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Im Scott, 19 yr old Aussie living in Sydney!! Sydney is currently home to a big fat 1 theme park (if you could call it that) and im starving for anything remotely theme parkish


So yeah, just thought Id pop in and say Gday!

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Hey everyone, I'm Cory from NJ and I just started becoming active on these boards. I have been in trouble a few times here but thats all about to change. I am 13 and I aso love to draw and edit in Flash and Photoshop. I also make sigs! (no bombarding) A breif view of what I do is in my sig. Well... I am here to stay!


If you would like to see me here is a picture!

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Hello everyone!


I'm an analyst with an insatiable passion for roller coasters. Live near Kings Dominion and have season passes. Will also be heading to SF in Jackson to FINALLY ride the Kingda Ka and El Toro. I have been to numerous parks and Cedar Point is definately my favorite.

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Well this will be my second post. I guess I should have looked better before I posted. Either way, my name is Gabe, I live out in toilet stop of America known as Barstow. Sigh, been coaster ridin' since I was 10, the very first coaster was at good ol' Knott's Berry Farm; Montezuma's Revenge. Now I can't stop riding!!!!



Other than that. I'm a huge concert goer and I read tons of Fantasy and Horror novels. Also, I'm an aspiring writer. Hmmm, don't what else to say so...TOOTLES!





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My name is Joe. I'm a call centre slacker living in Australia, which is pretty devoid of a lot of exciting rides (ANY exciting rides?)... For those, I go to the US. But I'm a wuss anyway, I mean, I went to Magic Mountain and took a look at Goliath, and went on the water ride instead. But I went to Epcot and went on Mission Space without getting a brain hemorrhage, so there you are. Dueling Dragons at IOA was about the most exciting thing I've been on. Needed some therapy after that. Babbling.

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hello everybody,


my name is Bastiaan Janssen from Holland. 25 years old and i'm a construction management engineer.


I'm a coaster fan since i was 8 years old. My first coaster then was the Python in de Efteling. Hollands first vekoma looping coaster. From that time i was hooked. Since i got my degree in the construction management enginering, i had the time and the money to visit allot of parks and coasters. I'm also looking forward to join a TPR trip next summer in de states...


See you on the forum, and in the parks.


greetings from Holland!

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My name is Dane Massie, I've posted on Westcoaster.net for a looooong time. I think since 2002ish. And I registered here a little over a year ago but just lurked every now and then.


Upon hearing about the Midwest Trip and deciding I'd sure as hell be going!...I decided to become a little more active here.


So, if ya wanna know more about me or find out what I look like...click on my little "www" link!


EDIT: Well the little "www" thing don't work...so: www.myspace.com/danemassie

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hello everybody!

my name is Cris and im from holland

Im 21 yrs old!


I work in Walibi World holland, as operator of the rides.

My hobby' s are Themepark' s, and im a dj and Go Karting.

I have a bungalow on the park.




I have all the videos you've made they are great and funny.


Whats the cooliest experience you see in themepark world?


When is youre next trip to walibi world?


bye bye


grtz Cris ( themeparktwister)

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Hi Everyone,


I'm Marcel and my wife is Kathy. We're Disneyholics. We live near Houston, TX.


I really like this site. My wife & I have been to Walt Disney World over 25 times. We love all the rides and coasters there, especially Aerosmith & Everest.


Our son, Marc, just moved to Orlando and got a job at WDW. We'll be visiting him a lot even though we have a timeshare there.


Thanks for the neat videos.


My wifes favorite character after Mickey

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Hi, I'm Suzanne,

I've ridden coasters for something like 35 years, since I got tall enough to ride the Pinfari Super Italian Bobs at Adventureland outside Chicago. I know it's a horrible ride but I grew up loving it, and I just found out that same ride is now the Blue Diamond Streak in Delaware. I plan to visit it. I have no idea how many I've been on, but every chance I have I ride. This year we went on a five day trip to Hershey and Knoebel's because it's what my son Ricky wanted for his birthday. We live in Jersey now.


My first upside down coaster was The Turn of the Century at Great America (later the Demon)--ouch! My favorite is probably Knoebel's Phoenix. I've been on it many times. I love the way you can just pop in to Knoebel's if you happen to be on route 80 and go on a few rides. It costs next to nothing and isn't a big production.


We spent some time in august talking to the crew building the new Flying Turns. The multi layered bent wood trough is really something.

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Hi everybody,

My name's Rebeka, I'm 19, I live in South Australia

I've only been on vacation once in my whole life Two years ago I went to Florida with my dad, and it was the best experience I ever had!!! After I finish Uni I want to move to Florida so I can go to theme parks all the time! I wish I could go on this years trip with you guys, but I really can't take all that time off...

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Well, I found finally the topic to introduce myself, whoohoo!


Let's start with some general rubbish. I am known over here as modelmaker, that is because I love to make rollercoaster models or things like that. As well in real as in 3D. The real thing doesn't work out that well over here, but the 3D models are quite fine. I am also known as Castmember and Coastersking in some other places . . .


My real name is René, I am 23 years old and at the moment I live in Bailly Romainvilliers. This is a small village close to Marne la Valée. I am working at the moment in Disneyland Resort Paris as a Castmember in the second park. Over there I work at Rock n Rollercoaster to be more precize. I am doing that now for about 7 months and it is quite nice to work over there. I am checked on all of the positions so I have the right to do everything over there.


The thing I like the most is the morning round (powering up the attraction)


Before I went to france I used to live in a small village called Bodegraven, that is in the Netherlands. I have studied over there ICT and worked in that secotion for about 1 year. I didn't like it as a profession, as a hobby it is nice. Some other hobby's from me are music, visiting concerts, funfairs and visiting friends. The last thing doesn't happen that much anymore unfortunately. This because loads of friends live in the Netherlands and that is quite a long drive from paris. Especially without a car!


There is not that much more to say . . . if there are any questions . . . shoot!




[EDIT] Forgot my coaster count, that count is on 152 coasters, no, on this moment it is even more. Visited hansapark also, not yet on my list and also my USA trip isn't on. So let's say about 180 coasters, the best one for me stay's Nemesis with Rock n Roller paris as a good second. The worst is the Klondike Mine at Drayton Manor (pinfari crap).

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Hi everyone, my name is Don, I've been checking out TPR for a while now and always enjoy the reviews and pictures of the trips. I'm an American living in Belgium and I love to travel around Europe. I'm not what you call a 'huge' theme park fanatic, but I do enjoy going to them immensely and have been to some good ones here (Walibi Belgium) as well as some not-so-good ones (Movie Park Germany). I hail from Virginia Beach, VA so Busch Gardens Williamsburg (I refuse to call it Europe) will always be the greatest theme park to me. But, I'm always up for checking out new ones! I've got a list of parks here that I want to go to, and I'll be checking out reviews on this site a lot.


Also, Elissa is a cutie.


Robb ain't too bad himself (don't want Elissa to get ALL the fanboys).


Don "happily married, don't wanna freak out the Alveys" Anderson

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Hi Louis, I was just reading the posts and I saw yours, and I wanted to say that it´s very cool you live near Parc Asterix, my sister ans I want to go there one day. We live in America, but we hope to go to France and make a stop at Parc Asterix. Hope you made it well To L.A. Greetings, bye Vicky


Hi My Name is Louis and i'm from France . I Lives at 10min away from Parc Asterix where you have the famous Tonnerre De Zeus ( CCI ) and the worst Goudurix lol .


I'm going to Los Angeles in June and i'll make a stop at SFMM i hope i'll see Robb and Elyssa .

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Hey everyone, im Tom. I live in New Jersey, I just usually got to SFGADV... and ocasionally Dorney park. I've been to other places.. but havn't been able to recently. I love flats.. and um.. im 16 and im almost done with high school. MY AIM is truepolak90 .. if anyone would like to talk through im.




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