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The Movie 300

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This thread is for those who have seen or desire to see the movie 300. I saw it yesterday with my friends and WOW. This was simple...so realistic...so violent!!! It was the most amazing film I have ever seen! The graphics....so next generation!


I give it a 10/10. Great story, great action. GREAT!



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yea this movie was awsome.... although it wasnt a 10/10 I still thought sin city was way better. Although this movie is great when me and my friend where walking out of the theater people where screaming "SPARTA" it was pretty funny and it was a good movie. No one even talked during the movie it was so good. Its really a good movie and I think most of you should see it if you dont mind bloody battles.

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That had to be one of the best B.C. war movies ever. It sure beats Troy or any other movie like it. And the graphics and use of slow motion during the fights were awsome. Then as we came out there was a huge line for the next showing and I screamed, " I cant' belive they all died at the end!" And all the people in the line looked at us with this "WHAT!" face.

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Groucho Marx made a great comment when asked if he was planning to see Samson and Delilah, which starred then state-of-the-art muscleman Victor Mature and Hedy Lamar: "I refuse to see any movie where the man's t***s are bigger than the woman's."

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I must say, that 300, is a production that was born to be viewed in IMAX. The amazing, and quite original cinematography looked all the more beautiful on such a large screen. 300 is a film, that is as beautiful as a painting, from beginning to end. Every part of the film meshed together to create a very emotional picture. A must see!

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Eh, it was okay. Pretty much every line is "Forrrr Spaaaarta" or "Spaaaartaaaaans". It has its moments, it was entertaining, but it's not the end all/be all of war movies.


They should have paid someone to come up with a better blood splatter effect.

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Think I'll wait for video on this one--looks like a Steve Reeves movie with more skin and better special effects.


My problem with these CGI-dominated movies is that I can't get past the fact that I'm basically watching a big cartoon.

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I've seen it twice, once in the regular theater and once in




, both times with my dad who really wanted to see it twice, so we did.


It's pretty good. Not like, super-amazing-holy-crap-best-movie-ever, but pretty good. Up there with, say, Sin City.

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