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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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Was Powder Keg running at all? I heard somewhere else that it tested at one point but didn't open. I also heard this was common for the ride at the beginning of the season. I hope it's running this coming Thursday and Friday because I'm visiting the park for the first time then. Also, with the addition of the seat belts, did they enable it so larger guests can ride again? I don't think I should have a problem with or without seat belts, just wondering.


Powder Keg started with one train operation, then bumped up to three, then it shutdown for a couple hours then reopend about 2 hours before the park closed.

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I'm actually happy they added the seat belts. SDC is my home park and I would rather them be safe than sorry. Also it wont hurt the ride. But honestly with these more intense rides it's better to avoid catastrophe by all means possible! SUPER Happy about the new shin guards! I'm sure they are a ton more comfortable!

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Was Powder Keg running at all? I heard somewhere else that it tested at one point but didn't open. I also heard this was common for the ride at the beginning of the season. I hope it's running this coming Thursday and Friday because I'm visiting the park for the first time then. Also, with the addition of the seat belts, did they enable it so larger guests can ride again? I don't think I should have a problem with or without seat belts, just wondering.


Powder Keg started with one train operation, then bumped up to three, then it shutdown for a couple hours then reopend about 2 hours before the park closed.


Every year I hope that they'll finally figure out the kinks with PK and get it running reliably, but it never happens. I'm guessing that's why S&S hasn't sold any more of them despite the excellent ride experience.


Lots of good updates to the park this off-season as well. I won't go myself until May, but I'm hearing about a lot of general sprucing up around the park since they didn't add any new major additions. If anyone gets any photos of new thematics/signage/etc I for one would be appreciative.

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The new shin bars do look nice! The old ones definitely bothered me a bit, so I hope these truly are better. The seatbelt probably won't be much of an issue, but could slow operations on the ride. I would guess that for safety and insurance reasons they are necessary.

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I'm jealous...though, Northern Illinois is looking pretty nice in about two months - and I don't mean the weather!


Looks like you'll have a new #1 wooden coaster here pretty soon!


I'm quite excited to ride my first RMC on Thursday. I can't wait until Goliath opens too!

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Many are speculating this to be Fire Chaser Express's successor at DollyWood.

This is probably something related to that Coaster. I'm doubtful of any large attraction being announced.



Wildfire backwards perhaps?

Edited by JonnyRCT3
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If there is already a coaster at SDC named Wildfire, then I doubt it will be a new attraction called wildfire. I'd imagine an upgrade to the ride or something cool that will be done with it. And whatever it is, it won't surprise me if that is the new logo that the park uses for the ride.

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^I think it either could be a new water-slide at Splash Country, or the long speculated drop tower that Dollywood have been rumored to get since Timber Tower left. The drop tower would go with the theme of FCE, and/or Thunderhead, because isn't it themed to like a forest or something with trees? Also WF backwards would be awesome!!!

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It's very possible that SDC will get a family coaster in the old Geyser Gulch area next year. We know the park sent out a group of surveys with some very specific pitches related to retheming and revamping the area last year, and from various interviews it sounded like they want to push forward with something in 2015. Some of the pitches indicated that they might play off of some of the existing rides/themes in the park. SDC has done this a lot in the past - if you look closely you'll see callouts to Rube Dugin, Tom & Huck, and various other characters all over the park. They used to have quite the cast.


The Wildfire logo might just be a teaser for a new video or something though.

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Only got on 3 rides today and did the Marvel Cave tour. Didn't have great luck early on. I'll post a few photos when I get back home on Saturday.


Arrived at the park closer to 9 and explored the Hospitality House and some of the shops around the square at the entrance of the city. After the pledge and anthem, my dad and I headed straight for Outlaw Run only to find that it was down because they were removing a train due to problems. They held everyone at the entrance but a guy came down the line that was waiting to ride and assured us that it will be running in 10-15 minutes. After about 45 minutes or so and still not letting people get in the queue line, they said that they fixed whatever problem was with the 2nd train and they were adding it back onto the track. They did some test runs and after about an hour (10:30 or so) they finally opened the ride.


My dad and I got on the second train of the day towards the back of the train. I haven't been on many roller coaster in my lifetime, maybe only about 70, but this was definitely the best I've ever experienced. Even though there was an hour delay, it was definitely worth the wait. I was expecting the element right after the first drop to be the craziest part of the ride, but the first drop and the drop out of the turn that's beneath the lift structure were my favorite parts. The double barrel roll was fun and got some hang time on it.


Despite the slow start, things were looking good and I was filled with adrenaline after riding Outlaw Run. Next, I headed to Powder Keg. Got into the station after about 20 minutes of waiting but then it broke down and they told everyone to leave. One of the trains got stuck on the lift and they had to go get everyone off the lift. Two broken down rides to start the day. Next up was Wildfire and I was quite surprised by it. It was smoother than I thought it would be and the inversions didn't make me that dizzy so I enjoyed it.


Went and ate at the restaurant by the entrance with all the wheels inside. By this time the weather was a lot warmer so we checked to see when the next Marvel Cave tour was and headed out to the parking lot to take our coats off. Went back to the Hospitality House and waited for the next Marvel Cave tour. Waited about 30 minutes and then our tour began at 1:20. I really enjoyed it and worked up a good little sweat.


After it got done, I saw that Powder Keg was operating again so we headed back over there. This time we were able to ride it. The launch was pretty intense but it did toss me around a little on some of the turns. My dad doesn't have the best neck so it hurt him a bit. He wasn't feeling too well after but we still went back to Outlaw Run to check the line. As soon as we entered the line, it broke down again. As soon as we left the line, it started running again. We decided not to wait because my dad wasn't feeling great after Powder Keg so we headed back to our resort. Hopefully our trip back to the park tomorrow is better so I can ride Outlaw Run a few more times and try out Fire In the Hole and Thunderation.

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Sorry I didn't get many photos of the park. :/ I only took my phone into the park the first day I went and only for a few hours, mainly so I could get some photos of the cave. Overall I had a great time and really enjoyed myself besides some ride breakdowns the first day (Thursday) I went to the park.


Entering Cardinals and Blues territory... yuck. Go Cubs and Blackhawks!



After a 10 hour drive, I finally made it to Branson!



I didn't do anything the first day I arrived which was Wednesday because it was later in the day and the park was closing in a couple hours. I did visit some shops along the strip and downtown area. I had to stop at the Farm House Restaurant and I'm so glad I did. Best fried chicken I ever had!



Here's a view of Table Rock Lake from the resort I stayed at which was Still Waters Resort.



On my first day at the park, I visited Marvel Cave after getting a ride on Outlaw Run and Wildfire.



Photos don't do the entrance room of this cave justice. When you reach the bottom of the entrance room and look up, you can't believe how far you've already walked down and you're not even a quarter way into the tour yet.



I forgot the name of our tour guides but one of the two said that he was newer. They both did a great job though.



My favorite room of the tour.



I think it was called the waterfall room or something. Maybe I'm confusing it with another room, but this did a waterfall.



Long way down.



People weren't joking when they said you can't see Outlaw Run from anywhere in the park until you get right up to the ride. I couldn't see it anywhere except the entrance of the ride and from the station of Powder Keg where I took this photo.



Cool fact I learned about Powder Keg: The back spike that never gets used isn't just there for decoration (which makes sense because that would be an expensive piece of decor). It's there in case the train doesn't clear the first hill from the launch and it rolls backwards. Makes sense, I just never realized that.



A little girl really didn't want to ride after she got strapped in so they released the harness and she exited the ride screaming and crying. She waited right outside the gate in the station for her friend to come back but the worker in the station was doing a great job putting a smile on her face while she waited. The staff here was so friendly in every area of the park.



One final photo I took before I securely tucked my phone away. I loved the entrance and station theme for Outlaw Run.



I had a great time and got on all the attractions I wanted to ride...


Outlaw Run - 3 rides: I went in with very high expectations and it still blew me away. Best roller coaster I ever ridden. I rode in the front, front row of the last car, and the very back. My favorite seat was actually the 2nd to last row. My favorite parts of the ride were the first drop and the drop out of the banked turn that runs underneath the lift hill structure. The element after the first drop, wave turn, and the double barrel roll finish were all incredible as well.


Wildfire - 1 ride: I was a little nervous about riding this because I tend to get sick on rides with a lot of inversions but I figured if I was ok on Outlaw Run, I could handle this. I was quite impressed by this B&M sit down. I wouldn't say it was as good as The Incredible Hulk for me but a solid looping coaster none the less.


Powder Keg - 1 ride: I was a bit disappointed in this ride. The launch was pretty thrilling, but the rest of the ride hurt on the transitions. Not an awful ride, but not a favorite of mine. I would've given it another chance but it kept breaking down.


Fire In the Hole - 1 ride: The drops were little bumpy but it was a fun classic ride with some cheesy but decent theming throughout.


Thunderation - 1 ride: By far the best of the 4 Arrow mine trains I've been on. The others being Cedar Creek, River King, and Adventure Express.


Marvel Cave - 1 tour: Amazing cave with a lot of cool history. You'll also get a nice little workout.



Great little park with excellent staff. The food was also really good! Wish I could've stayed a little longer but we had to head home early on the 2nd day for certain reasons.

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The new seatbelts seem to be slowing down loading. You have to buckle them and then wait for the attendants to push the restraints down. Doesn't affect the ride experience at all though. Some construction is going on behind Geyser Gulch. Wonder what is going on... ImageUploadedByTapatalk1395517081.672923.jpg.304e06203159ebf9c69dccd2896fd74c.jpg

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