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SPEED at Sahara Hotel/Casino STUCK!!!

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I was just watching FOX News and it was reported that SPEED:The Ride is stuck and the fire department is out there trying to remove passengers from the ride.


They never got a good shot as the camera was constantly moved, but from the little bit I did see the train got stuck around the turn in between the exit tunnel and the trench before the loop.


I would drive 9 miles down Sahara Avenue right now to see what exactly what is going on, but I have too much to do right now.


Just gratified to be able to report on this first.


Fredrick Biedermann

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Passengers stuck on Sahara roller coaster


April 5, 2007 03:53 PM PDT


News 3 has learned that 16 people are stuck on the roller coaster at the Sahara. A ladder is being used to to bring the passengers down and there are no reports of injuries. Watch News 3 at 4 for the latest.


Wow, I'm impressed they got 16 people to ride!

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So it stalled in the turn, not in the pit it dives into?


Haha, awesome.

Sounds like it'd be easy to winch it back towards the station from there though. It's only about 20ft. Which it'd roll if you just pulled it slightly off balance.

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^ But if the second set of LIM's wouldn't of triggered, it wouldn't of been able to clear the loop on the way back and get stuck on the overbank turn. My guess is that the LIM's in the station malfunctioned while it was launching.

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That's an interesting ride to stall out. I guess the LIM theory works out. Why does Premiere always add an extra set of LIMs for the sole fact of making it back to the station? Is it a hight restriction on the spike?


Oh, and I love the music on the official site POV is BBVD. Nothing says Speed like swing.

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I just rode it a couple of weeks ago. I liked it. I would have rode t again but hey would only launch a train very 10 minutes or so. Probably tying to get people to fill he train.

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  SharkTums said:
Passengers stuck on Sahara roller coaster


April 5, 2007 03:53 PM PDT


News 3 has learned that 16 people are stuck on the roller coaster at the Sahara. A ladder is being used to to bring the passengers down and there are no reports of injuries. Watch News 3 at 4 for the latest.


Wow, I'm impressed they got 16 people to ride!


Only because it's spring break...hehehe. Every year at this time, the ride attracts a pretty good crowd. Otherwise, yeah it's always dead.

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The second set of LIM's failed to accelerate the train, there is a little bit of a down slope after the Lim's so not enough energy to get back to the mid course Launch/Break so it valleyed there. Its not the first time so I'm wondering if the media decided to make it a big deal because it is spring break.

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If it was spring break they should have no problem filling the train that much. The reason there are two sets of LIMs is because you don't want to launch people to 70 mph to make it up that spike in the short distance the first launch is, then send the riders into a loop, lose a bunch of momentum and then go half way up the spike.


I could almost bet that Mr. Freeze would valley too if the LIMs on the spike didn't fire because it probably needs to get up that high to make it back through the over bank and top hat.

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Well it is spring break out here. For all the local grade schools. Everything in Vegas is doing really well. Shows, Grand Slam Canyon (Adventuredome) Manhattan Express...I mean THE ROLLER COASTER..Stratosphere. But unfortunately Speed is just in a location that isnt all that great..


Speed has had low ridership for a very long time now. It really is a shame because it is a decent ride. I bet if this ride was somewhere more south on the strip it would do alot better.

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  VegasCoaster said:


I could almost bet that Mr. Freeze would valley too if the LIMs on the spike didn't fire because it probably needs to get up that high to make it back through the over bank and top hat.


Are there any reports of this happening?? I can get it to do it on NoLimits lol!!

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