off topic, but Rct3man77, why do you always insist on talking in the third person?


Rct3man777 Doesn't know exactly. Rct3man777 will stop talking in the 3rd person now.


Lol. It's not a big deal. I was just curious man.


I know, I was just starting to annoy myself a little bit, lol.

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^ It's a suspended rollercoaster, similiar to Ninja, Iron Dragon, BBW but designed by Schwarzkopf. Basically in this picture, two cars swinging from a track inside a warehouse. This concept from Schwarzkopf never made it to the parks.


If you link on the link, there's a description and another picture in case you need a better idea what it is or does.

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^Guh-WHA?! What the heck is that?!


It was SUPPOSED to be the BBW at BGE. Schwarzkopf had all of the footers laid out and everything, and went bankrupt. At which point Arrow took over.



Row of people sitting in the front... and then each row slowly becomes a stand up.




It would suck to ride that. I have no Idea how they would heartline it... They would probably go by the median height, but I still wouldn't want to ride in the front or back rows.

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^Guh-WHA?! What the heck is that?!


It was SUPPOSED to be the BBW at BGE. Schwarzkopf had all of the footers laid out and everything, and went bankrupt. At which point Arrow took over.


Sort of sounds like what happened with Drachen Fire. B&M was originally supposed to design and build Drachen Fire, but B&M wasn't as big of a company back then as it is now, and had too many new coasters on their hands that year to build another. At that point Arrow took over.

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I just had a freakin flashback. Was Bullet originally Weiner Looping at Circus World? Sure does look like it. I rode it once, and it was weird.


From rcdb!: Relocations: Wiener Prater as Wiener Looping

Boardwalk and Baseball as Wiener Looping

Flamingo Land Theme Park & Zoo as Bullet

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