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Final Fantasy 12, level 65. Ive beet the game and now I'm going back and doing the extras. I's a really good game.

I didn't enjoy XII as much as the other Playstation-era Final Fantasy games. While the battle system was enjoyable thanks in big part to the removal of random battles the storyline was terrible. The main reason I didn't find the story compelling is because I didn't care about any of the characters. There is no character development and you never connect with any of them. In FFX I cared about what happened to Tidus and the others at the end (and I rank it as one of the best game endings ever). The same goes for every other PS-Final Fantasy (except XI, MMO's don't count). Overall, I was very disappointed. Of course, my fixation on story could have come from just finishing Xenosaga Episode III which was emotionally draining.

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Final Fantasy 12, level 65. Ive beet the game and now I'm going back and doing the extras. I's a really good game.

I didn't enjoy XII as much as the other Playstation-era Final Fantasy games. While the battle system was enjoyable thanks in big part to the removal of random battles the storyline was terrible. The main reason I didn't find the story compelling is because I didn't care about any of the characters. There is no character development and you never connect with any of them. In FFX I cared about what happened to Tidus and the others at the end (and I rank it as one of the best game endings ever). The same goes for every other PS-Final Fantasy (except XI, MMO's don't count). Overall, I was very disappointed. Of course, my fixation on story could have come from just finishing Xenosaga Episode III which was emotionally draining.

I cared, I really wanted to know what was going to happen to Ash and in the end I wanted to know if the bunny (Fran) and Baltheir (something like that) were going to fall in love or something. i liked the story and the game gives you sooo many opportunities, I really liked it, but thats my opinion.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Alot, Mostly i guess...

Gear of War...frag-tag achievement working on

GRAW: 8th level

DeadRising.. umm Just beat the 2nd psychopath

Final Fantasy 5.. that part where you have to cross the desert with the sand snake things

Metroid Prime 2: Agon Wastes

Paper Mario level 1 of 1

Super MArio Sunshine.. 26th shine

GTA Vice City Stories the art where i have to pick up my brother from the airport, just can't beatthat mission!

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  • 9 months later...

Lately, eagerly awaiting Brawl for me. The amount of YouTube videos that have gone up since the Japanese release is making my patience wear thin. And now the soundtrack has been posted... and it sounds awesome.



But as for last game:


In between World 4 and 5 on Super Paper Mario. The game got tedious by then because the 2D/3D gimmick wore thin.

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Aside from RCT3 stuff, I started up a new Morrowind charactor patterned after Ghost Rider, but haven't really played it much.


I'm interested in playing Unreal Tournament 3, Metroid Prime 3 (though systems are Wiily scarce), and Oblivion GOTY. Also have an itch to play the old Lego Racers games, GameCube Animal Crossing, and DS Animal CrossingWild World for some reason.


Ok, throw in some of the old Tony Hawk pro skaters too.


*sigh* When did I get old and where did all my time go?

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Im not playing much as of recent, considering my Xbox got the ring of death But because of that i have been playing Need For Speed Carbon, Its an awesome racing game! And go figure, my file became corrupted right after i got a nissan skyline >.>


Once my Xbox is fixed tho, its back to COD4.

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