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-~I'm very sorry for not seeing this post! I'm blind... >.<~-

-Repost from locked topic-


Hello forum members.

My name is Sara, I'm 28, and I _loooove_ roller coasters! (duh! Smile ) My favorite ride of all time has to be Deja Vu followed _VERY_ closely by the Aerosmith Rock -n- Roll Roller Coaster. I live close to Cedar Point (yay!) and I constanlly play roller coaster tycoon deluxe, 2, and 3. Anywho, I will try to post comments and ask questions when I have them and if search doesnt give me a answer :-P I sure hope this is the right forum for this, if not no biggy.

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Not bad. I found this thread after only two posts.


Anyway, my name is Evan. I'm 16, I live on the Jersey shore (the beach is a two minute walk). I've lived here forever. I've been on about 80 coasters, and way too many of those are steel. Like way too many other coaster enthusiasts, I'm gay, BUT, i'm skinny as a pole. I'm 45 minutes from SFGAdv, and starting next season, I'll be driving there constantly. This is my last season where I need rides . (The emoticons here confuse me. They're all really similar.) I'll defend New Jersey 'til the day I die. .

Non-coaster related... Hmmm... I know! I love photography, writing poetry, prose, and occasionally drawing. That's about it.

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Hi, all. I thought I'd introduce myself finally. I've been reading for a month or two now. I think I've made one, maybe two posts. I'm feeling a little intimidated because I don't know a whole lot about the coaster industry, but I know what I like. Also, this is a new interest for me, so I am not as knowledgeable about the different parks out there. I've learned a lot in the short time I've been lurking.


I'm from SC. I'm 30 and married with 2 kids. Hubby is a cop turned narc investigator turned college professor teaching cops. I used to work in emergency medicine, but start a new job in a few days as a 911 dispatcher and am returning to nursing school in the fall.



We went to DisneyWorld on our honeymoon in 1999, but I fit into one of the "do not" ride categories at the time (you can do the math on the kids and figure out which category LOL), so I didn't get to experience the more thrilling aspects of the four parks. I've been to Dollywood, Carowinds, SantaLand, Ghost Town in the Sky, Six Flags over GA, Universal Studios FL, and of course all 4 Disney World parks. Oh yeah, and the Pavillion at Myrtle Beach LOL. OUr boys are 6 and 5 and they've ridden some kiddie coasters and a pirate ship. One is a scaredy cat and the other is a daredevil, but too short usually, so they've cause a cut back on our more thrilling themepark visits. Hubby is like Elissa and won't ride anything that spins. He also is like Dan and doesn't like to get wet. Or he will but then spends the rest of the day whining about "chafing". He's read some of the trip reports though and is getting more interested in making this a hobby we can do together. So I am hoping there will be some coaster vacations in our future very soon.


Hmm...what else? I found this site after searching for some WDW ride photos, so you could say my visits here "all started with a mouse".


Anyways, I stayed because, quite frankly, the humor here is my speed and you guys absolutely crack me up. I also like the way Robb and Elissa and the other mods beat the trolls away.



P.S. I am also in the process of taming an 7-8 month old donkey jack. So I can't be all that bad, right?

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Hello everyone,


My name is David and I currently reside with my partner in Savannah, GA. My home park is SFOG (and that is also where I had my first job.) I am 35 years old and work for an Investment Banking firm. It is great to meet everyone here (I have been reading some of the threads...) I am going to SFOG over the Easter weekend and am really looking forward to riding Goliath.

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Welcome all new posters! I'm sure you will enjoy this site and the people it has to offer! Now that I've been here for over a year, I've come to understand that these are some of the greatest people of ever met! And if you're ever in Socal and are going to some theme park, drop me a PM and we'll see if we can meet up.


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hii my names Sammie, i live in Preston which is pretty much down the motorway from Blackpool, travelling on there you'll have probabally seen the signs saying 'Preston' so yeah i thought I'd make it clear first as not a lot of people know where Preston is.


I'm 15 and go to school in Chorley, home to the crappiest theme park - Camelot.


It would be great to meet some of you guys soon, maybe next time you're in Blackpool I'll try and orgainise a trip down so I could 'bump into you' and say a few hi's - even though i don't know anybody off here it would be great to get to know some of you...



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Hey im Ryan i'm from the UK and my nearest theme park is Thorpe Park and im going there next month, im an adrenaline junkie and love theme parks, i wanner come and visit America and go to Six Flags Over Georgia to ride goliath.


Loving The Site Keep It Up

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Hey!... I'm not totally new, as I've read the forum for a couple of months, but I was bored so I decided to post 'cause you guys seem a bunch of fun! I live in suburban Montréal, and my home park is La Ronde.. and yeah... I'm in college in musical theater and I wub musical theater! (and coasters too, don't get confused)

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Hey Guys, I'm " I Spy A Retard " A random thing my friend said a few days ago, so I just decided to use that as my forum name.


You guys can call me Ryan, since that is my real name.


I live in the Hanover area of Pennsylvania, 45 mins from Hersheypark and 2 hours from SFA.


I'm glad to be here!


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Hey everyone,

I'm Dane from Brisbane, Australia and I'm 22. I've been to the US a couple of times and you really know how to do a good coaster. I've just been on Superman Escape the new launch coaster at Warner Brothers Movie World on the Gold Coast....It's good for an Aussie coaster.


Come September hopefully I'll be on Kingda Ka if it's working.

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eh, figure i should do this...



I am Rob, a 24 year old video editor/web designer/former disney cast member/ musician/nomad/writer/adventurer who just moved back to the orlando area from L.A. and will be moving to europe near the end of the year.


I love theme parks and theme park design, World of Warcraft, Sushi, Sake, Martinis and pasta. My musical tastes are industrial/neofolk/noise. I am married to a model with a mohawk.


good to be here, this place is awesome... ill post some PTR's soon. Been busy with a project and WoW... need to go get my fix....

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Hi everybody!

I'm Jules from Norway. I found this page when I searched for photos from the Norwegian Theme Park "Tusenfryd". Wow- you guys really have been around.

I am a huge fan of rollercoasters and theme parks, unfortunately I have never been outside of Europe. My favourite park is Alton Towers in the UK.

Right now I am working as a receptionist, but this fall I will start to study mechanical engineering. The dream job would be to become an "imagineer", a designer of rollercoasters, but there's no possibility of that in this small country..


Looking forward to getting to know you all!


Jules, Oslo, Norway.

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I'm Manuel from Germany. I'm 17 years old and I love rollercoasters and themeparks. Today I went to Tripsdrill, a little Themepark near Stuttgart. It's with swabian Theming and it has two rollercoasters, on one??(My English ) Tripsdrill says it's the craziest coaster in Germany. My favourite Park is the Europapark and my favourite ride is the Eurosat, because I love Coasters with space-theming.


In Germany we would now say


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

With friendly Greetings???( You know: My English, but I want to read your German ) Manu5000

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Hi my real name is matthew (or matt) I'v been looking at this website for a while and found some thing and here quite interesting.


I am a member of coasterforce and have been for I think 2 years now and I hope to make some new friends here!


I live in south shields in england and my nearest park is light water vally I think and my first coaster was the flying fish at thorpe park.

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