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Six Flags Magic Mountain Mark Shapiro Interview

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Are there any plans to put SOME theme work in around Scream? Anything to get rid of the parking lot look and feel of the ride.

This exact same question was asked during the DVD premiere last month. The answer from Jay was "It's something that's on our radar, not this year or next year, but maybe in the future..."


Honestly, if you want to ask it again, perhaps the more they hear it the more they may realize that people DO want to see it happen.



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Shapiro is definately taking the park and the company in the right direction, with the possible exception of showing old episodes of American Bandstand in the ride queues (lol). However, I don't agree with him in saying that a ride like Tony Hawk is specifically for 8-12 year olds. That is WAY too limited a demographic, and I know others have said the same. I believe that such a ride is supposed to appeal to 5-50 year olds, let's say. A "family" coaster is just that.

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I don't know, at least American Bandstand is better than nothing. You'd be amazed at how far a little entertainment in the lines can go. I loved the old cartoons they used to have at SFMM, but even a little music goes a long way.


I went to Cedar Point over the summer, and they do a good job of playing music in the queues for their coasters. We spent about 90 minutes waiting for Raptor which gets their 'classic rock' sound track. During Billy Joel's 'Piano Man' I'd say about 70% of the line was singing along and goofing off with each other. I don't need to tell you what happened in other ride's lines when YMCA (another groaner) hit.


That's the thing I like about MS. He seems to get that these small details make all the difference. You can build a 10 million dollar roller coaster and people will complain about your park afterwards if a few hundred thousand dollars worth of theming / line entertainment is missing.


Is Bandstand way too corny? Definitely... but that makes it perfect for this sort of atmosphere.

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Here's an article from the San Jose Mercury News:



While nothing much new (although the Cyber Cafe sounds cool), it does confirm the addition of a coaster in 09.

A new thriller will open in 2009, the first coaster since X debuted in 2002. Shapiro, who's not inclined to hop aboard X2 with its churning barreling turns, would only say the new one is more his style.


More his style. Hmmmm. In the article he did say he wasn't too fond of inversions.

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Here's an article from the San Jose Mercury News:



While nothing much new (although the Cyber Cafe sounds cool), it does confirm the addition of a coaster in 09.

A new thriller will open in 2009, the first coaster since X debuted in 2002. Shapiro, who's not inclined to hop aboard X2 with its churning barreling turns, would only say the new one is more his style.


More his style. Hmmmm. In the article he did say he wasn't too fond of inversions.

I wouldnt trust that article. Its full of errors, saying that X was the last thing installed. Did they forget about Tatsu and scream.
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It still baffles me that Shapiro called Tony Hawk a ride for 8-12 year olds, when here he is, then 36, riding a Tony Hawk clone (albeit shorter) with his son Jack, then 5.

I'm guessing that what he meant was, that the "target" age is 8 to 12 year olds. That doesn't mean people outside the target age can't ride or won't enjoy it.


Personally I think that demographic is a bit off. Tony Hawk's Big Spin carries a height restriction of 42", which on average is a 5 or 6 year old.


I would think that the "primary target" would be more like 6 to 15 year olds. With a secondary being the adults.


I would think that theme park marketing surveys would probably show that adults 21 and over would probably prefer bigger rides like Goliath, Batman, Tatsu, etc, that are a bit more challenging than Big Spin.



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Great Interview Robb. It answered a lot of questions I had.


My first reaction to Shapiro talking about getting rid of rides with with high running costs and low ridership was that Superman: the Escape might be one of the next attractions on the chopping block. I've always heard that the amount of electricity it takes to run costs the park a small fortune. I was not able to attend the DVD party, Was anything said about Superman?



Also While I think a Tony Hawk coaster is a perfect addition to a smaller park like SFDK I worry that it is too low capacity for a big attendance park like SFMM.

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Also While I think a Tony Hawk coaster is a perfect addition to a smaller park like SFDK I worry that it is too low capacity for a big attendance park like SFMM.


Yeah, I think it is too low capacity for a park like SFMM to market it as a new, big, major, one of a kind attraction. I think the thing to do would be to open it with a major roller coaster as well, similar to what they did with X and Deja Vu (and misleadingly advertising Goliath Jr. as "new").

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Also While I think a Tony Hawk coaster is a perfect addition to a smaller park like SFDK I worry that it is too low capacity for a big attendance park like SFMM.

Well, we will see how rides like Dark Knight do at giant parks like Great Adventure and Great America.


My first reaction to Shapiro talking about getting rid of rides with with high running costs and low ridership was that Superman: the Escape might be one of the next attractions on the chopping block.

I'm not sure who said this, but I remember someone saying that the cost of removing this ride is actually quite insane. Keep in mind, to remove it, they need to rent that *GIANT* 40-story crane again! I had heard that the Los Angeles area doesn't have many of those available (they are all in Zaragoza or Dubai!) so the cost of that is quite high.



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^Hmm...You do have a point there about the crane. The only thing I can think of is this:


TPR: When asked about taking out older rides -

Mark Shaprio: "It's about taking out what's not working. The old philosophy would just let rides sit there and rot. We are going to go through our park and clean them out. We have a master plan. You might not see an immediate exchange, but in time we will fill out the park."


So I'm kind of confused. I highly doubt Superman is getting taken out in the near future. Maybe they're saving money to get rid of it?

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I'm guessing that Shapiro and crew have decided that S:TE is still popular enough to keep. It's really not *that* bad a ride, the length of the airtime is pretty much unmatched. I just wish they ran it to specs, and maybe gave it a little more TLC. I guess a paint job would have been a little cost prohibative, but then again a giant red, blue and yellow structure would be a bit of an eyesore.

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I have a question about the elephant ears. Have they already been installed? If they have been they look a lot different from the original X. In the pictures it looks more like a cover over the mechanical parts than a shield. I kind of like it, it adds a sence of danger to the ride.

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I just had a thought: Did they paint these chairs with the new 15-year paint? If not, they should! Think of how much longer they could go without repainting!



Seriously, though, I didn't listen to the interview, but I'll say once again that I'm looking forward to the direction SFMM takes in the years to come. It will finally become the park it should always have been!


About the clone issue...I wish people would get off of that. When will you "clone haters" realize that the parks are built for the enjoyment of the general public---most of whom know absolutely nothing about similar rides in other parks.


Sorry to get...huffy...but even as an enthusiast, I have no problems with the same ride being at different parks. If it's a good ride, then who cares?



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I don't think Tony hawk and Dark knight will come in 2009 (I hope not) !


I am sure Magic Mountain is more original than that. Tatsu is unique and so popular !


B&M = well there is still one missing : the Vertical coaster (like Sheikra and Griffon in Bush Gardens parks) could be a giant addition in the new few years... A new kind of coasters in the Six Flags !


Intamin = We could still hope for a Kingda Ka like, that would be perfect to replace the not so good Superman (and there are no loops on this) as it is higher and faster.


And like you, I think a wooden coaster like El Toro is missing (Colossus is not really good and Psyclone was so bad).

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