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I've recently got into The World Ends With You for the Nintendo DS, the game is absolutely fantastic. I'm currently on the second week, third day. It's the one where Joshua tricks you into thinking the mission was to get to Cat Street in 15 minutes, but it's the thing with the ramen.


If you have a DS, GET THE GAME. It's incredible.

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  • 2 months later...
My Xbox 360 just got the ring of death.


There are a few gamers getting together to try and sue Mircosoft for this occasional problem.


I'm playing Twisted Metal Black right now. I'm not sure how far I am.


Has anyone played Spider-Man: Web of Shadows yet? It looks cool, but I want to see if it's a good game.

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TF2: days from release: 401

TF2: hours played: 450 (damn that's painful...)

Resistance 2 beta: my sound doesn't work.

COD:4: Not as good as TF2, singleplayer not as good as...

Half-Life 2 Ep 2: First 1/3 much better then I remember

The Ship: I wish people would play it...

InstantAction.com games:THEY RUN IN OS X!

Mega Man 9: Can't get past the first jump

Alien Hominid HD: Where is the PSN version?

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I've gotten back into The World Ends With You for DS, it's amazing. I think my max level is around 65 or 70, I haven't checked in a while.


Like my avatar, I also play N+ for DS. I love it, even if it's insanely hard. I'm on I think episode 47, the second one of the Atari Bonus levels. I can't get past the last level of that one.


Portal: Beat it. Love it. Can't beat any of the challenge levels.

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^Basically your xbox is dead. It has to go to the shop to be fixed. It's a big problem on the xbox. I think I read they have about a 16% failure rate which for a consumer product is pretty bad. Some people had to have their xbox replaced several times because of this.


Anyway, I've been playing God of War on my PSP and surprisingly I got to 2nd level! For me that's a big deal because I suck on these type of games. I think since I had a lot of time to focus on the game during a flight to visit my mom I got somewhat used to the controls.


I also started playing a bit of Guitar Hero III and Lord, do I need some practice!



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I installed a copy of Stepmania (a DDR clone) on my Mac yesterday and connected a Dance Dance Revolution mat (with a PS2 to USB adapter) to it... it didn't work.


Luckily I had cheaper mat with a USB connector and that worked.


Let me tell you, I suck ba... err, I was terrible. I did manage to clear a level to "So many men, so little time". (Hey it was one of the songs installed!) Even worse, was my drunken roommate attempting to play.


"Boy, you're gonna hurt yourself!"


When the arrow onscreen was pointing to the right, he jumped on the right button with both feet, almost falling.


Well, we need some practice; but he suggested we use the game for a small wedding reception next week. I'd better have my video camera ready...



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I just bought LittleBigPlanet for the PS3.


OMG, how cute! I was actually laughing throughout the time that I've played. The worlds are so intricate. I've been waiting for a game like this, kind of like Yoshi's Story on N64, a good solid platformer.


I haven't gotten too far into the game yet, but I can't seem to collect 100% of the items in any level except the first, I guess I have some better searching to do.


I also love how in the level creator everything is customizable. I started work on one level, but I want to unlock more objects.


Has anyone else picked this game up? Add me on PSN: KrakenKing

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Left 4 Dead Demo. There might only be 1 1/2 levels, the cool zombie vs human mode isn't out yet, and it crashes more then nearly anything, but ohhh so good.

So good. As the TF2 heavy says: SO MUCH BLOOD!


On LittleBigPlanet, there needs to be a PSN download version. Maybe its the PC gamer in me, but I don't want any more disks in my life. Buying Fallout 3 on Steam and having it appear 2 hrs later, and never having to worry about finding anything again.


Though I'm probably going to pick it up, after L4D/Fallout are played thoroughly.

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^Left 4 Dead does look like a cool game, but I think it would be good to be able to play with some friends but my friends don't play these games... and I'm too busy to devote that much time.


I need to get back to Rollercoaster tycoon though.


The dance dance revolution game was a hit at the reception. No pics though, no one got that drunk. The little kids played too; we let one of my roommate's nieces play a lot since she had a really tough year: she lost her parents in a murder-suicide. That's a really sad thing.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Today, I finally got Shadow of the Colossus from Gamefly.


It's an amazing game, so far. I've only beaten two colossi, but I have a pretty good idea of the game. The controls aren't that great, especially on the horse, which steers uncannily like a tank. And also, the camera does tend to swing out constantly, but it's not that much of a problem, as you can move it or focus solely on the colossus.


Oh, for you guys that don't know what the game is, you just ride around and defeat 16 giant colossi, which range from the size of a house to having their own zip co-- actally, more like five zip codes. Each is like a puzzle, with certain weak spots that you have to climb up to and stab.


It's a great game, but the controls do make a bit of a shortcoming. But so far, that's no reason to not pick up this game. If you have a PS2, buy this game. Or at least rent it.

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