Just from personal experience...
I worked as a waitress in a fairly busy restaurant during college and averaged $500-$600 a week working Wed-Sat from 4-10. It was perfect for me since my classes were over by noon most days and I used Mondays and Tuesdays for night classes if needed.
This is where we differ in opinion Elissa
My favorite wooden coasters have always been the ones that left you with a sense of accomplishment for having made it out alive.
I have to agree with Elissa. I'd rather not have to see a doctor when I come off a coaster. I like the "throw your hands up fun" ones Elissa mentioned, although I still hold on for dear life
Steve, I beat him at shoot 'em games (and Skeeball) all the time...I let him win once in a while so he doesn't feel so bad
I will give him props for Men in Black, but he has been on it 100 times more than me...
You're a dork
I'm demanding the awesome picture of you posing with your towel at the water park...hairy chest and all!
-Catrina "I love Holiday World, but won't ride the coasters" Cromwell
For once, Barry is kinda right...
1."Yes, dear" is a good thing
2. The toilet seat thing is good, too.
3. I'm not a flower person, but I do like diamonds! I'll take one per anniversary
The Cyclone gave me a memory I won't soon forget, too... Seeing death flash before my eyes!
I'm a big believer in making sure ALL of the track is attached