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Arr, mateys... I'm vjgx... so yeah, I'm new. On to the coaster-stuffz:


I'm a coaster n00b, so yeah. I've only ridden 4 coasters... I know. Pathetic. BUT THAT WILL CHANGE SOON ENOUGH!!!


Coasters ridden (in order of riding):


Viper (SFMM)

Riddler's Revenge

Batman: The Ride (SFMM)



Local parks: Knotts Berry Farm, Disneyland Resort, Six Flags Magic Mountain


So yeah... see ya around!

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ok so i'm probably feeding myself to the lions by saying this....but i've NEVER been on a roller coaster before. I have like an intense fear of heights...i know that sounds lame cus i'm 18...but i dont know why. This sunday will be my first time on a roller coaster as my church is taking all the graduating seniors to busch gardens williamsburg. Any coaster that i should ride first as it will be my first ever....gosh i'm soo scared. its like an intense phobia.

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ok so i'm probably feeding myself to the lions by saying this....but i've NEVER been on a roller coaster before. I have like an intense fear of heights...i know that sounds lame cus i'm 18...but i dont know why. This sunday will be my first time on a roller coaster as my church is taking all the graduating seniors to busch gardens williamsburg. Any coaster that i should ride first as it will be my first ever....gosh i'm soo scared. its like an intense phobia.

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ok so i'm probably feeding myself to the lions by saying this....but i've NEVER been on a roller coaster before. I have like an intense fear of heights...i know that sounds lame cus i'm 18...but i dont know why. This sunday will be my first time on a roller coaster as my church is taking all the graduating seniors to busch gardens williamsburg. Any coaster that i should ride first as it will be my first ever....gosh i'm soo scared. its like an intense phobia.

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Well, I guess I should introduce myself...


My name is Steve Kalkofen, I'm 20 years old, and the Site Manager for RollerCoasterPro.com and a former moderator for SixFlagsNews.com before that. I've been around coasters all my life with my first real theme park being Europa Park in Germany (which to this day is one of my favorite parks!). I traveled around Europe, a few parks in Asia, as well as most of the United States to go to different parks throughout my life, however I haven't had the luxury of assimilating the ride count that our buddy Robb has achieved...lol.


I decided to register on here a few weeks ago and I occasionally stop by TPR to see whats crackin' and see if I can learn some things from my fellow enthusiasts. I hope to become a little more active around TPR as well as a few other websites that I have, up until this point, not visited regularly and I hope to talk to you all around the boards.

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Hi all, Just joined site today. Im Mark and from Long Island New York. Been a coaster junkie for some time and cant seem to get enough of em. Got my 8 year old son into em too. We spend hours on Roller Coaster Tycoon and love to share our coasters and build theme parks. I guess my home park is 6 Flags in NJ. Spend a week in Universal or WDW every October. I have traveled all over the to ride coasters, Jersey, PA, CA, OH, FL, SC, NY, Canada, Disney in Paris, Most parks in the UK. Looking forward to going to Texas real soon. I usally arange my vacations around riding my Harley Touring Bike to other parks with a few friends. I'll try most rides once but dont do the spinning rides. My favorite coaster to date is the XL-200 in cedar point. Well thats about it for now. Glad i found the rest of us freaks..

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Hi Everyone. I joined back in December 2005 but have not posted much since then. I live in Southern Minnesota about 1.5 hours from Valleyfair, 1.5 hours to Arnold's Park, and 2.5 hours from Adventureland. I have been riding coasters for some 18 years. My coaster count surpasses 300, although there are some counted by credit whoring.



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Hello, there! I'M JediCoasterKid (AKA TheUndercoverJedi, Jedi1138, etc, etc, etc!)


Well...I'm probably one of the few girls on this board (though that remains to be seen), but here goes:


I'm a total coaster newbie, but already addicted. Be prepared for my coaster history, 'cause it is VERY short!


Way back in '98, I got up the nerve to ride Jaguar at Knotts'...and have never looked back. Though I was too chicken to ride anything else after that until three years later! Space Mountian came next, followed by a failed attempt to really get my feet wet at Six Flags. I ended up riding Goldrusher (twice) and Ninja 'cause me and my bro had to 'babysit' a brat of a kid.


And that's it. Besides coasters, I love Star Wars, LEGOs, and a whole lot more. There's this one crazy ride in the HD (High Desert, between Vegas and LA) called the Sky Screamer that I can't get enough of. Not a coaster, but they put you on this gimbal thing that spins at 55 mph and tumbles you head-over-heels about three times before stopping at the top of the 16-story tower. Nice breaking-in to get used to going upside-down.


I have a tendancy to come up with wacky, crazy ideas, like building a coaster in my backyard (who hasn't?) and making my own aircraft. So you HAVE BEEN WARNED!


Anyway, that's all for now. That should give you a taste of this geek and one of my novel-length posts. C U guys on the boards!

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Hi guys, I have just joined today after reading TPR quite a lot, thought I had better join!


I'm a member of UK based Southparks.org (plug, plug) and we do a lot of Tussaud's meet ups, pretty nice little family we got goin on there, but thought it's time to spread my wings!


I work in London, back stage in a theatre, spend most weekends at a theme park somewhere and have always loved it from an early, early age!


Hoping to join some of you guys at Thorpe for your visit..but may be a bit shy at first....at first!


So there's me...hope you lot make me welcome!

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Hello! I'm Kiter, living in the South Bay area of San Francisco, and I just joined the Review Forum. I haven't ever been on a coaster--not yet, anyway, and I'm already 46!--but I definitely want to ride one some time before I die (which will hopefully not be any time soon...the dying part, that is).


My first theme park was in Branson, Missouri, when I was about 14 years old. It was called Silver Dollar City. After that, I only got to visit a few others, mostly in the south central and southeastern US. But I will say that, as a girl from an extremely rural part of southern Missouri who had never traveled much before, the Silver Dollar City experience changed my life. Mostly, it cemented my determination to be an artist, as I saw many beautiful handcrafted things at the park. I can still feel the tremendous excitement that churned in my tummy, walking around the park and nipping into all the little shops that sold art glass, quilts, jewelry, leathercrafts, etc. I had never seen anything like any of it before then, and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Anyway, I grew up and became an artist. I focused on printmaking and black-and-white photography in college, but due to space and money limitations these days, I now work in jewelry-making, art quilts, 3D design and animation (I'm still learning that, using Maya), and digital photography. That's probably way more than anyone wanted to know in an introduction, but I didn't know where to start. Anyhoo...


I live pretty close to Great America, but currently don't have anyone to go with, as I'm new to the area. Who knows, maybe I'll meet people in the area here on the forum?


Best of luck and thanks for letting me play!

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Hi I am Nitrotoro76 and I live in New Jersey. I attend church in Center City Philadelphia, and love to hang out in the city with my friends. My home park is Six Flags Great Adventure and my user name is a fusion of my two favorite coasters at GA, Nitro and El Toro. Even though I haven't ridden El Toro yet it looks so good it will most likely be my favorite at the park along with Nitro! Love all the POV's on this site.

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Hi, I'm Todd from the Chicagoland area. Unfortunately I've put on weight and don't ride roller coasters as much as I did in high school, 20+ years ago. Off the top of my head I have ridden most of the roller coasters at Walt Disney World, Disneyland/California Adventure, Islands of Adventure and Six Flags in Gurnee, IL.

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Howdy, I am Justin. I am one of Ben's friends and just decided to register here. I live up just past Milwaukee. I play airsoft religiously. Another passion is well, theme parks.


Hope to see ya around all, I will be wearing my BDU( Battle Dress Uniform) usually when I go places or my Dress Uniform. Later all. I am a military geek by the way.

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