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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - D23 announcement roundup for DL and DCA!

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As for the Tomorrowland redo, it had its fair share of construction walls as well - especially when they were building the tunnel for the Rocket Rods queue.

Like I said, I was expressing this purely from a "show" persepctive which seems to have been lost.


Again, and I will repeat myself since I'm assuming you didn't get to see the earlier post I made.


The whole of Disneyland didn't look ANYTHING like what the whole of DCA looks like now during the Tomorrowland rehab.


The Tomorrowland project actually shut down very few of the rides and closed off a small part of the park.


The DCA re-do seems to have affected large sections of the park and by the looks of it nearly 50% of it has some kind of construction going on somewhere.


That tunnel and the walls associated with it in Tomorrowland you speak of is a very small part of Disneyland. Whereas the Sun Wheel, the lake and all the surrounding areas make up a HUGE section of DCA. The construction is visible from many areas of the park. Even when they drain the Rivers of America to work on Fantasmic it didn't look this bad.



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Seriously is the only areas not affected by this right now are the Hollywood Backlot section and Flick's Fair?


And Condor Flats, and The whole Grizzly Peak area until you get to the San Fransisco area right in front of the dried up lake. So basically the whole front half of the park is as it was. You make it seem to be far worse then it actually is. I think of this as the same as when they drain The Rivers of America, it just all looks bad from a wide area (DCA's just happens to be a bit larger)


All that said, I just got back from there and man that one walkway Greg posted was pretty bad. I definitely don't think the construction is bad enough to shut down the whole park as the only ride down actually down is the Sun Wheel.

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You make it seem to be far worse then it actually is.

I think I'm just looking at this from a different perspective. Keep mind that many of you responding are passholders and locals that go all the time. So it's not a big deal if something is under construction or closed.


For me, I visit the Disneyland Resort once a year, *maybe* twice. And to me, I would feel walking into a park that looked like the pictures I see is not what I'm used to as a "Disney Consumer."



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^ This is true, but again, this is only effecting the back half of the park (I would say 35% maybe 40% of the park) It's still bad, but again the only ride that's closed right now is the Sun Wheel. I totally agree that it looks really bad from a themeing standpoint, but Mainstreet on Disneyland has been under some pretty heavy construction as well. I just don't think what they are doing right now warrents shutting down the whole park. Maybe it is me just being more "in the know" then a regular joe to know not to go to Disneyland and not expect some sort of construction during the begining of the year, pass or no pass.

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^ When I look at these pictures...





...to me that would be like walking out of Future World into World Showcase and seeing the entire lagoon drained, a bunch of tractors and construction vehicles in there and a bunch of the countries with scaffolding all over them!


I know it's hard to compare the two, but in my mind that's what I see.


Now keep in mind, just so you Disneyland locals and die-hards know, I'm not arguing that they shouldn't be doing any of this because by god DCA *NEEDS* it, and I absolutely know they can't close down the park because the economy doens't warrant it, I'm just simply saying the park looks like crap right now.


And I don't see how anyone could really disagree with that.


--Robb "If I were Disney I would be embrassed for the first time visitors." Alvey

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The park is HARDLY in shambles. Also, I have to say, the pictures seem to have shown one of the cleanest construction projects I've seen. All of the work is focused in Paradise Pier.


When I visited the park in January, I hardly noticed the empty Paradise Bay. Everything looks good around it. From Screamin, to Mania, to the Route 66 attractions. The only thing that is touched is the Sun Wheel. The only attraction that is closed in the park is the Sun Wheel. (The Mania extended queue walls should only there for a short time, they were around the other shade structure for about a week's time about a month ago.)


In a park who's main attendance is made up of local Annual Passholder's and other locals who generally have had a bad opinion of the park since day 1, isn't it obviously a good idea to keep the park open, allowing them to experience what they've already paid for, and allow them to see the huge changes that are taking place?


If you ask me, Disney isn't Lotte World, and isn't Cypress Gardens. They're a Resort destination that includes Guests who have paid for a vacation that includes two parks. The Guests still get to experience a pristine park during this construction project. It just wasn't reasonable to put a wall around the entire Paradise Bay when it's so big, and a majority of the attractions sit on the bay's edge.


With the way DCA is laid out, there's really no way they could cover up this huge construction project like you can with Rivers of America and Tomorrowland.


Just think about Carsland, it's going to be a bigger construction project than this, but will take place in an area of the park that's easily blocked off and bypassed.


I'm happy Disney still is going forward with this project even though it can be considered bad-show...Due to the circumstances, it's simply unavoidable. But I'll point out the pictures are focused at the items under construction. Even with how observant I am, it was very easy to ignore the big cement pit when I was there in January.


World of Color and the surrounding area upgrades should prove to be AMAZING additions to DCA. And I can't wait!

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The park is HARDLY in shambles....The Guests still get to experience a pristine park during this construction project.

Dane, while I respect what you have to say, I couldn't disagree with you more. The park looks terrible. I would wager money on that most people walking into the park who *ARE NOT* pass holders or ex-empoyees would also agree.


I never said there wasn't a way they could cover up this huge construction project. I never said that I wasn't happy that Disney is going forward with this project. And I agree with you that World of Color and the surrounding area upgrades should prove to be AMAZING additions to DCA.


I am simply saying, once again, the park looks terrible. And I realize it's unavoidable. Still, the park looks terrible.


isn't it obviously a good idea to keep the park open

I'm sick of repeating myself here. I will say this loud and clear so it doesn't come up again...





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I am a passholder and I have to agree with Robb. Empty cement pit was kinda distracting when they first drained it, but I think what makes it worse now is the construction walls in the little hub bewteen Bountiful valley Farms, San Fransisco, and Paradise Pier. It kinda felt like I was in a Haunt Maze with how little space there was. And again, even if you could overlook the empty lake on the North side by just looking up to California Screamin' (and an under construction SunWheel) looking at it from the other side gives you the Grand Californian expansion rising over the lagoon.

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I'll also point out...The pictures you posted above Robb, aren't really how I'd say an average park Guest would view it if they were walking through the park. A big majority of people focus on whats in the area around them. And if you were to snap pictures in the direction you were walking in around Paradise Bay, they would tell a different story. There's random objects/buildings/trees/attractions in between you and the construction project that grab your attention first. While the pictures do show that there's this huge ugly pit in the middle of everything, I think it's very different from how someone would view things if they were actually in the park.

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I think the point you're trying to get across Robb is getting "lost in translation." I understand both points of view but I do agree with Robb that judging by those pictures, if I were a first time visitor I would be pretty disappointed with the park's appearance. By the way I understand that the sun wheel is the only main attraction down right now but if I were taking a break in the park as a first time visitor I would have to admit I would be pretty disappointed at the current conditions that DCA is in.

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As a season pass holder in Tennessee (Yeah, that is correct), we usually visit the park 2-3 times per year and we really enjoyed some of old DCA views when we would eat in the Vineyard Room (RIP), riding on the Sun Wheel, and riding the Zeppelin ride. What really sucks is we are staying a couple of nights at the Grand Californian this trip and I made sure we DID NOT get a park view room so I didn't have this eyesore to look at. I am also predicting that with those narrow pathways, we will be over at Disneyland more this time where the paths are more stroller friendly.


Oh well, there is always next year!


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Here is my 2 cents. I think it would be great if Paradise Pier was completely closed off to the public, so the public could not see all the mess. As far as the "show" side of it they could have little peep holes to see the progress. They could desguize the back of the park and for now keep DCA "Another Land" of Disneyland for now until the transformation is complete. They could leave all the unaffected areas open.


Just include admission for both DCA and Disneyland Park with one ticket. No need for a park hopper until construction is complete. Again like Robb said I know the park needs to be open due to the economy. But I think they could get so much more done faster if they just completely closed Paradise Pier.



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I am also predicting that with those narrow pathways, we will be over at Disneyland more this time where the paths are more stroller friendly.


Oh well, there is always next year!


Just so you know, there are actually more narrow pathways in Disneyland right now due to construction. Most of the right side of Main Street is blocked off, and pretty much all of the walkway along the side and back of Big Thunder Mountain towards Fantasyland.


Right now, the only narrow pathway in DCA is the one section of about, eh, 40 feet or so, at one of the two entrances to Paradise Pier.

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The pictures you posted above Robb, aren't really how I'd say an average park Guest would view it if they were walking through the park....


Ok. I've walked through this park as an average guest quite a bit. I clearly recognize these views:









Sure, you can argue that some of these photos are being snapped in the direction of the construction. But these photos cover a LOT of ground.


I know you're just standing up for a park that you really love, that you used to work at, but hey, I used to work at the Disneyland Resort too, for nearly 5 years, and I'm probably just as excited about these new additions as you are, but I worked at Cafe Orleans when Fantasmic was being installed, the river was drained and the Mark Twain was ripped apart and THAT looked like crap. This looks even worse.


I'm just not sure how you can honestly say that this construction is "hardly noticeable" unless you just didn't want to notice it.


--Robb "Admission is the first step to recovery!" Alvey

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I'm just not sure how you can honestly say that this construction is "hardly noticeable" unless you just didn't want to notice it.


--Robb "Admission is the first step to recovery!" Alvey


I never said it was "hardly noticeable"...


I know were not going to agree on this...and nothing is wrong with that.


And I don't think that last part was necessary. No need to write me off as someone who needs recovery cause I have a different opinion, right? I may need help for other things, but not for my view of the State of DCA.


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Robb, remember, this is only the beginning. Soon the front 40-50% of the park will be walled off and resemble what the Paradise Pier area looks like now, only it will be much worse.


Who's looking forward to that entrance relocation?? 2010-11 will be fun times!


Get ready for 4-5 more years of DCA looking like crap!

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Matt, I'm thinking that might be why I think the park still looks good! LOL. Cause the wall for Mermaid still hasn't gone up, and the wall around the whole entrance plaza, and the wall around the Red Car system.


I think I just have that in my head as my view of the whole park being in shambles...this just doesn't compare to that!

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Except Robb is right - this current look of the park does look like crap. I'm only thinking of a time when "like crap" won't be anywhere close to the proper adjectives with which to describe this.


Since a whole lotta nothin' appears headed for Disneyland, the only real incentive left for me to renew my Premium AP in 2010-2012, apart from World of Color, is the morbid curiosity to be there to see all the front-side construction in DCA, and to do some grave dancing over the death of some of the old hardcore crappiness.

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Just so you know, there are actually more narrow pathways in Disneyland right now due to construction. Most of the right side of Main Street is blocked off, and pretty much all of the walkway along the side and back of Big Thunder Mountain towards Fantasyland.

I agree that this also looks very bad...




But that to me doesn't look anywhere NEAR as bad at DCA and I'm not even sure how you could compare the two.


This to me looks like typical off-season Disney reburbishments, DCA on the other hand looks like a park under construction!


Except Robb is right - this current look of the park does look like crap.

Again, this is all I'm saying. I'm totally thrilled that all these improvements and changes are being made. I can't wait to see the end result. It's just too bad the park needs to have to look like this during the process, and I know there's no way around it...it just looks bad!


I never said it was "hardly noticeable"...
When I visited the park in January, I hardly noticed the empty Paradise Bay.


And I don't think that last part was necessary. No need to write me off as someone who needs recovery cause I have a different opinion, right?


Dude that was totally just a joke. Don't take ANYTHING I say too seriously!


--Robb "Find a happy place...find a happy place..." Alvey


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