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JZ's Ongoing Kings Island Update Thread!

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Bull is an odd one to me. I really like it, and think it's a great ride. However ... that uphill trim really leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Every time I ride it all you can hear is "Awww. " from the people around you. It's just a huge blemish on what should be a great ride.


I've only ridden Bull in the rain, and got awesome rides. I almost don't want to go back and ride it under regular conditions. I still like Nitro and Goliath SFoG more.

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Paramount spent millions over the years trying to fix it, and it still sucked. It was a stupid decision to build in the first place, anyone with half a brain would have eventually woken up and just cut their losses. But nooooo, what does CF do? They spend millions removing the loop, reprofiling track and buying replacement trains, and surprise, it still sucks. All those millions flushed down the crapper for nothing, serves CF right to have to keep dumping millions more to keep the POS running for their knuckleheaded decision.


Just look at Meanstreak!

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This sounds awesome, all the layouts look pretty good.


As far as the argument about the elevation change, I can see where there could exist the possibility of the third drop being longer than the first.

Look at "The Beast"- the lift hill is less than 120 ft, but the first drop is almost 140, which then climbs 30 feet and drops 70 (on the suprise drop) so the differential between the first hill height and the bottom of the 2nd drop is already over 50 plus feet. Then the track angles downward from there.


I don't have a topographical map of the area, but 70 ft elevation change doesn't look that impossible. Actually, I would hope it would be more than that (like Tatsu with a 240 ft elevation differential) but I would be happy, more than happy with 70 feet.


And after we get the "Hyper" for KI I vote we get a "Real" B&M Inverted.

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This sounds awesome, all the layouts look pretty good.


As far as the argument about the elevation change, I can see where there could exist the possibility of the third drop being longer than the first.

Look at "The Beast"- the lift hill is less than 120 ft, but the first drop is almost 140, which then climbs 30 feet and drops 70 (on the suprise drop) so the differential between the first hill height and the bottom of the 2nd drop is already over 50 plus feet. Then the track angles downward from there.


I don't have a topographical map of the area, but 70 ft elevation change doesn't look that impossible. Actually, I would hope it would be more than that (like Tatsu with a 240 ft elevation differential) but I would be happy, more than happy with 70 feet.


And after we get the "Hyper" for KI I vote we get a "Real" B&M Inverted.



That's what I said before. A 70ft elevation change is pretty darn big. But there are some steep hills and gradual decents back in the woods. B&M's hills are pretty big, so I wouldn't be surprised if a second or third hill would be able to travel far enough to get to a 70ft elevation change. I'm thinking of it like Phantom's Revenge.

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