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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Need a little advice from those who know about Hersheypark. My wife and I are traveling 12 hours up to Hersheypark next Saturday and will be the first time we've been there. We will be there two days, and I know from reading reviews the park will be extremely busy on the weekend but we plan to buy the fast track pass. On the web site is says you can ride 9 of the coasters one time. Could you tell me which 9 coasters they are talking about and I hope Skyrush is on the list. Also, I heard they sell out fast so is there a trick to getting the passes before they sell out. We plan to be there before the park opens but I've heard they can sell out within 10 minutes which makes me worry. Also, is there a path we can take to avoid the long lines, as in go to the right or go to the left? I want the experience to be a good one but from reading blogs and such, a lot of people are just unhappy about the wait times. Also heard there was little shade but being from the south, heat isn't a problem. Any suggestions on food options? Of course we're going to load up on chocolate but other than that, what food is good there? We've been looking forward to this trip for a long time and really looking forward to their awesome coaster collection. Anyways, I appreciate any helpful advice on Hersheypark. Thank you.

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A lot of the areas of the park are actually pretty good with shade, only the midways surrounding the water park are bad. Whatever you do, get there at opening and head straight for Fahrenheit. Get two or three rides on it before the line fills in, then don't even worry about it the rest of the day. You do not want to be anywhere near that line if it's sunny out.

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Overall you shouldn't be too concerned with lines. Sure the park gets crowded Saturday but I wouldn't even waste your money with fast track either. You don't even get to pick your row on the roller coaster it goes along with. As long as you follow the Fahrenheit, Storm Runner, Then whatever in that order you should be just fine. I recommend you eat at the BBQ put that is in the Spring Creek valley down by Trailblazer. The only thing I'd say is go do Great Bear right after you eat lunch. That line is constant all day and just get in line right after you eat so you can digest and not waste time! Skyrush line will die around 2pm and it should be a very short wait.


Have a blast!

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I noticed last week that all coasters with the fast track pass have the middle car of each train set aside for those using the pass. But yeah, as stated above I wouldn't worry about buying one. If it is nice out everyone will be in the waterpark, ride lines are never really a problem there....except Farenheit and maybe Comet. Skyrush is great afternoon and into the night.....hardly ever has much of a line.

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^Does it really make that much of a difference? I didn't get to try the very back but I did the 7th and I think that, apart from the first drop, the ride is equally awesome everywhere. But I guess the "initial impact" of being catapulted right on the first drop is a nice feeling.

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^IMO Skyrush is a back row ride through and through. Not only is the airtime on the first drop insane, but the three big twists (stengel dive, into the last big turnaround, out of the last big turnaround) all pack more punch in the back (particularly the last twist since it's immediately followed by a downhill slope so the back accelates into it).


Wing seat versus inner seat makes MORE of a difference regarding intensity than front versus back, but back row still makes a difference. The very front row is a different story because the view and wind in your face makes it pretty intense as well. And you'll have a good ride no matter wherre you sit. But given a choice, I would choose the back every time. Not for the airtime hills, which are equally bonkers across the train since it loses basically no speed going over them, but for the twists.

Edited by neil009
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Oh, ok. I basically sat around the middle for most of the times and never changed a lot between rides so that's probably why I didn't really feel the difference. I did feel the difference between middle seats and the winged ones, though, that's why I took them all the times except for one.

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Hitting Hershey next Tuesday for a full day as part of a 4-day Pennsylvania coaster retreat. I haven't been there since 2006 so Fahrenheit and (especially) Skyrush are the most important rides to get in.


Do any Hershey regulars have an idea of what kind of crowds I'll be facing? I know from the excellent park guide the general order of attack I should utilize, but does anyone have any other general advice?



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I just came back myself from a today Pennsylvania trip including Knoebles, Hershey and Dorney!


I must say the app for Hersheypark is phenomenal! Not only did he give you true wait times, it also gave you distance to the location of the ride while in the park.


Also, I highly suggest Hershey place for lunch. It is right outside the main gates and was very good!

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I just came back myself from a today Pennsylvania trip including Knoebles, Hershey and Dorney!


I must say the app for Hersheypark is phenomenal! Not only did he give you true wait times, it also gave you distance to the location of the ride while in the park.


Also, I highly suggest Hershey place for lunch. It is right outside the main gates and was very good!



We're still on our trip, but were just at HersheyPark on Thurs.


the only thing that saved it from being PACKED was the poor weather forecast, which kept a lot of folks away in the evening . . so everything was a walk on.


I'd absolutely recommend doing the 2 1/2 hour preview the night before your first day (3 1/2 hours if you're staying on property, as we were).


the park was DEAD at 6:30 pm on Wed night. . Skyrush, Storm Runner, Great Bear, Comet, and Wildcat were all walk-ons (Farenheit was down for the evening).


we also did a bunch of flats on the preview night, so the next day in the morning when it was so packed, we didn't feel bad skipping things we had done the night before.


(tho we did multiple rides on Super-Duper-Looper. . what an awesome, and non-busy coaster!).


as to food. . unfortunately, other than the kettle corn, we felt the food in the park was overpriced and just not that good.


the Perogies from the Americana cart (across from Wildcat) were OK. . but got blown out of the water the next day at Knobel's.


if you're able to get to Hershey Lodge, both restaurants we ate in there (Bear's Den, and Hershey Grill) were fantastic, and resonable.


one thing that surprised the heck out of us, is although the park is beautiful, the maps are COMPLETELY useless. We had to continuously ask park employees for directions, as what it *looks* like on the map, only brings you close to the ride, but not the actual entrances (which can be from a completlely different direction).


to close on a big positive?


I've never, ever been to a park that gets it's down rides up and running so quickly. There were multiple rides that went down while we were in the park for two days, and all of them were back up and running (most of them within 20 minutes of going down!).


They also no longer shut down rides due to rain. Unless there is thunder/lightning.. . everythig will run, even in a downpour (as we saw was the case with StormRunner and Wildcat).


have fun. . we did!

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Any idea what sort of crowd I should expect for tomorrow? I've never done a park on Father's Day before, but I'll be in the area so I figured I may as well.


Assuming that they'll be busy, is the Hershey fast-lane-dealie worth the money?

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That is great you are all having fun! I'm jealous because I have yet to get to the park this year I'm heading home next Thursday....HP will be my Friday fun


you're gonna hate me now. . . I HATED (with the passion of a thousand burning suns) Skyrush.


rough, rough, rough coaster. and I felt "unsafe". . like if I didn't hang on for dear life, I would fall out of it.


did not like it at all! and one ride was enough.


at least I can say I did it.


but loved Storm Runner, and SuperDuperLooper. . and we both enjoyed Lightning Racer immensely.

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Any idea what sort of crowd I should expect for tomorrow? I've never done a park on Father's Day before, but I'll be in the area so I figured I may as well.


Assuming that they'll be busy, is the Hershey fast-lane-dealie worth the money?


as others said, and I can confirm as we were just there 3 days ago -- the fast lane reserved seats are in the middle of the train for all the coasters.


granted, the weather kept the parks dead in the evenings, but we saw NO ONE using them last Thursday.


hope that helps.

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That is great you are all having fun! I'm jealous because I have yet to get to the park this year I'm heading home next Thursday....HP will be my Friday fun


you're gonna hate me now. . . I HATED (with the passion of a thousand burning suns) Skyrush.


rough, rough, rough coaster. and I felt "unsafe". . like if I didn't hang on for dear life, I would fall out of it.


did not like it at all! and one ride was enough.


at least I can say I did it.


but loved Storm Runner, and SuperDuperLooper. . and we both enjoyed Lightning Racer immensely.

Haha I don't hate you! Some people find it very uncomfortable to ride and that is what they feel and think personally! For some reason I get absolutely no pain on the ride and therefore I absolutely love it. Should I have ever had pain some experience, maybe my opinion on the ride would change but since I don't I LOVE IT


Storm Runner is such a great ride, it still is pretty smooth too after these 10 years and there isn't any rattle like Fahrenheit has (which isn't even that much) LR is always a favorite for me too. I find the Lightning side better.

Even last year I rode Wildcat front seat in the rain and it was a great ride. Too bad it's rough any other day

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Lightning racer is one of my personal favorites. Love it! I am a fan of skyrush, and I thought storm runner was good, but not as good as fahrenheit or lightning racer. Seems like everyone has a different top 3 for this park! (thats a sign of a good park!)

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Some people find it very uncomfortable to ride and that is what they feel and think personally! For some reason I get absolutely no pain on the ride and therefore I absolutely love it. Should I have ever had pain some experience, maybe my opinion on the ride would change but since I don't I LOVE IT

How I wish I could be like you..... I would love the ride if it didn't give me HORRIBLE pain (and I still kind of do, really). It's such an awesome coaster but those restraints make it go down a couple of spots for me. I sill have some hope that they will do something more serious about it.

Storm Runner is such a great ride, it still is pretty smooth too after these 10 years and there isn't any rattle like Fahrenheit has (which isn't even that much) LR is always a favorite for me too. I find the Lightning side better.

Even last year I rode Wildcat front seat in the rain and it was a great ride. Too bad it's rough any other day

Storm Runner is indeed a great ride. It would be perfect it it were a little longer.

As to wildcat.........

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I have a definite top 2 for Hershey, and even the best of the rest are decidedly lower. Mine are Storm Runner and Lightning Racer. Still hoping I'll have some kind of breakthrough on a few others that have some potential, though.


I must say the app for Hersheypark is phenomenal! Not only did he give you true wait times, it also gave you distance to the location of the ride while in the park.

Cool, the location feature sounds like it could be really helpful for some people. I would probably mainly use it as a novelty since I have a fair idea of where everything is.

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Trip Report: Went to Hersheypark for 3 days this past weekend. Went to Chocolate World Friday and Hersheypark Saturday and Sunday. Whoever gave me the roller coaster advice on here to avoid long lines, thank you! It worked! We rode Fahrenheit first, then Storm Runner then the rest of the back of the park. We ate at the BBQ place across from Trailblazer like suggested and it was good also. And speaking of Trailblazer, it was down all weekend. It was the only coaster we didn't get to ride...But I did get my credit on Cocoa Cruiser...lol. Later in the evening is the best time to ride Skyrush and Comet...Lines were a lot shorter. This park is definitely doable without the Fast Track Pass...The value of the pass is just not worth it. Operations kept the lines going at a good pace and the only ride with a lengthy line we actually waited a long time for was Great Bear...Although on Sunday night, it was a walk on every time. I really like Hersheypark's coasters, they all have their pros and cons. Fahrenheit is an alright coaster, it has a lot of rattle, but still an okay ride, probably my fifth favorite in the park. Lightning Racer has got to be the best racing wooden coaster I've ever rode. Most just go up and down, out and back...But Lightning Racer is like two Dollywood Thunderhead coasters racing each other...it's really awesome...My fourth favorite. The Great Bear is a really great B&M inverted coaster, not as good as some I've rode, but not as bad either. It has some great elements to it and I enjoyed it a lot...It was my third favorite. Storm Runner and Skyrush were my favorite top two. For the longest I couldn't decide which one was the best. Storm Runner is like a miniature Top Thrill Dragster with an awesome finish...It was intense...I loved it! Skyrush took some time to figure out. I rode it like 10 times. The first time I rode it, it scared me half to death. I thought I was dead and was flying out of the thing. The second and third time I rode it holding on for dear life but ready. But the more I rode it, I finally let go and held my hands up in the air and knew I was safe. The only other coaster I've rode as intense as Skyrush is Intimidator 305. But I305 you have shoulder harness strapping you in. Skyrush doesn't strap you in...Your legs are the only thing saving your life. I'd have to say in my opinion, Skyrush is more intense than I305 just for the restraints. You also have to figure out how to ride the thing so it doesn't frog your legs every time. I found out if you ride in the middle and not on the outer wing seats, you can put your feet on the floor and it doesn't effect your legs at all and doesn't hurt one bit...Plus it make you feel more secure to ride with your hands in the air. After all this, I'd have to say, Skyrush is my favorite ride in the park and probably my 2nd favorite coaster I've ever ridden behind I305. I usually consider myself a B&M guy, but Intamin have my favorite two coasters now. As for the other coasters, Wildcat needs a seat restraint like Lightning Racer has with a curve in the bar to make it more comfortable, but Wildcat is still a great ride. Comet is probably one of the smoothest roller coasters I've ever ridden and I think that's strange seeing how old it is. Wild Mouse is pure hell. Sooper Dooper Looper is kinda meh but alright I guess. Sidewinder is your basic boomerang but I liked the restraints it had. Cocoa Cruiser was a credit, nothing more. Sad I didn't get the Trailblazer credit. We had enough time to see Zoo America, it was okay. We did the water park...Vortex, Whirlwind and the Wave Rider were awesome. I think standing in a que to get into a wave pool or lazy river is a bit stupid though. As far as Chocolate World goes, it was fun...A bit childish with the 4D movie, but the rest was enjoyable. I didn't sing on the trolley, I refused. I made my own candy bar, graduated chocolate tasting university and saw how Hershey chocolate was made on the tour...It was overall pretty cool. I'd suggest eating at the Hersheypark Place, it had really good food...It's outside the park, but it's a full service restaurant and worth the price. I also refused to eat the Kettle Corn because my wife and I were seeing how people around the park stuffed their faces like crazy with the stuff and stood in long lines to get it...We believe it had to be laced with crack...Only explanation for people and their Kettle Corn obsession. The one thing I didn't like was how security rushed us out at park closing not allowing us to shop. Most parks stay open after the rides shut down, to sell their merchandise, but not Hersheypark...The only thing open after the rides close is the damn Kettle Corn place...lol! Anyways, it was a great trip...Had an awesome time...Can't wait to go back.

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^ LOL - thanks for that. Now I am picturing "KettleKorn-heads" and "KettleKorn-junkies" waiting to get their fix.


I can't wait to get to this park this summer and finally ride Skyrush!! I am so very excited.

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^^Glad you gave Skyrush the chance to grow on you! You didn't miss much with Trailblazer. You must not like Wild Mice because theirs is one of the best. Fun fact, the white stuff they sprinkle on the kettle corn is not crack, it's actually sugar. Lots and lots of sugar. Personally I don't see the big deal but lots of people can't get enough of it so what do I know?

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