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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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I love every coaster at SDC, but here is how I'd rank them:


1. Outlaw Run (#1 on wood list)

2. Powder Keg (#2 on steel list)

3. Wildfire (#9 on steel list)

4. Thunderation (#18 on steel list)

5. Fire-in-the-Hole (#28 on steel list)


Exactly rah same for me!

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I'm hearing more rumors that we could see B&M come to SDC for 2015. If so, I would not be surprised at all to see a WingRider. I know this is just speculation at this point, but I think it could very well be true....

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I'm hearing more rumors that we could see B&M come to SDC for 2015. If so, I would not be surprised at all to see a WingRider. I know this is just speculation at this point, but I think it could very well be true....



That would be a quick turnover. Honestly My wish would be for them to get a B&M Flying coaster on the level/terrain style of Tatsu.

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I'm hearing more rumors that we could see B&M come to SDC for 2015. If so, I would not be surprised at all to see a WingRider. I know this is just speculation at this point, but I think it could very well be true....


I've seen this rumor keep coming around again and again, I wish I knew who kept spreading it and why. They've pretty much already come out and told us what the plans are for 2015. Adding a B&M on top of that would be silly. Even doing it in 2016 would be odd for them. SDC isn't really hurting for big thrill coasters at the moment, it's not supposed to be a Six Flags. Their bread and butter is family experiences, and I really would like to see them develop more of that without resorting to plain turn-key ride installations. The family package coming in 2015 will be nice though.


The earliest I expect a major new coaster to show up at SDC is 2018, unless they are looking at "copying" Dollywood's new family coaster, which could be a strong possibility for 2016/2017.

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I'm hearing more rumors that we could see B&M come to SDC for 2015. If so, I would not be surprised at all to see a WingRider. I know this is just speculation at this point, but I think it could very well be true....

They already had a winner in there hand, they don't need a boring B&M Wingrider to destroy their perfect coaster line up.

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I'm hearing more rumors that we could see B&M come to SDC for 2015. If so, I would not be surprised at all to see a WingRider. I know this is just speculation at this point, but I think it could very well be true....

They already had a winner in there hand, they don't need a boring B&M Wingrider to destroy their perfect coaster line up.


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They're extremely reliable, high capacity rides that seem to be very popular.

This is true of every B&M coaster, so why buy a boring Wingrider?


Because a lot of people don't find them boring at all, and since they bought a Wingrider for Dollywood it's not too farfetched to assume we might see one at SDC if they consider Wild Eagle to have been a successful investment.

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They're extremely reliable, high capacity rides that seem to be very popular.

This is true of every B&M coaster, so why buy a boring Wingrider?


Because a lot of people don't find them boring at all, and since they bought a Wingrider for Dollywood it's not too farfetched to assume we might see one at SDC if they consider Wild Eagle to have been a successful investment.


Dollywood has a Euro Fighter, SDC can find a place for a great Euro Fighter.

Darien Lake has an Intamin hyper, SDC can also build one.

SDC has Outlaw Run, so the other Herschend parks need to build a RMC because RMC coasters are certainly great.


I don't think Wild Eagle means anything for SDC.

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The thing with the WingRider, they could market it as the first of its kind in the State/region. I'm not saying its what I'm hoping for, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if that's what they went with. Personally, I'd love to see a hyper be it Intamin or B&M. But if a WingRider were to come it would certainly be a fun ride with all the Mountains and Trees in and around the Park.

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Anyone on here try the special Outlaw Run Habanero frozen drink? I was all set to try some, when the employee in the cart advised me against it. She gave me a sample and all it was, was frozen lemonade with flecks of Habanero pepper. They made a big deal out of it in their park newspaper, so I was wondering if anyone ordered it and had a different experience.

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^ Hmmm...I never saw marketing for it when I was at SDC a few months back. "Special" for the holidays? A frozen drink with heat to heat you up?


I do not think 'Habenaro' and 'frozen drink' should be combined... I'd rather see this:


Special Outlaw Run Habanero "Insert any awesome food but sweet items in the park" entree

Speical Outlaw Run Frozen Hot Chocolate Cinnamon Roll drink

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^^^I do like how SDC offers so many creative food and drink items. Also, they have this combination of ambiance, prices and promotions that makes even the more mundane items enticing. I saw they still sell the Dippin' Dots cones that are both larger and cheaper than the large cups. And we had an offer good at a sizable ice cream float station--simple, but worthwhile. Just throwing out a couple examples of many. It's not all about the cinnamon bread and skillets!

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's not all about the cinnamon bread




Yeah, just lost a lot of respect for Laura! While the cinnamon bread alone is worth the visit to me, the rest of their offerings are really some of the best in the US! They really do a lot of great things at that park. I'm really hoping I can visit again sometime this year.

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It's not all about the cinnamon bread




Stone the blasphemer!

No one is to stone anyone until I blow this whistle! Do you understand? Even, and I will make this absolutely clear, even if they do say it's not all about the cinnamon bread.


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