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West Coast Bash 2008 - The Official Thread!

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Hey everyone!


We have posted our HUGE photo update from this past weekend's event at Magic Mountain. Check out 6 pages of photos including the X2 tour, a preview of the "Magic of the Mountain Sky Tower Museum", Thomas Town, and LOTS more here:


Official TPR *HUGE* Photo Update Posted!



Enjoy! Post your comments. Hope you love it!



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For all of you who didn't attend, I hope you have an idea of HOW FREAKIN' AWESOME an event it was! It really was, exceeded everyone's expectations. Is it March 2009 yet??? Seeing the report of last years' event was enough to convince me to attend this one, and if seeing this doesn't convince you to attend next year...well, are you sure you're on the right website? Thanks again to everyone who made it possible. Definately the best time I've *EVER* had at Magic Mountain, or ANY theme park for that matter!

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I used to work in food service back in the early 80's, is this a picture of Marcia Cantu? She was the head of the area I worked in, but from what I heard she was top dog for food at AFMM. If this isn't her, does anyone know if she's still there?


Look like the park is making a come back, nice to see really.


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Unlike Ryan's Delorean, Tatsu was running today.


What, he forget the plutonium or something?


*BTTF quote quota: met.*


F-4TH-VEH-588 is the next secret "numbers" code from Lost. You heard it here first!


That's it! All the Losties have to do is push F4 on the hatch keyboard if they can find it again, and they'll instantly "exit" the island!



That's actually a pretty beautiful shot.



"No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to ride Son of Beast!"


Awesome stuff here, folks. If I were to ever get out to California, your event would be the first thing I'd crash.


Dan "Mr. King's 1981 gem of a car nonwithstanding" Smith

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Thanks Robb! That XLR-8 Car made me cry a little. Insn't there a whole train from XLR-@ at SFMM?


I still don't understand that Chese ride! The one with the mouse cars. Can someone explain what did it used to do?




LoL That ride used to be right next to the panda express over by viper and I think they pulled it out to put in more tables for those resturants. The ride consisted of i think five or six of thos little mice carts that ran around a big piece of cheese...it was quite the thrill!!

Oh and Robb, kudos to you on your update and also putting on such a great event (along with all the others who put their hard work into it) I was unable to attend this year but cant wait till the day I can join all the fun.

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Thank you so much for all the fantastic comments regarding WCB. The entire TEAM here at SFMM & HH are very excited about the 2008 season. I really appreciate ALL the comments I received at the Q&A session, as well as, the comments shared with many of you throughout the day.


We realize we are not even close to perfect… however our goal is to be the absolute best we can be! We will accomplish this by listening to our employees, our guests, our enthusiast, and even our critics. With the implementation of the IBU, we will restore OUR PARK to GREATNESS!


I look forward to seeing each of you again in THE PARK!




Jay Thomas

Park President

Six Flags Magic Mountain &

Hurricane Harbor




Come on Robb… Manny?

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Great update!


I had such a great time at WCB. Thank you so much for all the work you went to in order to set all of this up. I am truly happy to be a member of Theme Park Review and I'm really glad I was able to take part in this event.


Of course, a HUGE thank you to Jay Thomas, Neal Thurman, and Tim Burkhart. You guys are making MAJOR improvements throughout the park. I am still blown away by what you did for West Coast Bash, and I can't wait to see what the next years will bring for Magic Mountain and Hurricane Harbor. (Keep pushing for that Deluge!)


Thank you all again. My family and I had a wonderful time.


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Can you tell us some questions people asked, and what the management answered? There had be some good questions people asked that would be nice to know the answers to.


Are the other X trains going to be completely dumped, or are they going to be used for back up during a small part of the season? Is it possible to use those again, or not? Let's say they use 3 new ones during most of the summer, and packed times. That means the off-season still won't have many of them running because they only have 3, and they need to refurb the coasters every year.


Maybe, the ride can't even run 3, but I would guess it could. They should have bought another one if they aren't going to ever use the old ones again just because SFMM is an open all year round park. It's not even that they can all fit on the track, but rather refurbishing.

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Can you tell us some questions people asked, and what the management answered? There had be some good questions people asked that would be nice to know the answers to.


Two questions were if there were any plans to restore Revolution and Colossus to their former glory. Sadly, they said no. Some crazy lady asked about the candy vending machines and the souvenir cups.


Are the other X trains going to be completely dumped, or are they going to be used for back up during a small part of the season? Is it possible to use those again, or not?


Skytower museum.

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Excellent report Robb, you had some very awesome pictures in there! My favorites being the two up in the Sky Tower at night.


Its funny finding myself in the pictures, some of them I didn't even know were being taken.


^That lady was crazy though. It's like, they give us Morning and Night ERT, breakfast and lunch, tours throughout the park, an opportunity to ask questions, and that old bag had nothing better to do than bitch out Jay because she lost $1.50 at the M&M machine! LOL! We all should have booed her out of the theater as soon as she asked the question. Same with the bathroom hooligan.


Regarding the old X trains, I think they should have set out a car or two of the old X trains and let us take sledgehammers and torches to them. Talk about fun!

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I have yet to see myself in any pictures---thankfully.


It's been a looonnnggg time since I went up in the Sky Tower at night. I'd forgotten how nice the view is after dark. Of course, the park has so many more coasters, and the surrounding area has developed so much more. Many things to see.


Now with the museum up there, the Sky Tower has become a destination within SFMM itself.



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^^ The candy lady yes, but the bathroom guy I have to respect. He, at least, was thinking things out in terms of prioritizing of funds. He just was unaware of the expense accounting behind all these specific projects, and I can't really fault him for that. However, if after it was explained to him, and to all of us at the same time, if people still don't get it, then what more can you say about it? If that explanation's unacceptable...I dunno, whoever'd think that would just have to be in denial or something.


^ YES! The Sky Tower's an attraction again! Isn't that awesome? I'm loving that. I just wish there was some sort of indicator in the front of the park or someplace that would tell guests when the Sky Tower was open and when it was closed. People aren't going to make that hike if they even THINK that the Sky Tower isn't open. I guess people could watch for elevators or something, but I doubt the general public would in large part think of something like that. Magic of the Mountain Museum is awesome though. Gotta love it!


-- PMM

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I still think a decent size electronic LED sign somewhere in Six Flags Plaza would do the trick. And they could post wait times for major rides.


Speaking of which, they could put small LED signs at each ride that would indicate the wait time. Those would replace the signs they have now, which are rarely correct anyway. If Disney can do that...



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That SO looked like a great time. and full-ride ERT at night, no less! I have hazy memories of when i used to go to the Mountain, but that's because of age, college, etc. What I do remember is that the place was awesome and here's to what looks like a new start!


Bravo all involved with the change and I really look forward to 2009 when I will be able to go on a few trips!





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