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Congrats to Alliance for beating out Na'Vi and becoming the champions of Dota 2's The International 2013!


That final game was INTENSE, easily the best match I've ever seen. The Million Dollar Coil will go down in history. But there was so much more... Dendi's triple kill, the Aegis/Roshan steal from said snowballing Dendi, the beyond incredible split pushing... Amazing.

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Over the weekend I beat Darksiders and Virtues Last Reward. Virtues had a great story but gameplay wasn't the most entertaining. It was basically an interactive story since it took about 44 hours to beat, with only 8-10 hours of actual game play. After escaping the final puzzle, the conclusion took around 3 hours.


Darksiders was a fun game, even though the game play reminded me of God of War. Story was on the weak side, but overall an enjoyable game.

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Just saw some screens from the 3DS version of Disney Infinity. Gameplay must be amazing because the graphics look terrible. Didn't expect it to have the same visuals as the Xbox but I've seen better-looking games on the N64! And that's to say nothing of the gameplay differences. Very disappointing indeed.

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Yeah, we were thinking of getting the 3DS version until we saw the graphics. Also, I heard Robb say that the 3DS version isn't even a full version of the game like the Wii/PS3/XBOX version, but more like a collection of mini-games. Both of those things are absolute killers for me. I might pick up the Xbox version just to see how it is.

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It took me a while (2 months) but I finished up the Last of Us on Sunday. Overall I was amazed at how much I enjoyed the game, it had the deepest story of any game I think I've ever played. At this point I don't think I have time to finish another PS3 game (life is busy, I don't get much time to play video games) so I will be playing sports games between now and November 15th when I move on to the PS4.

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I was very impressed. I have somehow become a bit of a Naughty Dog fan boy at this point (I've owned all the Crash games, Jax games, Uncharted games, and now the Last of US) and even by their standards this was an amazing game. It's a toss up for me if this is the highlight of the PS3 for me, Uncharted 2 is the only one that I think I enjoyed as much.

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The only problem I have with the game is that I suck at it, lol. My goal from the beginning was just to protect Ellie, so seeing her die at the sniper part was a very unpleasant feeling for me. Every time she got grabbed I got a huge adrenaline rush, and the worst one was in Pissburgh where I had somehow gotten separated a bit and right as she got grabbed I started getting pommeled, so I had to fight him off, then another guy started doing the same, and I got to her with maybe a second to spare at the most. The winter chapter was the best gameplay of any game I've ever played and there was so much character development too. And the ending to that chapter... so many feels! This game is a masterpiece, I can't stop talking about it.


Edit: My other problem with the game is that I've been playing it so much that I haven't gotten around to sitting back down at my drum set that much. I jammed with my dad for a while Saturday but other than that the game's been basically controlling my life.

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Taking a break from Mario & Luigi Dream Team, I went back a few years and decided to play through Pokemon Platinum, started with Chimchar (Fire/Fighting type ape Pokemon)...why did I do that anyway? That first gym was a bit rough...much like starting off with Charmander on Pokemon Red/Blue/Green as the first 2 gyms have advantages over you...and finding something strong en route to both gyms is going to be tough...and lots of level grinding to be done. 2nd gym was a breeze as I had 2 monsters with advantages over the second gym. Yes I still like playing the Pokemon games (seriously, there's a lot of depth to this game that makes me think it's just as hardcore as it is kid-friendly) and I'm actually anxious for X and Y to come out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My sister just beat The Last Of Us yesterday and, like me, she's hooked now. I can tell she's going to have a hard time moving on from it. I still think about that game all the time even after I've played through it four times. She's really excited to do an Ellie cosplay; she's going to buy Ellie's shirt, backpack, the little trinkets on it, and we're even going to make a switchblade prop for her. We'll even do a little "photo shoot" with myself and maybe our dad posing as hunters and infected.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got the updated Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse from the Playstation Store. It's $15, but they did a nice job remaking it. It's virtually the exact same game, just with totally updated graphics and updated sound.

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Taking a break from Mario & Luigi Dream Team, I went back a few years and decided to play through Pokemon Platinum, started with Chimchar (Fire/Fighting type ape Pokemon)...why did I do that anyway? That first gym was a bit rough...much like starting off with Charmander on Pokemon Red/Blue/Green as the first 2 gyms have advantages over you...and finding something strong en route to both gyms is going to be tough...and lots of level grinding to be done. 2nd gym was a breeze as I had 2 monsters with advantages over the second gym. Yes I still like playing the Pokemon games (seriously, there's a lot of depth to this game that makes me think it's just as hardcore as it is kid-friendly) and I'm actually anxious for X and Y to come out.



I'm super excited for X and Y as well. Can't wait! Me and a bunch of my buddies are going to the midnight release at our local gamestop. If anyone wants my 3DS friend code to add PM me. Right now I have Fire Emblem: Awakening, Persona 4, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and Saturday I'll have Pokemon Y!

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Finally finished playing Arkham City last week (I've only had it for two years...!). No idea why I waited so long, perhaps I was saving it for a special occasion. Just as brilliant as it's predecessor, great storytelling and cinematic gameplay, and probably the best voice acting I've ever seen in a game. Prequel is out in two weeks!

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