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Kennywood (KW) Discussion Thread

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Ho, ho, ho, it looks like Kennywood is doing it again by bring in a type of ride that I know I would like to ride, but would had to travel to Kings Island or Cedar Point to ride it.


And for the record - "I'm not afraid of spiders!"


"Well, goody - you wanna cookie?"


"Chocolate chip please!"


"I'm just lying here in bed, so I don't have anything I would like to say."

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Since the Pitt Fall didn't really take up space, they should bring back a modified version of it. Same style of ride, but better equipment.


I doubt that, they said the reason for removing the pitfall was that the popularity had decreased, and it was not justified to keep the ride running anymore.

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First off, my wife and I absolutely LOVED the Holiday Lights event at Kennywood!! They did a marvelous job with it. And I'm excited to hear that it was such a success that they are looking to expand it next year. Their website already mentions it will start in November next year.


As for Black Widow, I am thrilled with the addition! I loved Pitt Fall, but since it had to go, I just hoped we would get a thrilling replacement. Giant Frisbees are one of my favorite flats, and I've only heard great things about the Zamperla models. I've heard some mention on other sites that this is "too close" to Cosmic Chaos, but I totally disagree. Chaos spins faster while not getting very high, while Black Widow (at its peak swings) will be nearly as high in the air as Phantom's lift hill!

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"X" marks the spot for a perfect space. This area could house a drop ride that is a little smaller and still keep the existing Phantom queue.




I photoshopped your picture by putting Black Widow there, it does NOT fit there, it would look too ugly. A small ride such a breakdance would be nice there.

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^ I was actually referring to a smaller drop tower to replace Pitfall from the previous discussion there. Something along around the size of a tower at Waldameer.


Though, it still wouldn't really fit in there nicely, you need to build tall rides further away.

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I too would like to see a drop tower of some kind return to the park in the future. As for placement, what about in King Kahuna's old location? It's still towards the front of the park and would be visible as people drive up to/enter the park. I'm not sure about tower sizes however and if it would even fit there. I like the idea of a ride in that area by Phantom's first drop, although for some reason I think a drop tower there might look "cluttered".


What type of tower would you guys like to see? The type up at Waldameer, as someone else mentioned, packs a nice punch. I wouldn't mind seeing one of those around the 200-foot range.


And while we're talking about rides we'd like to see there, can we please add a Ferris Wheel to the park again? Maybe it's just me, but a traditional park like Kennywood just seems naked without one.

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That logo guarantees I'm not heading back to Kennywood anytime soon. That's something their marketing department should have -really- thought about in depth prior to creating it: Spiders are one of the most feared items in the USA- and I know for me I'd not be headed to a park where that was on an attraction.


Huh? I really see nothing wrong with naming a ride after something scary or intimidating. Isn't that the point?


Arachnophobia is -nothing- to laugh at. For ANY reason. There's a difference between a scare, a thrill, and paralyzing fear. One can call a ride Black Widow and not necessarily put an enormous arachnid on the logo.

I guess it's a good thing the industry took Ophidiophobics into consideration then. We wouldn't wanna have any Vipers, Pythons, Black Mambas, Cobras, Anacondas, Rattlers, Diamondbacks, or anything similar out there.


I like the name and logo. Although, to whoever mentioned the "Pitt Pendulum" idea....that was brilliant.

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The fine folks over at Kennywood Connection have posted an album with some great off-season pictures from a recent visit to the park, including quite a few showing off Black Widow's construction progress! Also included are a few pics showing off some general park improvements.


Check them out here - Kennywood 2012 Off-season/Black Widow construction pics


Teaser pic (courtesy of Kennywood Connection) -



We have feet!

Giant frisbees are my favorite flat ride, so I'm really looking forward to Black Widow, especially considering the rave reviews the Giant Discovery models have gotten on here! The new pavers look really sharp as well.

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Not really Kennywood, but close enough


OPENING SUMMER 2012 - Dragon's Den


Sandcastle's newest, breathtaking answer to those on a quest for maximum thrills. You'll catapult through mysterious darkness and then plummet into the mist-shrouded abyss of the dragon…only to vanish from sight! You won't believe it until you encounter it face to face.


Looks like a ProSlide Bullet Bowl for Sandcastle



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