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West Coast Bash 2007! March 11th at Six Flags Magic Mountain

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^ it's one ticket per person, group tickets are discounted because so many people in a group will be buying them


X and Tatsu ERT....I'm there, and who could turn down an Alvey party, as long as nothin screwy happens at work, I'll be there. Then again, I still haven't been to a WCB, something always seems to come up that keeps me from going, hopefully this year will be different

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Sounds cool, I'll look into it. Since I live in Nor Cal, I will probably only go to SFMM, being it will only be a day trip for me.

When do we have to let you know if we are coming by? Sorry if I missed the answer, I looked through everything and couldn't find it.

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Am I to assume that I get myself to the park & meet w/everyone at the front gate & we all go in together? If so, what is the planned time to meet, I'm sorry I didn't see a time listed on the flyer or else I just wasn't very observant. Or, how does this work as this would be my first group fun thing & I just simply dunno. Thanx to anyone who can clarify for me.

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Also, I flew into Burbank airport the last time (September) which is basically just down the road from SFMM. A LOT closer than LAX. They have rental cars available there--on & off airport locations. I use Advantage as they're usually one of the cheapest but they don't charge extra for anything like "deposits" plus they usually give me upgrades & have nice cars too. Van Nuys airport is closest but it's not open to regular flights, it's more for private jets, executive type things. Just thought I'd pass this along in case anyone needed the info.

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Hey, I asked my parents and they say "Maybe, no promises."


That means there is like less than a 50% chance that I will be going.


However, I have a question, just in case.


Do our parents have to be members of TPR to get in the park?





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