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California Great America (CGA) Discussion Thread

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^^That's good news....and common sense. Water slides are usually included in that as well, but most times it's cheaper just to settle it out of court than to pay a ton for lawyers and drag it through the courts.

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Since the 10 Years Ago trip down memory lane was a hit on the SFDK Thread, thought I'd do one for CGA (or PGA when these photos were taken). These photos were taken in 2002 on the last operating year of Greased Lightnin (also it's 25th anniversary year where it received an all new entrance and sign). This one is a little more interesting than SFDK's because it feature 3 rides that have since been removed. I also did the math, the park has operated for 36 years, going into it's 37th. It hasn't added a new coaster since Psycho Mouse in 2001, 12 years ago. So that means the park has spent 1/3 of it's existence not receiving a new coaster. Is Gold Striker ready yet?


P.S. CGA and SFDK are all I got, so don't worry about me posting 10 year old pics of every park. ENJOY!


First, Aerial shot of the park with 5 now defunct attractions. Stealth, Greased Lightnin, Invertigo, Triple Play, and the Bungee Pay Attraction (probably more too).


Here is Psycho Mouse which was only in it's second season at the time.


Greased Lightnin's new entrance sign, part of the 25th anniversary celebration.


Greased Lightnin and Invertigo. Demon doing it's thing in the back.


Sadly this is as high as the train went on the back tower due to a lot of trimming.


The view from Vortex's queue.




Stealth. Flyers aren't so uncommon now, but this guy was a big deal when it opened.


The most recent removal, Invertigo.


Drop Zone with it's old paint job.


Drop Zone with it's current paint job (I think this was taken in 2003 or 2004).

Edited by Double0Kevin
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^ I miss GL, but the loss of Stealth and Invertigo doesn't really destroy California. Stealth had a lot of issues, it was just great for the type of ride it inspired. Invertigo, as much as I loved it, had horrible capacity and a lot of mechanical issues too. The biggest negative of their removals was the loss of coasters in the park, as they were not replaced. But now we got Gold Striker coming so things are starting to look up for the park.


Also, CGA has a lot of charm. It succeeds with that old american theme park feel more than a lot of parks, especially in CA. With some quality rides added here and there, it could become a great park again.

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Tatsu, without question. And Stealth had many operational modifications done to it when it was moved to Carowinds that allowed for more reliable operation, things that had to be done while the ride was disassembled. I hear the capacity is still pretty low though.

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Good collection of pictures. Tidal wave (i won't call it greased lightning) was one of my favorites when I was a kid. Im glad were finally getting a new coaster, last time I was this excited about a new coaster is when vortex was being built. I hope cga continues to build and improve, maybe do something with grizzly (rmc anyone?)

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If I could just correct the caption of the aerial picture...there are actually 4 rides in that picture that are no longer there. Triple Play is playing peek-a-boo next to the season pass processing center. And as for Invertigo, Stealth, and Greased Lightning, unfortunately those three coasters were maintenance nightmares throughout the course of their lives, whether it was a major downtime that Invertigo suffered in 2009, or just pure lack of cooperation like Stealth or Greased Lightning.

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Thanks again Kevin for the pics! Ah the nostalgia and all the fun memories working those years when all those attractions were still there, plus getting the chance to operate all of them. Despite all the removals I have no doubt that CF is finally getting CGA back on track to it's potential. Here's to 2013 and beyond!

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If I could just correct the caption of the aerial picture...there are actually 4 rides in that picture that are no longer there. Triple Play is playing peek-a-boo next to the season pass processing center. And as for Invertigo, Stealth, and Greased Lightning, unfortunately those three coasters were maintenance nightmares throughout the course of their lives, whether it was a major downtime that Invertigo suffered in 2009, or just pure lack of cooperation like Stealth or Greased Lightning.



Good eye! I fixed it now, added in the Bungee attraction where Skyhawk used to be (REALLY miss that ride).

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Was just looking at what we've dubbed 'Anton's feet' (loop footers) the other day at the GWW event, since they are using back stage road from the Inverti-garden up to the restrooms be Delirium. The back half of the park is blocked off.


I wish I tried the Skyhawk ride, had intentions on doing it as a kid to break fear of being inverted but the lines kind of made me look for something else to ride, probably being Triple Play (what a fun ride that was!).


Since we are in a nostalgic mood, here's some neat little photos I scanned a month ago at work, from old 35mm slides...really great condition slides at that considering the time frame of the park.


Let's start with a video first, that I captured last year...had a mix of stuff, including Star Wars and other TV shows...this caught my interest immediately!


Start off with Tidal Wave in it's original paint job. And what do we have behind there?


Turn of the Century making its turnaround before the drop. Note the lack of office buildings in the area. Also, I spy another Schwarzkopf ride hiding out back...


Last but not least, the 2 flumes: Logger's Run and Yankee Clipper! Sadly I never got to ride Yankee, would have loved to see what that little jump was down at the bottom.

Edited by Angry_Gumball
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Ohh shivers!!! I remember walking by the Tidal Wave at night seeing the waves all lit up. I rode Yankee Clipper but I think it was just a mirror image of Loggers Run except for the straight drop ending which was the only difference. I remember in 1998 I got stuck on the Clipper at the top but only for like 10 min. & Ah the Lobster next to Tidal Wave. I am sure I only rode it once in 1991. My friend had me go on the Revolution in 1993. I was so scared I thought I was going to fall out I was clinging on for dear life! After the ride I was pretty upset. Since then I've only been on it 2 other times. I so wish they would bring back that Temple movie in the Action Theater. That was much more decent than Spongebob. & Who could forget the loud hum noise from Triple Wheel. I can still hear it. & Even though I'm an adult they still let me on the Smurf coaster. I rode Tidal Wave like 8 times in a row(that was a bit much!) & Invertigo in 2011 3 times in a row(that was too much!). Stealth I didn't get to ride so much -no more than 5 times because there was always a long line.

Edited by #1rollercoasterfan
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^We still ride the former Blue Streak (Now Woodstock's Express) to this day...in fact we got a whole group of us one time and took over the ride! And Invertigo...that was 1 coaster I could not do more than 3 times back-to-back. Honestly, after the 3rd ride I felt pretty nauseous for a while. Perhaps it was due to being inverted 18 times in a rather short period of time.


Only 'old school' GA stuff I own is one of those tall hour-glass shaped water bottles with the Demon name on it...this was back when you could actually find ride-specific merchandise. I also have a map and brochure from 1999 (see CGA park index page since they've been posted there). Speaking of ride-related merchandise, I can probably expect to finally see another ride-specific shirt to add to my wardrobe this season...now instead of just only having general CGA and Flight Deck gear, I'm sure we'll see Gold Striker stuff!

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^OMG 18 times upside down on Invertigo that did it! I felt slightly not good after. Good thing I had my share of it right before it got taken out. I didn't realize it was 18 times upside down no wonder. Got to be careful can't ride some coasters like that too much! I am sure getting some Gold Striker souvenir this year. I sure hope it will be open 3/29 it should since other coasters in the park opened in March. I wonder when the announcement will be made.

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Back from a first 2013 CGA session (and a final GWW adventure). Not much has changed with Gold Striker however there were some workers out on the track, probably laying down steel (one can guess). We did have the threat of rain and it did in fact get us a bit wet...


Originally my first intended ride of the 2013 season was to be the Flyers but decided to kick off in celebration of the failed lawsuit by riding the wrist-breaking Bumper Cars. Now some highlights:

-Solo ride on Flyers, several times during the night

-Very uncrowded park...by 9:00 the park was dead

-Pouring rain ride on Delirium and Flyers (very interesting ride)

-Went flying down the Funhouse death slide and actually touched the wall bumper

-Managed to zip through the funhouse 'butthole' slide (Those who have read our updates or are part of our group know about this)

-Being recognized at the gate, a worker asks "Hey, are you guys part of Theme Park Review? I read that site all the time and look at the CGA thread!"


I managed to pull off about 6 total rides on Flyers, 4 times were back-to-back...also rode Delirium about 5 times (most I've ever done in a CGA visit), and actually pulled off Gravitron 3 times...normally after 1 ride, I'm spent and done with it for the night.


I lost track in how many deep puddles I stepped in as my feet are now all wet...water tends to collect in random spots along the paths...yea, not fun.


We're back!


More mystery parking lot markings...


Feed the lot...it's hungry!


Looks like perhaps some electrical work..."Possible Rewire"?


And to start off the night...not much has changed as far as GS goes, though there was some track work being done tonight.


...(feel free to add these to the park index!)


Meanwhile, Jeff looks like he's ready to take on the Star Tower...problem is, it's closed...sad day...




Tracked Prudential turn, looks sexy!


Lift still remains the same...but now that holidays are over and stuff, things should pick up!


A final look at what we saw last weekend before we move onto...


...Rue Le Fracture!


And then this ride...when it decided to begin raining pretty hard. It made flying quite a challenge as I could not see what I was doing.


In the mean time after the rain passed, we were in this weird bubble for quite a while while it rained elsewhere!


However, this was closed all night...note the oily surface and how the water just sits and beads up.


This was down too...boo!


Meet Mr. Ice Cream!


Death Wheel warning signage for you sign enthusiasts :)


Speaking of the Death Wheel, here's a view of the rather vacant CGA lot...more on this later :)


Night time GS shot...




In the mean time, it's time to hit up the funhouse again...this thing's quite a workout, a test on your equilibrium, and a test of pain!


It was part water ride tonight too :)


Reason why my backside's all wet...after flying down at Mach 5 speeds before hitting the wall! The inflatable pillow acted as a slip 'n slide.


Someone's coming down!


Jeff flying down at nearly the same speeds as I pulled off




Back over to the death carnival, I noticed the gate was open and could not resist the photo op.


And back for a final spin on the Gravitron...unfortunately someone in line....


...yes, did that. Why must GWW be the theme of butts and gas anyway?


Back over for a final session on Delirium where it was completely vacant...did I say how packed it was?


So packed, I had a hard time finding my way around the parking lot...so yea, that's it for the night...Hope to see GWW inside the park next year, it's been a pretty fun event to fill the void of the dreaded off-season...now a long (should go by quick) 2.5 months before CGA's normal op begins.

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