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Robb & Miles go to Erasure @ The Grove in Anaheim

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Hey everyone!


So I played the part of "honorary gay dude" went to the Erasure concert in Anaheim last night!


Ok, wait...this probably deserves a little bit of a backstory.....


Being that I had my "teenage clubbing years" in the late 1980s I was subjected to the transition between 80s music and 90s music. It was a very strange time, but I did have my "favorite" bands, most of which were still left over from the early 80s. And I *loved* going to see shows. From about '86 to '96 I probably saw over 300 different concerts (now granted 70 of them were Oingo Boingo shows, but that's another story...) with my favorites being:


1. Oingo Boingo

2. Erasure

3. Depeche Mode

4. Wall of Voodo/Stan Ridgway

5. Devo


Pretty much in that order!


Post '96, though, I got more into theme parks which sort of replaced my obsession for music and concerts, and I really didn't get to many shows other than seeing Weird Al at a couple of county fairs and "We Built This City" Starship at Epcot...so I don't think those really count!


During the recent Spain/Mini-Europe trip, Miles and I started talking about some of the shows we had seen in the late 80s early 90s and we realized that we had been to many of the same shows, and he just happened to mention that Erasure was playing the weekend after we got back from Spain.


He told me he'd take me, so how could I possibly turn down a date with Miles?


The show was really awesome and I like Erasure's new album a LOT! They played a good mix of "older stuff" and pretty much as long as I hear "Love To Hate You" live that made my night!


The "show" is still mostly Andy Bell prancing around the stage, and yes he looks a bit older, but the man certainly still can MOVE! And I love that Vince hasn't changed at all....still there almost "statue-like" with his laptop controlling the music while Andy sings, dances, and tells stories.


The've always put on a nice display of stage lighting and this setup with the plasma screens and different "levels" of the stage was no different. Very nice. Made it so everyone in the audience could see everything. I liked that!


Now keeping in mind that I haven't been to a concert venue in YEARS there were two things I noticed that interested me quite a bit:


1. No Smoking - When the opening band came on I thought to myself "Wow, you can REALLY see well in this place!" Thinking it was more to do with the venue "The stage is REALLY clear!" And then it hit me... "OMG, there's no smoke haze in the way!" Seriously what an AWESOME improvement the no-smoking policy is! Keep in mind, I have no issue with smokers at all, but it honestly really made the whole concert experience more enjoyable because you could really SEE what was going on!


2. The use of cameras and recording devices - I can remember in some of my early concert days that you were NOT allowed at all to bring in any cameras of any sort. They would make an announcement and there would be signs everywhere. Not sure if technically it's allowed or not today, but there were so many people taking pictures with cameras, cell phones, video etc, all over the place that is really surprised me! 10 years ago, it would be pretty obvious carrying a camera into a show, but I guess now, when everyone seems to have at least 2 megapixel quality camera in their phones, it's kind of hard to stop it! And since so much music promotion seems to be done over YouTube and iTunes now, I'm guessing it's a bit more sociably acceptable? I'm sure they still frown upon recording an entire show, but it certainly seemed ok to take pictures and captures a few video clips here and there!


Anyway, that's my "I haven't been to a concert in 10 years" experience, now onto some photos!


EDIT: I added an Erasure track for those of you who may not know who they are.


And as if photos weren't enough, here are Robb and Miles singing and dancing at Erasure!


I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not that when I see X, I know I'm home!

Anyway, it was a great night. Thanks again Miles!!!!


Yay! I finally made it to my exit.


This seems to be the average speed traveled when going through Los Angeles lately. :(


Ugh, my drive home wasn't much better....


Yay! Put your hands together for Erasure! What a great show!!!


Show is almost over! We're still having an awesome time!


Happy Birthday Lou! How was "A Little Respect" from 6,000 miles away?


It's a written law that every Erasure song needs to have the word "love" in it like 20 times.


In between songs everyone else looks perplexed, but Miles and I are as gay as ever!!!


More Erasure goodness!


Andy, his back up girls, and the creepy faces on the screens.


Yay! In case you weren't sure what show you were seeing, they reminded us!


Right before Erasure came on stage, Margaret Cho came out and did a "Lesbian Rap" called "Your Puss." It was very funny, very gay, and really quite awesomely strange! You can see a video clip of it (not filmed by me) here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCG3YhPIp10


We're all waiting for the stars of the night to come out. It looks packed, but there really was a lot of "room" to move, which I liked. I really hate venues where you're squashed next to each other.


The opening band was "Young Love." They were "ok", but they didn't say "thank you" to Erasure, which I thought was kind of rude.


Yes, I am now officially "gay!" (Where's my pink scrunchi?)


We headed over to The Grove...very nice venue! I liked it a lot!


Yay! I made it! My date with Miles started at Rubio's with fish tacos! Yummy! (heh...tuna taco!) =)


I am NOT amused!


But only going 20MPH for most of the way really sucked!


My day started off with a 2 hour and 15 minute drive from Valencia to Anaheim....Keep in mind it's only 60 miles.....

10. A Little Respect.mp3

EDIT! BTW, for those of you not familiar with Erasure, I'm sure most everyone has heard this song before, just didn't realize it was them....

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Haha...you turned gay.


I don't know about ANY of the bands you're talking about, but you've intrigued me to go and listen to them! Any suggestions Robb?


Glad to see you got out of the House and AWAY from TPR! (Saying that Jokingly)



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I don't know about ANY of the bands you're talking about, but you've intrigued me to go and listen to them! Any suggestions Robb?

How could you never have heard of Depeche Mode??? They still seem to play to nearly sell out crowds today!


I'd check out Oingo Boingo. It was the band that film composer Danny Elfman had for 17 years. If you liked the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack, you'll love Oingo Boingo.


Jeeze, Erasure? I know two people to love them, my mom and my friend(who is gay of course)

Your mom is gay? Wow, that explains a LOT!



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How could you never have heard of Depeche Mode??? They still seem to play to nearly sell out crowds today!


The crowds are sold out because old people have lots of money


Yeah, coastering has pretty much replaced my former obsession with raving/clubbing. Though there was a 2-3 year gap between the two where I was too busy with work and school to have any hobbies.

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Hey Robb, great TR of some obscure band from the 1980's.


I bet now you're really peeved at anybody under the age of 18 for making you feel old because Jahan, Ryan, and I still don't know who Erasure is.

Not at all! I just assume that you really don't know much about music if you consider them 'obscure', that's all.


I'm more confused as to why you seem to make more obnoxious comments like this one more often than ever before....


--Robb "You never used to be like this...." Alvey

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Depeche Mode is great, I love their version of "route 66" and that song "Precious".


It's funny, my hotel was right in that same area where the Grove is only a couple weeks ago and I remember saying how nice it looked, as does most of Anaheim.


Looks like the Curse of Route 5 is still going strong, I'm going to be living right off the 91 freeway in less than a month so I have to get used to this Cali traffic.

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Dang, what a great trip down memory lane!! I'd have to add Information Society to that list.


Oingo Boingo was GREAT!!! Incredible music and one hell of a stage show to go with it. For those of you who don't know who Danny Elfman is, he was in OB as mentioned and then got into film composing. He's pretty much Tim Burton's personal composer for his movies. Here's a small list of the movies he's done:


Pee Wee's Big Adventure

Big Top Pee Wee


Edward Scissorhands

Nightmare Before Christmas

Midnight Run

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Amazing Stories


and the list goes on and on.... He truly is an amazing composer and provided some great music back in the days. If I'm not mistaken, isn't Oingo Boingo feature in the movie Back to School as the band during some party?


Sorry Robb, just had to

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Awesome Robb. A Little Respect kickes ass then, and it still kicks ass now.


I mean it's no "Final Countdown," but still awesome nonetheless. Depeche Mode, Erasure and Tears for Fears, were som of my favorites back then too!

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It's a written law that every Erasure song needs to have the word "love" in it like 20 times.



ROFLMAO!!!!! It's funny cause it's TRUE!


It was my honor getting you out of your Theme Park Ghetto and back into the Concert and Gay Ghettos for the evening Robb. Although the str8 OC Republicans were well represented, you have to admit.


We forgot the damn pink scrunchie in the car...you really should have worn it.


And E...when the N*SYNC reunion happens it'll be my treat.

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AWESOME Photo TR! I thought I was the only one stuck in the 80's (well, not stuck but I prefer that music more than almost anything else.)


I luckily got to see Oingo Boingo back in 1987 while I was graduating from college. Great show....and one I remember fondly along with shows by The Alarm, Timbuk 3, The Mission UK, Gene Loves Jezebel, and one of my favorite triple bills; Gene Loves Jezebel, Echo and the Bunnymen, and New Order.


Thanks for the pics and video! Sure takes me back!!

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Stuck in the 80's...yep I am one of them too!


Depeche Mode - my fav band of all time with New Order being 2nd.

DM's Violator is my favorite album of all time. Their latest album "playing the angel" might be a close second.


I have seen DM 4 times, most recently Dec 2005 in Atlantic City.


I used "Precious" for a coaster video of Williams Grove/ Dorney Park not realizing how prophetic it would become since Williams Grove closed.





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Robb I just feel now like I'm in some "Chains of love!"...




Seriously kids, go check out the groups he listed. Depeche Mode and Erasure are both great.


I know you young whipper snappers think that only boy bands are awesome, but you need to go check out some real music.


Thanks Robb for bringing back some good memories.


I've been slowly seeing a lot of bands from the 80s that I never saw in my teen days... last summer I saw Poison, Journey, Cinderella and Def Leppard (2 concerts)!!! I'm seeing Weird Al for the first time at Carowinds Aug 4!

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