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The Movie 300

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This is on the BBC Website:


Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/6446183.stm


Historical war epic 300 has been criticised as an attack on Iranian culture by government figures.

The Hollywood film, which has broken US box office records, is an effects-laden retelling of a battle in which a small Greek army resisted a Persian invasion.


Javad Shamqadri, a cultural advisor to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said it was "plundering Iran's historic past and insulting this civilization".


He branded the film "psychological warfare" against Tehran and its people.


But Iranian culture was strong enough to withstand the assault, Mr Shamqadri said.


"American cultural officials thought they could get mental satisfaction by plundering Iran's historic past and insulting this civilization," he said.


"Following the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Hollywood and cultural authorities in the US initiated studies to figure out how to attack Iranian culture.


"Certainly, the recent movie is a product of such studies."


Daily newspaper Ayandeh-No carried the headline "Hollywood declares war on Iranians".



The film achieved the best ever March opening in North America

The paper said: "It seeks to tell people that Iran, which is in the Axis of Evil now, has for long been the source of evil and modern Iranians' ancestors are the ugly murderous dumb savages you see in 300."


Three MPs in the Iranian parliament have also written to the foreign ministry to protest against the production and screening of this "anti-Iranian Hollywood film".


The film has already proved a major box office hit in the US where it earned almost $71m (£36.8m) in its first weekend, making it the best ever March opening in North American cinemas.


This is not the first time Iran has protested over its portrayal in films made in the West.


There was outrage over the 2004 epic Alexander which showed the Macedonian general easily conquering the Persian Empire.

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^I read that earlier, and I have to say it's the dumbest thing I've read all year. The movie studio that made 300 has one goal in mind- to make money. Most people who see the movie won't even connect the Persian Empire with Iran. 300 barely has a plot. It's just one big fight. The persians in 300 are so exagerrated and cartoonish that no rational person is going to connect them with real people.


To think this is some attack on Iran is about as smart as saying Borat is an attack on Kazakhstan. It's not believable nor credible.


Maybe they're just mad the greeks whipped their butt all those years ago.

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