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Why california?


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Why did you two decide to move to california? Its a great place and all, but why there?

I guess Elissa went to Univercity of Flordia, since i saw it in that video. Did you two really drive all the way from flordia to california?


Josh "If you ever plan to come out to VA for some fun i'll wanna meet up with you guys" Gould

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For Robb's job this is one of only a few places in the country with big companies to work at. Since he was already established at his job and I was graduating from college, I moved out to California to find a job.


Yes we did drive across the country. Left on a Thursday Morning, did SFoT on Friday, Frontier City and Wonderland Amarillo on Saturday, Cliffs on Sunday, SFMM Monday!


Elissa "it was really fun!" Alvey

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I was born and raised in California, and I've always been able to weather the ups and downs in the economy, job market, etc. 45 years' worth of this state hasn't been too bad. There may be better places out there, but I'm comfy here. A lot of people have told me that Ventura County is one of the nicer places to live.



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Yeah I've been job looking in SoCal .. so maybe if we get married we will be living out there ... but the job market sucks a fat camel toe anyway. I know Courtney could get a job easy out there being a nurse and all .. but yeah .. I've been looking for a while.

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I was riding the KBF Space Needle (or whatever it's called) at Solace, and I was talking with a guy who lived in Huntington Beach. He said that he was born and raised there, and despite the fact that California takes a lot of crap from people, he likes it there. I guess there is a lot of hometown


I know firsthand, because I'm from Minnesota, and we take all kinds of crap about our weather. But I still live here, don't I?

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You know, it's weird. 3 years ago I would have said I would NEVER move outside of CA. But ... the more I travel and see different parts of the country I just feel like I've done all I can do here. I've seen all I need to see here.


The people here (for the most part) just get on my nerves. It's time for a change of scenery.


Plus, I need to start thinking about the kids future (college) and Kristi and my future (retirement). I want to retire by 55, so that only gives me 25 more years to get there. Might seem like a long time, but it's really not.


Unfortunately with the cost of living on CA it's not gonna happen.

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I probably lack imagination, but there's really no place in the country I'd rather live than San Francisco. There's the manageable weather and the relative proximity to mountains, ocean, redwood forests, and deserts. The feeling of riding my motorcycle over Twin Peaks on a clear day and seeing all the way to Oakland. Culture from opera to performance art, and on a manageable scale. And SF really is more tolerant and diverse than other places - can't think of too many American towns where there are Chinese-American Christians demonstrating against gay marriage and huge street fairs where folks stroll around naked, where city streets are named for Jack Kerouac and Alice B. Toklas, and where, despite all the crap that's happening in this country, there's still a sense of tolerance, diversity, possibility, and hope. Too bad the rents are so effing high, but hey, I guess you get what you pay for.


And because my love is here.

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I'm at UF myself, though since I don't drive, it is difficult to get to BGT, IOA, SWO, Cypress Gardens, and Wild Adventures, which are all within a day trip away. Also, there's a Carrabas across the street (did you get that credit?).

I'm not sure what I'll do after college

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I probably lack imagination, but there's really no place in the country I'd rather live than San Francisco. There's the manageable weather and the relative proximity to mountains, ocean, redwood forests, and deserts. The feeling of riding my motorcycle over Twin Peaks on a clear day and seeing all the way to Oakland. Culture from opera to performance art, and on a manageable scale. And SF really is more tolerant and diverse than other places - can't think of too many American towns where there are Chinese-American Christians demonstrating against gay marriage and huge street fairs where folks stroll around naked, where city streets are named for Jack Kerouac and Alice B. Toklas, and where, despite all the crap that's happening in this country, there's still a sense of tolerance, diversity, possibility, and hope. Too bad the rents are so effing high, but hey, I guess you get what you pay for.


And because my love is here.


I just got back from a conference in San Francisco. I was there for a week. It is quite an enjoyable city however I was really surprised to see the number of homeless. I was in the O'Farrell/Powell area and they were everywhere.

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I was mad to UF because I wasn't able to transfer there twice (once as an undergrad, once as a grad student). but since my favorite favorite favorite band's hometown is Gainesville (Less Than Jake), I kinda got over it.


~Allison "GO NOLES!" Y2K~


p.s. just kidding.

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I just got back from a conference in San Francisco. I was there for a week. It is quite an enjoyable city however I was really surprised to see the number of homeless. I was in the O'Farrell/Powell area and they were everywhere.


Yeah, it's kiind of overwhelming. Used to be people said that was because San Franciso's welfare payouts were so high, but that's a thing of the past. I'd say it's because the weather here, compared to many cities, is pretty mild year-round, making it less unpleasant to live on the streets; because the tourist area where you are is adjacent to the Tenderloin, the crummiest part of downtown; and because the city has always attracted drifters and the like. Actually, on my trip East, I was struck by the absence of panhandlers in DC and Philly.

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I've met homeless people that "commute" to San Francisco because the handouts are pretty good.


There was this one guy who lives in some bushes in Eureka who saves beercans to buy a bus ticket to SF every year. He says a few months on the street in SF will give him enough money to stay high for the rest of the year "back home"


Apperently the cardboard housing market in Eureka is pretty good!


Jeezus "In San Francisco, the homeless are like the pigeons" Juice

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Ugh, I escaped California, and have come to Loathe the state as a whole, having my brother live in Long Beach has not helped at all


I used to Live in Santa Cruz, San Francisco is AWESOMELY BEAUTIFUL, but way to many homeless, they need someone who will actually do something about it, handouts are not the total answer, cause then you get more homeless moving to the area


I make about $10,000 less per year, but ended up buying a house for 89,000, that in Santa Cruz would have been about $750,000, sorry Cali, I want to live, enjoy my family, and not paty 2500 a month for a house


Albuquerque has pretty mild weather, we are in a heat wave and today was 97, but its usually around 87 to 90 degrees, and dry, so is very tolerable, and the winters are a bit cold, but a cold day will be in the high 40, and never stays below freezing


I am very happy to have left California, and everyone I talk to I tell them to get out, there are much better opportunities elsewhere, wher you can afford a house, and your not burduned with extra high gas prices and taxes

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San Diego Cali is great...I pretty much love living here. Except for the undeniable fact that 700,000 bucks is chump change for a home now. Every other state is foreign...whenever I leave Cali I'm kinda like "AHH! Where'd all the mountains and sun go?" So i don't think I'll be leaving soon.

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Ya know...I personally would love to live in california, just for the parks, but other than that..I think it would just be a hassle. Plus, I don't think I'd like to leave, with my WHOLE family living here in phoenix, and I mean, Phoenix is a pretty cool place too.. AND the average house here costs about 250,000 TAKE THAT CALIFORNIA!!! Now if only we had coasters...I'd be happy.

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Anyone who says they would love to live in California FOR THE parks needs a reality check. And I mean that very seriously (but as friendly as possible).


I live in Greenville, South Carolina and I love it here. It's a large enough city that I have all the nice things of a larger city, yet we don't have traffic galore. The temperature is nice, we get a nice mix of everything.


Parkwise, you have several options within a days drive and lots more if you don't mind overnighters.


Plus if you're that wrapped up in LA's choices of parks, you can fly out of GSP airport cheaper than you can out of Charlotte OR Atlanta lots of times.


187$ last year for Solace baby. Woohoo!

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