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My dad, he is a person, doesn't really do anthing for his kids. Haven' actually done anything with him for years. Going to try to get him to gtake me to his company picnic at holiday world.


My mom, seperated at me in my teens. I am now making the most money in the household an dshe does the best she can.

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My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds- pretty standard really. At the age of twelve I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking- I highly suggest you try it.

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Ok my parents...


MY MOM: Ok so she is so a contol freak. I am not allowed to do anything by my self. She is all like "OMG I sware you are gay" She hates gay people. She is 53. She should so not have had children so old. She has back problems so she b!tc#'s alot. Yeah... she is just a pain in the a$$.


MY DAD: I have never met him so I can not tell you what he is like.


MY BROTHER: Ok I know it says your parnets, but since I have never met my dad, my brother is like my dad to me!! I is my hero! He is the most awesome brother ever!! He was with me in my first car wreck and to keep me from getting in trouble he told my mom it was his fault. He is always there for me! I know I am safe with him!! He is in Iraq for the second time, so again he is my Hero Oh and he is my soruce of income


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I guess I should mention my other "parents". This would by my friends parents. Thier names are tim and connie. Tim has really showed me quite a few things. From changing the oil in the car to helping renovate thier cabin. They allow me to come up to the cabin, use thier boat, kayaks, and pedal boat. They buy me a nice christmas present every year when they don't have too.

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MY MOM: Ok so she is so a contol freak. I am not allowed to do anything by my self. She is all like "OMG I sware you are gay" She hates gay people. She is 53. She should so not have had children so old. She has back problems so she b!tc#'s alot. Yeah... she is just a pain in the a$$.


Don't forget though she comes from a totally differant generation. Granted I'm not trying to exscuse her behavior I'm just trying to help you understand where she is coming from even if she is being a pain in the @$$.

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Dad: Favors my litlle brother but still hangs with me like hes a friend. Still has his father figure moments, does most of the yard work around the house cause that ain't my thing..lol Oh and he loves coasters, just not an enthusiest.



Mom: Me and her are way more close than me and my dad. My mom and I are alike, my brother and my dad are alike. We are not morning person, while they get up at like 8 on the weekends. House mother, does all the inside house work. She's a GREAT cook!

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Dad: Favors my litlle brother but still hangs with me like hes a friend. Still has his father figure moments, does most of the yard work around the house cause that ain't my thing..lol Oh and he loves coasters, just not an enthusiest.



Mom: Me and her are way more close than me and my dad. My mom and I are alike, my brother and my dad are alike. We are not morning person, while they get up at like 8 on the weekends. House mother, does all the inside house work. She's a GREAT cook!

Almost the exact same thing as me, except instead of a little brother I have an older sister.

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Here i go...



MOM: What can i say? I think she means well, but she has no idea how to interact with people without being a total ass. She says what she wants to say without ever thinking about it. She never amdits to being wrong and she has the worst tmeper in the world. I pretty much never get along with her.



On a friday night i will be on the computer at around 12am. She will come home from work, and without even saying hi she will be like "You have 30 seconds to turn off your computer" "Why?" "Becasue you have to go to school tommorow morning, damnit!" "Theres no school tommorow..." "I don't care! get off the computer!!"


And when she does that... i usually act like an ass to her. I just can't help it, shes pretty much the most unreasonable person in the world. She will piss the hell out of me until i explode.. and i always end up getting in torule for it.


Sometimes shes the polar opposite. Somtimes she will be so annoying and involving it just pisses you off. No matter what mood she is in, you will hate it.



DAD: This is the more reasonable of my parents... but i think over the years my mom has rubbed off on him. Unlike my mom, i can actually sit in a car and have a conversation with him. Nothing interesting, but at least im not always fighting with him. When i DO, though, my dad can go insane. He will nag nag nag nag nag nag nag and you will TRY to be a good person, and once you finally attack him he plays the victim. He will usually say somthign like "If i die of a hearattack i want you to know its YOUR fault. You would have done this to me"



MOM+DAD= Oh my god... so usually this is what happens. I will get mad at my mom and start yelling at her. My dad will come downstairs, ask what happens. He almost always is on my side, which pisses my mom off. Soon enough she will forget her rage at me and turn it all on my dad for not siding up with her. Things are thrown, divorces are threatened.




My house has always been crazy, but it died down about a year ago and everyone was realativley happy... That is, until, one night in october... After that night, everything went to hell again.


Which is why i have to live in my closet with my parents around... Literally AND figurativley!

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DAD: My dad left my mom before I was born. I met him when I was about eight. He lives in Denver and he likes roller coasters, but not as much as me, obviously.


MOM: My mom doesn't give a sh*t about coasters. She will yell at me if I say one thing about coasters. SHE HATES THEM!!! Ironic thing is, she wants to go to SFStL this summer. Aside from all that, she is really nice and pretty much lets me do what I want as long as I do my chores and stuff.

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My parents are pretty cool. My mom is probably the most psycho person alive, but in a good(ish) way. She's really funny and doesn't act like she's some old lady who was never my age. She can be really understanding but also very opinionated which leads to when me and her tend to clash. My dad on the other hand is very mellow. He means well, and likes to be more involved in my life now, so thats pretty cool. Where we clash is that we are both exactly the same personality wise, and that means we are both very stubborn and refuse to admit that we're wrong, so if we're in an argument, it just escalates. When my parents are together they are like they are kids, most of my friends like them, others can't handle them, haha.

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Our house and folk's attitude's are based on recent politics and going on's in the community.


MOM: well, what can I say? she's semi-liberal and tries to do the best she can for me and has also sent me on a number of guilt trips which I HATE. But I try not to give her crap too often, she's the type if she cries, you'll start soon after because it's that sad.


DAD: biggest and funniest douche you'll ever meet. He's one of the few parents you meet and can swear around and he'll laugh along with you. Great personality and sense of humour. I love em'



MOM+DAD: They met in the Army and I dunno how they stand each other, I frequently ask them that and they don't know either. they celebrated their 22nd or 21st anniversary recently, what ever. My mom has a small liking to small sized coasters like Wild Mouses and Mine Trains. My Dad he's motion sick, so when he takes me to parks he watches and helps me with my credit count.

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My parents are normal.. I guess


Dad: Friendly... He will let me do things my mom won't... He doesn't mind what I do as long as its not burning stuff or getting me in trouble. He hasn't been on a coaster since the mid 70's


Mom: Terrified of tall coasters, to say the least. If I'm up at 3 AM, and she wakes up to go to work at like 4 or something, she doesn't mind. (she works nights)



I guess that all I have to say

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Mine....actually played paintball several times when we used to play. My parents are pretty well laid back, enjoy doing things with the kids instead of being uptight, actually played Halo 2 and enjoyed it. They can no longer ride coasters though as my dad's back had surgery and any slight jolts will still cause pain after 2 years of the surgery. My mom's equilibrium (sp?) will screw up completely on most rides....though she handled Ninja just fine...Space mountain, we won't talk about that...

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Mum: She's Fun gets a bit agro at times but then again i do shit stir at times. Very Supportive and loving thou. But What annoys me is he i must be in bed by 9.30 policy i mean I'm 17 in less than a month i think i can handle staying up i bit later than that. Will Go on some coasters but not all of them.


Dad: Live's out of town about 30 min drive away with his partner Christopher. Just Like mum very supportive and loving. Takes me on holiday to the gold coast once a year But shit scared of coasters Wont go on hardly any (Same with Christopher).

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My parents are quite normal, I guess... Well, allowing your kid to get a tattoo at age of 16 but not getting a piercing is pretty weird, but anyways, I like them.


MOM: SHe's the one I talk most with. She acts calm, even though I do things I wasn't allowed to. For example, piercing my lip and tounge without her permission, and she didn't really care. She was most "Ah, whatever, it's your body, your life". And when I like, sit at the computer do 'bout 2-4AM when it's school the next day, she doesn't really care. As long as I get up for school.


DAD: Well, nothing much to say 'bout him. We don't talk much, and he doesn't care with whatever I do. He's the same as my mother. When I stay out late at night, he/they only tell me to take care and not get home too late. And he/they aren't like some parents, waiting for their kid to get home in the night, he/they go to bed whenever he/they want to.




Overall, I love my parents, and they're nice to me.

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Mom-She isn't bad. She can be annoying at times though.


Dad-He is pretty cool. He also seems to constantly give me money these days, so that is always a plus. I couldn't stand him when he still lived with us though, so I'm not sure what I would think of him otherwise.


Thats about it...no real drama to share.

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Dad: Acts like he runs an army. Me and my 4 brothers all wake up at the same time,eat breakfast at same time,finish at same time and go school at the same time. If we don't do this he gets his belt out and wacks us in the naughty room. And he still does this even though i'm 17.


Mum: Does same as my dad really


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My mom is the funniest, most calm and caring person I know. When she is tired, you'd never know it because she carries herslef as if nothing phases her. She is the type of mom that still calls my sisters and I by the pet names she gave us as babies. She is more strict than my dad though... At 20, i'm not allowed to curse around her still. She'll be getting married on her birthday this July.


My Dad is pretty laid back, often quiet...but he can be extremely hilarious. He's a cool dad....He was always around to put me and my sisters in check even though my mom and him had split up when I was 10 (They are still great friends to this day). Now he's been married for almost 9 years to my step mom, who is extremely awesome.... and I have two brothers in between that, as well as 2 step sisters.


My parents never gave me and my sisters any bed time curfew, we just had to keep the noise down and be up on time for school. Durring summers, we were allowed to stay out til' 3am only if we were in front of the house where they could see us and if we had friends with us. So i'd like to say thank you to them for no being too strict when i was a kid lol!

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