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Six Flags Magic Mountain Mark Shapiro Interview

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He has some good plans. I just dont like the putting the same rides in different parks over and over again. I want to see more original rides.

To be fair, this isn't anything different from what they were doing in the past or what other parks have done.


They have been putting in 'clones' as far as I can remember.


- Racer clones went into 3 Kings' parks in the 1970s

- ArrowMulti-loop clones (or very similar versions) went into Six Flags parks in the 1980s

- Batman clones in the 1990s

- Space Mountain is found in almost every Disney park - 3 of them exactly the same ride

- The list goes on and on....


I think as long as you still see some parks getting original coasters it makes sense to put clones into the others. You'll just have to wait your turn until you get your original.



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^And if they decide to clone rides like:


- El Toro

- Batman

- Raging Bull

- Freeze

- etc.


People wouldn't be complaining as much!


Again, they're not trying to impress us, they're trying to impress families and if you can take your kid to any Six Flags park in the country knowing there will be a core group of rides that the kids already know and love that's great!

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The way I see the situation with clones is that for some smaller parks in the chain, the extra cost of designing an original coaster could potentially make the difference of whether or not the park builds the ride. It makes more sense to put in a proven ride that will end up being cheaper because the design aspect has pretty much been taken care of.

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^^ Not only the design aspect, but the manufacturing and installation aspects as well. It's creating an economy of scale for an attraction. The more you build it, the less expensive each individual one becomes, theoretically. There is a place. My hope would be that, even if they clone the ride, it'd have a different name. However, I can see how that would not be helpful in brand creation, but a boy can dream.

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As for the SFMM getting a woodie, I asked this to one of the top guys the other day, the answer was sad but true. They love El Toro, want it, but if they put it in, too many people will confuse it with Psyclone. And the problem is, they are 100% correct. (I will keep pushing for it though!)


This is a good point. If yo put an El Toro clone back where Psyclone was, people will not realize there is a difference, they'll just remember Psyclone and assume they've been on it before. People hated Psyclone as well. I remember running my website and often people would just mention to me what rides in the park they liked. I almost never found a person who told me about how much they enjoyed Psyclone, in fact I got the more complaints about that ride then any other one in the park. Oddly enough there seemed to be almost a cult following towards Flashback. I got emails from people telling me they hated it, but there were also some who enjoyed it. I know that, personally, if the ride was open and I was there I would always go on it, however I almost never took a ride on Psyclone. I think if SFMM is going to add another woodie, they've got to wait a while and let people adjust to Psyclone being gone. Then eventually build a new wooden coaster.

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REVOLUTION... Revolution... anyone anyone anyone, Shapiro?


I know it's MY problem, but I tend to listen to the corporate park people with a large brick of salt, and always ready to pounce.


Took me a few to decompress, but Mr. Mark seems to be on things in a good way. I am impressed!


Now, lets get rid of Flash pass and all of that other greedy "look I have more money than you do" crap.


Can't wait to get back to the Mountain. Geez, it's been 9 years!

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Nice interview, much better than when he first appeared at SFMM, stood in front of the new Tatsu and proclaimed SFMM was now going in the family friendly direction! Ah, irony. I remember back then thinking this guy must be out of his mind to downplay the coasters of SFMM on Tatsu's media day. It's good to read that he is far more positive about SFMM this time around.


I would just hope that he also learned a lesson about socal's media. The ran with the SFMM is closing story, and never did an update about it, to remind people that it isn't in danger of closing. And the media recently did it again with headlines about the SFMM possibly being up for sale (along with other parks). SF has to be very careful about how they deal with the press or else this impression of SFMM being in constant danger of being sold off at any moment is going to stick.

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Great interview, Robb. I love listening to Shapiro talk. He sounds like a "reggalar guy," as they'd say in Chicago, but then he'll drop in some business lingo about advertising "assets." If nothing else, he's candid about the situation the Six Flags parks are in.


I'm not too concerned about the cloning issue. I got the impression he meant, "Would you prefer more smaller rides like Tony Hawk and Dark Knight, or just a few big rides at select parks?" I don't think custom rides are by any means dead. Especially as space for new rides gets tighter... it'll get harder to just drop a clone in.


I think the best thing he discussed was "striking a balance" between appealing to all the different demographics of park visitors. He's obviously got a keen sense of who's riding everything they put in the park, down to age ranges. I think enthusiasts will have no problem embracing that concept. I only hope that the Six Flags investors understand the "patience" concept.

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^ They haven't been built yet.


Also, I think we have warned you before, but please use proper grammer in your posts. Thank you.



OH. Did I read it right or did they say there will be a new coaster by 09.

Wonder where they will build it. (psyclones old spot (good for a big coaster) flashback (unless that will be used for Hurricane Harbor) and free-fall's spot)

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^ No, you didn't read that right. They said they were "looking into options" for a new coaster in '09. They did not say there "will be" a new coaster in '09.


Also, once again, you are not using proper grammar in the forum right after I have warned you...again. Enjoy your 24 hour ban.


Please READ the posting rules of the site.



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I think major amusement parks should have at least 2 woodies. Building another in Psyclone's spot seems to be the most obvious location. SFMM is primarily a local's park, and I think few would mistake it for Psyclone, considering Psyclone has been gone for a year now and it would be another year before possible construction would begin, anyway. Even so, just as Psyclone built a bad reputation over time, enough to keep lines short, an El Toro clone would build a very good reputation. Families with young kids are a very good thing for the park. More admissions is good for business, and the parents of these kids would likely not have a chance to get on any of the "big" rides, leaving those lines shorter.

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Oh please so you guys are trying to say that people are just so stupid that they cannot tell the difference between a brand new 180+ foot tall, Intamin wood masterpiece http://rcdb.com/ig3183.htm?picture=6 From the 90 foot tall rotting condemed dilapidated POS that was there http://rcdb.com/ig27.htm?picture=3 is utter BULLSHT! and ridiculous


If this is the case then what the hell are they wasting 10 million dollars on this re-birth of X if people are so stupid they are just going to think it's the same old X with a new paint scheme anyways.


I just know if they can't seam to find a way to get an Intamin plug n play woodie in by 2010 then I'm with Wes pave the biotch!!! Because imo the last thing SFMM needs is another steel coaster, theres enough B&M crap to last a lifetime. Put some new blood into this park like some launched coasters, wood, drop tower/flat thrill rides.


So 2009 is looking like a Tony Hawk/ or Batman Dark Knight coaster with Wiggles World


2010 ??? He says he like big drops and doesn't like to be inverted so my god please let it be, let it be, let it be EL Toro West


Anyways great job, Rob (TPR)

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^^^X2 is a little different. But If there were 2 wood coasters in the back corner (with wood finishing), I really think that might confuse guests that haven't been there in a while, especially non-locals. They might think its the same woodie they rode 10 years ago.


^I enjoy dumb people, It's easier to take advantage of them.


I'm hoping for a woodie as well, however i despise the idea of a Tony Hawk or Wiggles World. Maybe i'm just getting old but I just don't see how these themed rides appeal to kids, I'm certainly not impressed by what I've seen SF do with them thus far.

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Come on SFMM, put in a "Land of the Giants" where Psyclone once stood! Ever since those giant flat rides were created, I have been dying to see an whole area dedicated to them be built. Imagine the jump in ride capacity the park would get. It would also give the park much needed flat rides, and extreme ones at that!



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How in the hell is a change of paint and new trains X2 a new coaster? But to build a new wooden coaster would come off to people as just being the same old psyclone is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life. So this means SFMM could never build another wooden coaster because no matter where they put it people are so stupid they are going to think it's psyclone. So I guess if SFMM builds a drop tower people are going to pass it up thinking it's the Freefall they rode 10 years ago


So I guess people that haven't been to SFSTL in a while/and or they're just so stupid is going to think Evil Knevil is the Boss. Why would parks like Holiday World and others have 2 and 3 wooden coasters if people are so stupid they cannot tell whats new and whats old, or whats the difference between the Raven and the legend


I'm not to hot on the wiggles world thing either but the Tony Hawk and Batman Dark Knight type coasters I'm all for. These are the types of rides the park should have been adding, rides the entire family can enjoy Instead of parking lot POS like Scream.


Yeah that Land of the giants area sounds great! I've dreaming of that for years, sounds much better then a wiggles world. Yet people might think it's the same rides that's been sitting there for 10 years and past them by so it's might be just a total waste of money lol

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^ Calm down. No one really needs to hear you yelling at them.


X2 is not a "new" coaster. It's an upgrade...and enhancement. Just like SheiKra's floorless trains.


It's not like they are painting it, giving it new trains and calling it something different.


I think your comparisons are completely invalid.


--Robb "Your obnoxious attitude is really not going to get you any positive responses." Alvey

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I think too many people are immediately assuming a coaster is coming next year, just because it was stated as a rumor. Don't completely assume. Although, if one were to be made, I'd guess it'll be one of the recent popular clones visible through other SF parks.


Although I love the sound of a new coaster, I'm much more anticipating a decent "mid-thrill" flat.


HUSS's Land of the Giants is both an interesting, yet unreasonable idea. Perhaps a giant frisbee and maybe a Giant Topspin. Hell an average Topspin works as well. But all four of the rides included in the package would be too much.


I think believe SFMM is the only "thrill" park in California that doesn't have a "tween/teen" based thrill ride.


Hoping to see some changes,



Btw, thanks for the interview Robb.

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Here's a question I'd love to ask (and hope to ask at WCB if I get the chance): Are there any plans to put SOME theme work in around Scream? Anything to get rid of the parking lot look and feel of the ride. My wife said it best: "When you're on the ride you can't 'un-see' the parking lines. It takes away from what is a decent ride" What I'd LOVE to see is some sort of beach theme, fake sand, maybe a palm tree... the kind of stuff they have over at hurricane harbor. What I'd be very happy to settle for is simply painting over that pavement, or replace it with the 'rock garden' that most coasters are over.


As for the rest, I am not a fan of flat rides by any means. I rarely, if ever, go on them... but every time I've gone to a theme park half of the group is just dieing to get in on one. While I personally love the coasters and little else, Magic Mountain really needs to work on their flat rides. A new set of state of the art rides in the Gotham city backlot would go a long way.

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