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NoLimits Coaster News!

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Damn, I wish i'd known how awesome customer service was, since I didn't back-up my installer when my old laptop suddenly bit the dust I rebought it. Oh well was still worth every penny even paying twice.

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Hi, everyone. The latest twitter update is that they are going to release a new video once their facebook page reaches 1000 likes. They are currently at 951, so please spread the word and LIKE their page!


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nolimits.coaster?ref=profile




We have 917 likes on Facebook! If we get to 1000 we'll release another #NoLimits2 video showing more new features!
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This is absolutely amazing. Incredible. The Dev team has outdone themselves. I do have a question regarding POVs. In the teasers, while riding the rides, the 'camera' or viewpoint is no longer - how do I put this correctly - 'mounted' and moves around based on track movements (i.e. If ride goes down to the right, the 'camera' turns to the right). Will there be a way to make POVs or 'ride' your rides with a 'mounted' POV option or setting?


Sorry if this is confusing, it's a bit difficult to put into words . . .

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The traditional Fly-By view is still there and we used it in some shots during the Tango video. We have been showing off the on-ride views with the "look ahead" feature enabled. You'll still be able to do the same Robb Alvey* POV style shots as you did in NoLimits 1.


*Robb Alvey commentary not included unless Robb is standing behind you.



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So some people have mentioned the sound being upgraded as well. Does this mean we will hear more details as in the infamous LIM/LSM screeches or the sound that magnetic brakes make? I know they're quieter, but they still have that nice hum to them when the train first hits them!


No matter what, this simulator is going to be the best yet!! I honestly thing that you guys need to be convicted of murdering the Coaster Simulator world! GAME OVER!!!!


Cant wait for the 10th and also for the demo! I need to see just how good my existing computer or laptop will handle this beast!! Do you know the specs for the rig that was able to handle the sim at the highest settings? I guess now is a good time as any to start on my custom rig and I want to shoot for that!

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...unless Robb is standing behind you.

Is this an optional add-on?


It'd make for a great challenge though, take the commentary from one of the videos or make a mix and then design a ride around it to try and sync up with the audio and make a great layout.

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Maybe in the future they can have Robb record thousands of lines and depending on the element, it can generate a pre-recorded commentary. I mean the Sports games can do it for their commentary, so why not NL?

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Who else here will be watching the internet tomorrow night to see if it releases at midnight?


Come Friday..... there goes my social life for a few weeks.


But which time-zone midnight? I'm not quite sure where the original no-limits was made.

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Just a quick PSA - like I said in the announcement thread, all current Games Forum rules apply upon the release of NoLimits 2! You need three pieces of media to start a new thread for a project, otherwise use the Preview thread.


Don't just start a NoLimits 2 project thread for the sake of being the first one either! Placeholder threads will be deleted!

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^As much as I am impressed with the coaster as well as the weather featured in the video, I was kinda hoping that the last coaster would be a surprise that would be kept secret until tomorrow. Still love it, though.

Edited by Tanks4me05
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Awesome! Looks really cool.


I was actually a little surprised that this coaster style made the cut, I figured it's similarities to the Intamin coasters would leave it for future updates or something. But vartiey is awesome. So yay!


Could we get an answer though about when exactly to expect the release though, time and timezone-wise? I want to know if to stay up tonight or wake up early tomorrow!

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I was actually a little surprised that this coaster style made the cut, I figured it's similarities to the Intamin coasters would leave it for future updates or something.

I don't think that at all, Mack Mega >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Intamin Accelerator coaster.

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Will there be any smooth shading in NoLimits 2 for lower-polygon models? I read something about NoLimits 2 having materials, but I'm not sure.

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