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FamilyKingdom,GrandPrix,Pavilion, "Carowinds" Phot

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So yeah. I really wanted to get my Hurricane credit before Pavilion goes to hell.. So I went down... Yeah...

I had my last day of class on Friday.. Got out at 12pm... Had a 2pm flight into Charlotte.. And then got a second plane into Myrtle Beach.. And by 8pm.. I was on the SlingShot next to my hotel ....



Woo... Boston....


Crazy thing at the Charlotte airport..


Wooo pizzahut!


Lolz... I have crabs.... (not really)


Wooo... The Myrtle Beach airport...


The sexy view from my hotel


::O! Mr "I hate every ride yet I still ride stuff" has a ride he still likes!! (deep down Slingshots are the only rides that still give me a thrill ) [Even if its much shorter then the one I did at Prater]


The bigass "Mt Atlanticus" minigolf.


Mmmm..Funtime Slingshot goodness....

Thats it for "day 1"


Art photo?


The place with the SlingShot also had this RoboCoaster (with laser tag guns on it).. But I didnt ride it as I had done RoboCoaster at IAAPA.


Little lazyriver my hotel had.. It seems like all the hotels had them.


So yeah.. Thats it for random MB photos.. Now onto Family Kingdom.

I didnt know at the time that I would be at the park the day of an ACE Event.. But because I was.. I got a all day pass for free...Woo..


I got first ride of the day on SwampFox.. This would be ride 1 of 32 for the day


Family Kingdoms waterpark.. That was closed... Yet it was in the high 80s!


More of the waterpark.


Eww FK had a Chance SlingShot.. And I rode it 3 times :-\


"Malaria River" (yes yes.. I rip'd off TPRs update for this...)


The parks cool Logride.. Or should I say.....Credit?!


""POV"" on the parks wackyworm "mouse" coaster.


Nah.. I didnt really get on it.


SwampFox.. Its not amazing... But it was fun....


The train... I dont even know why I rode it... But I did.


Only wood coaster with green paint?


See look! It goes up hill!!11!1! CREDIT!!!!


Booo... So many free seats.. Yet I couldnt ride...


So I guess Ill have to go ride SwampFox more...woo




OMGOMGOMG Right by the park they had a SONIC!....(Ok. so... Sonic is on the radio and tv around here all the time.. But there isnt even onr in New England!..... So when I went to GA back in 2004 one of the first things I did was go to Sonic... woo)


Mmmm.... Sonic....


After food.. It was time for more.....SwampFox!.. I still dont know why I rode it so many times...


FamilyKingdom.... At night.


Yay Chance YoYo.


Yay Chance Wheel...


Yay SwampFox.......


Yay.. My 32nd ride on SwampFox...


So after Family Kingdom... I walked down to the Pavilion.. And waited in an hour line for Hurricane...


Sexy G-Trains...


So yeah.. I pay'd $5 to get my ass kicked.... YAY


Sexy Scooter hall.


The parks neat Wave Swinger.


Arrow (ow-o) Mouse.


Yay Hurricane!... It really wasnt that bad.


Best run Starship/Gravatron at a park.. EVER!


Woo.. Little Eagle.


Yay Hurricanes first drop at night....

Thats it for day "2"


So day 3 started off with me going down to see whats left of GrandPrix.. And then over to see whats going on at the Hard Rock Park... As Myrtle Beach Pavilion didnt open till 1pm. I had a few hours to do stuff.


So yeah GrandPrix seems to have just given up and closed a few weeks ago.. But I went by anyways to take a few photos...


Whats left of the kiddie area.


The WackyWorm.


Track and stuff...


Bumper Boat left overs....


Merry-Go-Round 'onride'


More like Family Closed Park...


First S&S swing to become SBNO!


Closed Crazy Mouse....


So yeah... It looks like they just gave up at life...


Tornado has been rack'd.


The TopStar Tour.. I could have ran....


See look.. Keys and everything......


A look from under the parks "Rock N Roll"


Top view of the "Rock N Roll"


Crazy mouse cars.... Woo






Airtime hilll....woo.


Crazy Mouse cars..




So after a few laws were broke and stuff..... I went over to the site of the Hard Rock Park to take a few photos...

Yeah.. Dirt...






Yeah.. So someday there will be a park here...Maybe...


Ok.. So after all that stuff.. It was time to go back to the Pavilion and ride stuff...

First thing I did was Hurricane (3 times in a row :-\ )


If the the ride got a little love... It wouldnt be that bad...


Lines today were much shorter...


Dear CedarPointless THIS is how a Calypso should look / be ran...


Sexy looking Enterprise.


Yay Arrow Mouse.. That hurt more then Hurricane.


Overview of the kiddie area... From the mouse.


Eh... It was better then MIAdvs Arrow Mouse... I guess....


The Hydro-Surge raft ride...


The logride with its cool tunnel.


The big drop.


Little Eagle was a neat kiddie coaster.


I even rode it twice


Best Rainbow I have rode in a lonngggg time...


Woo.. Enterprise.


Woo... Swinging Ship. (Didnt run good )


Hurricane.. Woo... I only rode it a lot as I wont ever get to go back...


Yay headchoppers!


yeah.. the soon to be in coaster hell...Hurricane.


CCI Really loved to bank tuens...




Yay big helix #2....


Best park run Starship EVER!.. This girl on the cycle before me pass'd out midride.. And they had a medcrew roll up and everything...


MBP is the only place outside of IAAPA I have EVER seen the G5 tilt cars...


The parks lasertag dark ride.


Hydro-Surge was short.. But very wet


This was the only real bad part of the ride.. Killah on the legs.


Such bad trains.. So such an ok ride.


Of the 4 coasters I rode in SC this trip.. This was the only kiddie ::O!


The parks car ride.. I so rode....


Someone POVing on the logride.


The parks other darkride.. Also was the ride with the longest line sunday.




Rainbow goodness..


The parks topspin ran real good.. But could have been a bit better.


Sun goes down at MBP for the last "GP" day EVER.


So Hurricane had been "over shooting" all day.. And had to be reset a lot.. So yeah.. Here we are sitting on the blocks.


This dood goes back to set us free...Woo...


At around 7.30 I got in line for Hurricane for the last time.. I had been in line for the front row.. But because I would have had the train to myself.. They made me move to a different row


So as we were going up the lift.. It made this big CRUNKZ sound.. And we stopped.


So this guy is all "Y'all been up here 15mins.. And we cant get y'all going.. So we have to walk you down"


So the 8 or so of us walk down... !


Down I go


Step POV!!!!


Almost down....woo

So yeah.. Once we got down there were like 15 people on the ground looking up at us like ":O! They walking down!" At least 4 people on the ground took photos and I saw 1 guy with a video cam.


So now for "Day 4"...Woo...

Sun comes up..woo..


I went by MBP before going to the airport.. And well.. Hurricanes train was still sitting where it got stuck the night before.




Oh yeah... So on the way home my plane flew right over Carowinds!.. So I took a few photos.. They might be a bit blur'd.. But its from a jet going 100's of mph.... And its not like the windows were clean :-\


Topgun is all "You rode me 2 years ago.. You know you want to ride me next summer...".. And I do.


Coasters and rides and stuff....


Woo... Carowinds...


Hey look! My table had an ad for that TV show Six Flags sold out to.

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First Question:

How could you spend that much time at Family Kingdom?

Uh... I just kept going on SwampFox?


Second Question:

Why the hell did you post some of those Grand Prix photos?

If you mean the "under" rock n roll photo.. the side part had been removed so I just took a photo into the gap. I didnt like.. walk around inside it. lol


Also as I was walking around some other car roll'd up and this lady got out and took a few photos and left.


but where the hell is there a sonic in New England?

I think you have to go to MD to find one!

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hahah you rode Family Kingdom's slingshot THREE TIMES!!! Are you stupid?!? And.. LOL @ CCI and banked turns comment.


BTW the Swing operated when I was there in April.. and I THOUGHT it did when we were there in May... You probably just don't see it run often cause its expensive as hell!

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I didn't think there was an S&S swing at Grand Prix, musta been sorta new. I know it wasn't there year before last, didn't think it was there last year.


James liked Swampy. Yay! Yeah it isn't the greatest ever, but it is fun, esp. in the back, at nite. And Hurricane really isn't that bad. Best Rainbow ride I've done, and you should have ridden the log flume when the tunnel had purple strobes in it. Freaky at nite!


I'll be down this weekend, I hope Hurricane is fixeded. But at least I have my credit.

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I haven't been to MB in ages. Looks like fun although I probably won't go down until the new park opens up.


I feel you on the Sonic. There are Sonics all over my state but not one within 40 miles of where I live (in Richmond). There used to be one somewhat closeby but it closed down years ago.

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Nice trip report!


I was dying for some Sonic on our New England trip, and it really annoyed me that they have no Sonics in any state bordering Canada... nor do they have any in New England. So I have to wait 'till next year's trips to get me any Sonic goodness


We need to get to Carowinds next year! That place looks semi-awesome. Your hotels and that one beach picture both looked awesome. Jealous? I THINK SO.

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I can't believe how positive it was, I'm sort of confused!

Ok ok I lied.. Everything sucks


hahah you rode Family Kingdom's slingshot THREE TIMES!!! Are you stupid?!? And.. LOL @ CCI and banked turns comment

Yeah. I am

And YAY SOMEONE got the CCI joke.


James liked Swampy. Yay! Yeah it isn't the greatest ever, but it is fun, esp. in the back,

Yes. I liked it. Not an amazing ride.. But fun

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See Emo,

people like your TR's better now that they aren't in those stupid little boxes. And I didn't see a "400" sign anywhere! Wait, I bet you sent it to RCSB huh?

Nice job man. And the pic without your John Lennon glasses on confused me. I didn't think it was you at first.


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1 - FK sucks... But it wasnt THAT bad.. Just not great.

2 - It was the last ride of the night and the last ride EVER for "GP" and we just stop'd... After like 15mins of sitting they walked up and said were going to walk you down.. And thats what we did.

3 - Yes. I got them ALL (even Taxijam) back in 2004.

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I'm confused. What's up with non-colored hair?


We're you afraid the KKK would get you if you had green hair?


I also knew you'd have to show your favorite park in da world! (Carowinds)


It's weird how the mouse was much less rough to me than it was for you. But you're a bit thinner than I am.


Hurricane beat the crap out of my legs.


Oh and thanks for breaking Hurricane. Maybe people won't be tortured by it on Saturday. lol


Too bad it was packed when I was down on the 17th. I wanted to re-ride the Haunted Hotel and ride several more of the flats. But I totally ran out of time.

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I took a flight to NC (then to SC) 2 hours after I got out of school. And I cant have hair color at the school I go to. So as soon as I got home from the UK trip back at the end of June I had to dye over the greenblue left over (As I started class the week after the trip ended)


Hurricane beat the crap out of my legs.

It really didnt bug me. Just in that first helix (the one over the gokarts)is the only real place it bashed my legs.

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