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baby Cameron has arrived pics on page 3 (updated on 4/7/07)


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Jody and my son Cameron was born 4/3/07 at 12:45 in the am.


mommy is doing just fine and has been discharged from the hospital.


Cameron is currently in nicu and will be their for at least a while. at birth Cameron was not breathing well and not to responsive. he was entangled with his cord. he is now breathing the room air and has good vital signs.

we are praying and hoping their is no damage to him due to the low oxygen level at birth and for the first few minutes while he fought to make his way into the world.


so if i am not around a whole lot this would be why.


i hope to have some pictures of him soon. he is improving a lot but has a long hard fight ahead of him.

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I know first hand how it sucks to be home, but have your baby in the NICU. I'm sure he'll be fine, and just remember that's the best place for him right now.


We've been there recently, and my mom's a NICU nurse so please don't hesitate to ask anything!

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Congratulations! All these babies I am so loving it!


NICU's are the best place for a baby having a hard time. It's totally sad that he isn't home yet, but he will be soon and growing up so fast!

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Supremely pleased to hear that, Dave... congratulations! Welcome to a run of long sleepless nights, nappy changing and being covered in/wiping up puke... but at least you didn't have to go through the pregnancy too as a mother At the end of the day though it's all going to be worth it when you can hit all those kiddie credits. Will your partner and baby be attending the midwest trip/addon?

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Bright Blessings to you and little Cameron, guys.


Very happy for you.


Have a great time raising the little bugger, too, LOLOL!



Proud Da-Da on The Left there, along with good singing budzzz, Don'n'Mon. (June'06 UK Tour Add-on, Liseberg)


Me in 'former beard days' and proud mommie of Da Cam! (Liseberg, Sweden)

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here are some photos, i am working on getting some more photo's on here for you but here are 3 to help you get an idea.


here is a good shot of his face.


me and my little guy


my little guy





me and cam


mom and cam




cam and mom

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