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West Coast Bash 2008 - The Official Thread!

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I must say, that seeing all the updates and the trip reports and photos from West Coast Bash really made me want to go to SFMM. It's been three months since i was there last. Too bad I didn't get the opportunity to go to this event, it really looked like a good time. There's always future events I guess. I can't wait til my next trip to SFMM, especially after X2 opens.

And I really liked what I saw from the Sky Tower, especially the night shots, they looked amazing!

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Oh, have you ever thought of doing a Mousefest/Mouseadventure style event at MM?

Enlighten us and we'll see!




(I hate reposting double quotes, but it was so many pages ago...)


MouseAdventure is a scavenger hunt style event that takes place during park operational hours at the DLR. Teams of 2 to 4 people are given quests and challenges which they must complete to receive points. Whichever team has the most points wins.


We have done several employee events like this at SFMM over the past year. (Magic Mountain Scav-a-ganza was the event name.) I have always wanted to do an event like this for guests, but we have never found the right group of people to market this toward. We seriously have 2 Scav-a-ganze events ready to go. Keeping in mind that this is more about the park, park knowledge, park history, company history, park layout, park minutia, and frankly focuses on things in the park you may have never noticed. One example of a challenge we had was using the Superman court yard. There are 10 light pillars surrounding the large "S" on the ground. We had teams start on the point of the "S", and we gave them a compass coordinate. They turned their compass which led them to one of the light pillars, where they found a letter they needed to write down, as well as a new coordinate. They repeated this for all ten lights, and then decyphered a final code word to receive points. If you participated in an event like this, you would never see the park in the same light again. When ever I am up at Superman, all I ever see is invisible lines connecting those 10 light pillars. This event can be done when the park is open, or closed. What do you think?

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/\ I think that having a mouseadventure style event at MM is a great idea. I've wanted to do mouseadventure a couple of times now, but something always held me back. If they did an event like this at MM though, I'd be sure not to miss it .


BTW wrs28330, have you ever participated in mouseadventure?

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I would be interested in an event like that.


WCB '08 was my first visit to MM in five years and I am already planning another drive this year


I have a few trophies from the Disneyland employee scavenger hunt, Minnie's Moonlit Madness," as well as the defunct car rally/foot rally, "Great Goofy Pursuit".


I probably wouldn't place at a SFMM event because I'm not super knowledgable about park history. But I did go through the Magic Pagoda, ride BOTH legs of the Eagle's Flight, and rode Mountain Express. So I have some knowledge of park history.


Anyone remember what "attraction" was located in the original location of Billy the Squid after it was removed but before they put in in the Jolly Roger?

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"Anyone remember what 'attraction' was located in the original location of Billy the Squid after it was removed but before they put in in the Jolly Roger?" (Revolucion)


Y'know, if there's anyone around here who should know this, I haven't a clue. I didn't even remember that there was anything there except the old Billy the Squid monster ride, and the newer monster ride known as the Jolly Monster. Then Tilt-a-Whirl formerly known as "Baile de las Flores" was put in.


Did any of this make sense?



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Ohhhh they are always having groups doing these hunts at Universal all the time. I'll never forget this one hunt that the people had to not only find out things about the park, but do amazingly stupid things and take pictures of it with a camera. It really brought a positive morale not only with the hunters but as well at the employees. I was asked 7 times that day if a person could give me a piggy back ride. It actually said on their hunt "Give an employee a piggy-back ride. 15 points!"

We should TOTALLY do a hunt like that at MM!

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I just have to interject that I think "Billy The Squid" is one of the most creative names for one of the old Eyerly "Monster" rides I have ever seen. I used to love those rides, we had one at Six Flags St. Louis called "Mo-Mo The Monster"-pretty cool, but not as cool as "Billy The Squid".


SFMM had some pretty creative and funky flat ride names.....if I remember correctly, Grinder Gearworks used to be called "The Electric Rainbow" (a 1970's ride name if I ever heard one) and the late Spin Out used to be called "Bottoms Up".


The scavenger hunt seems like a great idea. What would make it even more interesting is if it were combined with various clues leading to a central location-with each clue leading to another clue-so the clue at one location would direct you to location of the next, etc. similar to what they did in "It's A Mad World" and "Midnight Madness". Heck, I don't think it would matter how it were put together, I'm sure it would be fun.

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I enjoy doing point based scavenger hunts over the amazing race style scavenger hunts. I find that sometimes teams just follow each other around. We have had some pretty awesome scavenger hunts at the park at it would be great to do the same with TPR.

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"Anyone remember what 'attraction' was located in the original location of Billy the Squid after it was removed but before they put in in the Jolly Roger?" (Revolucion)


Y'know, if there's anyone around here who should know this, I haven't a clue. I didn't even remember that there was anything there except the old Billy the Squid monster ride, and the newer monster ride known as the Jolly Monster. Then Tilt-a-Whirl formerly known as "Baile de las Flores" was put in.


Did any of this make sense?




I'm not 100% sure of the exact name, but I think it was called "The Turtle". It was a self-propelled vehicle for kids that they also sold at that location. I think it was only there for one season. Perhaps somebody came down from Samarai Summit to make some turtle soup.


I found something online that is similar if not the same:


The Flying Turtle! (Wild child not included)

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  • 2 weeks later...

^ Yes, you are correct. I wish I would have seen Ed's post earlier.


That's me with Rhonda Holland. She came from Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom where we worked together on our TPR event there.


Marcia is still at the park. I spoke to her the other day at the new Cyber Cafe (which is amazing, BTW!)


Not sure if this helps or not, but that's at least some information for you.



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