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About coasterace

  • Birthday 08/27/1973

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  1. This is sad. I wish they would have announced it earlier so people could go one last time. They already moved X Flight and will be moving Superman's Steel Venom, so I don't doubt they will move most of the rides. They had a historical carousel which I hope they move too. (I also hope they sell some stuff on ebay or have a yard sale of sorts.)
  2. Desparado - was in Las Vegas in 1996 and 2002 and it was broke both times
  3. This is hilarious!!!! It's the perfect anti-trip report.....trip report!!!!
  4. Kudos to you for waiting it out. I like Maverick, but wouldn't wait that long for it. Glad you made the most of your time in line!
  5. Stopped at Clementon for the 1st time this year (and probably the last time). Have to agree it was very ghetto, and the coaster sucked. I would have rather ridden the old Jack Rabbit....It looked like a lot more fun and less painful! LOL! coasterace www.youtube.com/coasterace
  6. Stuck in the 80's...yep I am one of them too! Depeche Mode - my fav band of all time with New Order being 2nd. DM's Violator is my favorite album of all time. Their latest album "playing the angel" might be a close second. I have seen DM 4 times, most recently Dec 2005 in Atlantic City. I used "Precious" for a coaster video of Williams Grove/ Dorney Park not realizing how prophetic it would become since Williams Grove closed. coasterace www.youtube.com/coasterace
  7. Well said......I've been enjoying the updates but I understand and will wait patiently. Thank you for your efforts and enjoy the rest of the trip.
  8. Geez...they are having so much fun over there that they quit posting TR updates....
  9. Hi Soren! We met you back in May, but unfortunately we didn't get a picture with you. We were the ones wearing bride and groom mouse ears and were on our honeymoon. We had just got married on the Jack Rabbit roller coaster at Kennywood park. (I posted a Photo TR on here - search for Kennywood Wedding) It was nice to meet you and sorry we weren't able to talk more - you were working the KidCot station that day! Glad to hear you are home safely, and hope you are able to come back to the states sometime soon!
  10. Yep, that was my (the bride's) parents! This was one of the first things they told us about their trip, that they met someone who saw the wedding pictures online! They did a trip to BGE, KD, and SFA that week. I still have to post some honeymoon pics from WDW.....sometime! coasterace www.youtube.com/coasterace
  11. There was a secret to the flowers: I had the florist sew on a corsage wrist strap. (You might be able to see it close on a couple pictures.) This way I could hold it in my hand but then put the strap on my wrist for the rides. Now the veil...that was another thing. My Mom did sew a hair comb to it to try to help it stay on, but I still had to ride with one hand on the veil and the other up in the air!
  12. Actually, there is no alcohol in the park so we didn't have any champange. So we toasted with Pepsi - big deal.
  13. Just a side note - Kennywood does not allow on ride pictures, but all of these on ride photos were taken with permission of the park. Also, all photo credits go to Rick Davis of DAFE. www.dafe.org
  14. Brian and I got married on the Jack Rabbit roller coaster at Kennywood Park on Saturday May 12, 2007. This was a dream come true for me especially since my Dad first took me on the Jack Rabbit when I was 2 years old. I've been an amusement park fanatic all my life, and to find someone who shares in that passion was a match made in heaven! The weather was perfect, sunny and no chance of rain. We had the ceremony at 10:00am right before the park opened to the public. The ceremony lasted about 20 minutes, and then we had ERT until 11:00am when the park opened to the public. Our reception was at the pavillion right beside the ride - can't beat Kennywood food!!! Both of families thought it was the coolest wedding ever - no one had to dress up and they could all enjoy the park with their families! Our honeymoon was a week at WDW in Florida, and I'm still working on a TR for that. (well, this one is already a few weeks late as it is, but I'll get to i! LOL!!!) Enjoy!!! Pam and Brian www.youtube.com/coasterace And to top off the day....the Maid of Honor wins herself a Patrick! Thanks for reading!!! ..and the Turtle. ..Noah's Ark... ...Phantom.. ...Tbolt... ...bumper cars (Hey! Tell the bride not to bump the best man!!) ..and the Racer... After lunch, it's time for more rides like the merry go round No cake smashing here Cutting the cake We had exactly 102 people Food line at the reception and here's the other One of the cakes Our ride op - Gary Baker Reverse angle Even Kenny came for the fun! On the ride First kiss in the coaster car The ceremony was performed by none other than the roller coaster Reverand - Rev. Cliff Herring. Ceremony on the platform. We couldn't actually stand in the coaster car due to the design of the lap bars. Dad walking me up the aisle, well, the entrance ramp actually! Dad, Pam and Marcia (my Maid of Honor) got to ride down to the ceremony on a golf cart - ala Dick Knoebel! Brian and Pam on their wedding day
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