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Presumed death of WWE Mr. McMahon

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Please tell me no one thinks he is actually dead. If it were real, don't you think it would be all over the media and not just WWE?


As for whether or not I like it, I guess I have to see where they are going with this. If they are making it some kind of revenge plot one of the wrestlers had against Vince, then that would be ok.


On the other hand, if they make it like Vince is dead and is now haunting WWE, (a la the phantom), then it would be the worst angle EVER.

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From Wikipedia:


On June 11, 2007, WWE aired a segment at the end of RAW that featured McMahon (in character) entering a limousine moments before it exploded. The show went off-air shortly after, and WWE.com reported the angle as though it were a legitimate occurrence, proclaiming that McMahon was "presumed dead."[5] Although this was the fate of the fictional Vince McMahon character, no harm came to the actual person (that is, his death was part of a storyline).[6][7]

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I do watch wrestling, (mainly TNA over on Spike TV and Ring Of Honor), and I know it's an angle, and know that nobody is really dead, here's why it's all going down as told to me by a friend who worships WWE.


- In real life, most will remember back in April at Wrestlemania McMahon lost his hair as a stipulation in a match to Donald Trump. What I'm told is that it was an angle they went with since McMahon would be undergoing chemotherapy for an unspecified form of cancer. Basically, use it to their advantage.


- Next was the long, drawn out feud between McMahon and wrestler Bobby Lashley, (who was the wrestler who caused McMahon to lose his hair in the angle).


- Then, this past Monday night was the killing off of McMahon for the reason of him needing an unspecified amount of time to deal with the cancer. At this time, it is being said that McMahon may never return to the business, but retire and lay low from here on out.


- His younger daughter Stephanie, (who is married to WWE superstar Triple H) is expected to assume her dads role very soon.


- As of earlier today, I saw for myself over on http://www.sescoops.com that the WWE is planning to drop this whole "McMahon death" angle ASAP due to the controversy it's been causing with people who think it was pretty unnecessary, or like myself, just plain disgusting. Another factor was the real life death of former womens champion Sherri Martel yesterday (6/15/07)

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- As of earlier today, I saw for myself over on http://www.sescoops.com that the WWE is planning to drop this whole "McMahon death" angle ASAP due to the controversy it's been causing with people who think it was pretty unnecessary, or like myself, just plain disgusting. Another factor was the real life death of former womens champion Sherri Martel yesterday (6/15/07)


Is it disgusting when TV shows kill off characters because they quit (Like Chef in South Park)? No, because it's freaking fake, just like everything else in the WWE.

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BIcoastal kid said: So basically, to summarize, "The 'killed' him because saying he was ill wasn't macho enough for the audience"?


You nailed it! If you know about the true life ego of Vince McMahon then you know this attitude isn't a stretch.



I think the only reason I find it disgusting is, (Yes, I do realize it's FAKE!)

it was really an unnecessary extreme to go to for a "wrestling" show. You don't turn on wrestling with the thought that somebody will be blown up in their car. Someone getting cracked with a steel chair, yeah!


My son is none the wiser to this whole thing though. He was already in bed, (which is a good thing since the kid is totally freaked out by fire, fireworks, explosions, etc. even if they are on TV!).

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I know it's fake but still fun to watch, esp the "backstage" area's.




I have longed for a video game to give this freedom of interaction, climb the Titan-tron and dive off, stack tables / set them on fire and powerbomb someone. Custom entrance with lasers and fireworks.


Large interconnecting backstage areas with " climb everything you see, put someone through a lounge / door window".


I have sent email's to "Yucks" the Smackdown PS2 developer to "ask them for more interaction in the ring area and backstage".


TNA has "Sting" and most of the members of the old WCW. Bill Goldberg for TNA.

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as someone who spent a decade of my life in and around the biz, and who has had many friends in the WWE etc, and who vince has had a negative influence on thier careers because what he has done to the biz.


I can only say this angle disgusts me, its shameful, and well... its symbolic in a way of the death of the product.

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R.I.P Vince and i think The undertaker dune it the pure fact of Edge wone the Money in the bank for the gold. At a later date and cashed it in as soon as the undertaker was down. By the way The undertaker will return in October

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