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  1. Everybody was coaster riding! Those trains went fast as lightning! NoLimits 2 Screen Shot Saturday Madness May 13th, 2017 -Ride_Op
  2. Creativity is dripping out of this week's NoLimits 2 Screen Shot Saturday Madness May 6th, 2017! Go vote for all your favorites and share them everywhere! -Ride_Op
  3. With these images I pronounce thee NoLimits 2 Screen Shot Saturday Madness April 29th, 2017! -Ride_Op
  4. The time of the voting has commenced! Make thy voice heard! NoLimits 2 Screen Shot Saturday Madness April 22, 2017 -Ride_Op
  5. We're back after a week of fun with an all new NoLimits 2 Screen Shot Saturday Madness for April 8th, 2017! -Ride_Op
  6. The time is now. The task is Vote. The gallery is NoLimits 2 Screen Shot Saturday Madness March 25, 2017 -Ride_Op
  7. Picture if you will, pictures of roller coasters, created by mad people. Only these pictures have come for you directly from... NoLimits 2 Screen Shot Saturday Madness March 18, 2017 -Ride_Op
  8. Screenshots for me! Screenshots for you! I'll have a screenshot! You have one too! NoLimits 2 Screen Shot Saturday Madness March 11, 2017 -Ride_Op
  9. Check out the full gallery for this week's epic batch of screenshots! NoLimits 2 Screen Shot Saturday Madness March 4th, 2017 -Ride_Op
  10. Why for you no click this link? You click this link right now! NoLimits 2 Screen Shot Saturday Madness February 18th, 2017 -Ride_Op
  11. Our artists pour their hearts into these designs. Give them some hearts in return! NoLimits 2 Screen Shot Saturday Madness February 11th, 2017 -Ride_Op
  12. This is your brain. This is your brain on coasters. Notice how it's happy. Any questions? NoLimits 2 Screen Shot Saturday Madness February 4th, 2017 -Ride_Op
  13. Would you be so kind as to click this link? Trust me it's good stuff. NoLimits 2 Screen Shot Saturday Madness January 28, 2017 -Ride_Op
  14. I just can't decide, I love them all! NoLimits 2 Screen Shot Saturday Madness January 14th, 2017 -Ride_Op
  15. Get to the chopper and vote for a screen shot! NoLimits 2 Screen Shot Saturday Madness January 7th, 2017 -Ride_Op
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