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TPR's "Real World Orlando" Photo Trip Report!

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  robbalvey said:
  Golfie said:


umm... Is Elissa Pregnant?!??



I guess you'll find out in a few months!






Having seen my wife go through the whole pregnancy thing recently... looking through the last few pics I have seen of Elissa I would say she is..... still looking slim except the bigger boobs and the tummy area getting rounder..... either that or to many Mcdonalds and if so i'm very sorry

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I'm home, I'm tired, I'm doing laundry, and I cannot wait until next year. Every time we go to Orlando, I say "best trip ever". Well, this year was no different, as it was again the best trip I've yet taken to the Orlando area. Renting the house was a way cool idea, all of the parks rocked, the Halloween events were great, and there was plenty of in-van entertainment.


Thanks Robb & Elissa for setting all of this up. I took no photos, but will post my thoughts on stuff (especially the Halloween stuff) later...



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  disneyfan1313 said:
The best way to sum up the differences between HoS and HHN is ...


HoS - All startles as scares with OK Makeup and Costumes with great looking sets in the houses (although the have the same ones each year).


HHN - Actually tries to *frighten* you and uses movie studio quality costumes, makeup and f/x and lighting.


HoS was a fun event that would be amazing if it was anywhere else in the country (except perhaps SoCal) where you would not compare it to HHN.


Well put. I really agree with this, Busch had cool scare zones that were longer than Universal's, and even had some "hidden" scare zones, but the overall theme just seemed to be startles. I really liked the themes of the houses at HOS, and they were really long (almost too long!). I didn't really care for the excess amounts of strobes though in almost every house, it really slowed up the lines. While most of the houses remain the same year after year, I was pretty impressed with the new one. The only house I really didn't care for was Freaked, though it was cool how there was more than one path to choose. Busch did a surprisingly good job considering they don't have all the makeup talent like Universal does.


I do give the nod to Universal though for its constantly changing houses, better scare feeling, and costuming. Also, their shows were far superior, and the lack of shaker cans is always a good thing. I don't think a zombie or a vampire would ever attack a person with a shaker can.


Big kudos to Robb and Elissa for setting up another wonderful weekend trip to Orlando. Every year gets better and better and I anxiously look forward to next year's Halloween season in Orlando. Now if only I could find some extra vacation days somewhere, like in the sofa cushions or something.

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Many, many thanks to Robb & Elissa for an amazing trip! It seems that when you go on trips, that the anticipation often ends up being better than the actual trip. Every time we've gone with them, they find ways to surprise and more than exceed any expectations we could have come up with. This weekend was indescribably fun! It was awesome seeing UK friends again and meeting all the new people!


We'll be putting together a TR soon (right after conferences and master's classes and basketball practice and oh yeah, maybe some sleep!)


You guys rock!!!!


Melanie "Queen of the Badger Trailer, Not the Tool Shed" Bitner

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Hey Everyone!


Yeah the trip was awesome! I can't believe how much fun we had, and how well we all did on so little sleep!


And to some of you in this thread, I only have one word...Yup. Feel free to start a new thread if you really care. This one is all about our psycho Florida trip!

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^^ You know you want to watch it Nicole .. Who wouldn't?!


(The phrase "Elephant Cock" was used more than once..)




ps: And allow me to also add my thanks to Robb and Elissa. You guys are awesome .. blaa blaa blaa .. suck-up suck-up suck-up .. You know I love you!

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  DerekRx said:
I didn't really care for the excess amounts of strobes though in almost every house, it really slowed up the lines. While most of the houses remain the same year after year, I was pretty impressed with the new one. The only house I really didn't care for was Freaked, though it was cool how there was more than one path to choose. Busch did a surprisingly good job considering they don't have all the makeup talent like Universal does.


I do give the nod to Universal though for its constantly changing houses, better scare feeling, and costuming. Also, their shows were far superior, and the lack of shaker cans is always a good thing. I don't think a zombie or a vampire would ever attack a person with a shaker can.


Big kudos to Robb and Elissa for setting up another wonderful weekend trip to Orlando. Every year gets better and better and I anxiously look forward to next year's Halloween season in Orlando. Now if only I could find some extra vacation days somewhere, like in the sofa cushions or something.


Dave *hearts* the strobes - we actually need to put strobes in his room next year to wake him up in the morning..


I want to echo everyone else and say that Stacey and I had an amazing time as always thanks to R&E. If anyone has a chance to go on one of their trips you need to...the enthusiasim and planning are amazing and non-stop. Plus the crap that happens when you put all of us together....

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  disneyfan1313 said:
I want to echo everyone else and say that Stacey and I had an amazing time as always thanks to R&E. If anyone has a chance to go on one of their trips you need to...the enthusiasim and planning are amazing and non-stop. Plus the crap that happens when you put all of us together....


That is what I wanted to say! We had an awesome time together! Thanks you so much Robb and Elissa for the last days! Everything was perfectly planed. Respect! You can be sure when I will have the chance next year, I will come back for that!

Thanks again!



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What night did y'all hit HOS?


I don't think you guys went through my house (After Hours) during my cast's set. Except for a couple roles, I think *possible biased comment ahead* my cast offers a better experience. I hope you all got into our little paddy wagon with no difficulties (I'm the cop standing out front trying to get guests inside.)


Anyway, the HHN/HOS debate never ends. Honestly, both events offer a great experience. Not sure if I agree with the actors try harder at HHN comments (once again, I may be a bit biased), as I have walked through several HHN houses (Run (especially), DoT, and screamhouse mainly) where the actors look very bored and don't really go for the scare.


I was disappointed that HOS only offered 1 new house this year, but we'll see what next year brings (remember, HOS doesn't get to deal with the large budget HHN has)

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