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The Official NoLimits/NL2 Help Thread

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Also, NoLimits has a build-in recorder, which is waaaay better that fraps

How do you access it? Is it in the Simulator, cause I've never seen it


EDIT: I found it --it is accessible in Simulator. All you have to do is push NUMPAD 0 to toggle it on and off. For those of you who do not have number pads on their keyboards (like me), you can change the command for it in the control settings.

However, even though I have the AVI feature set up to export to the screenshots folder (NL default setting), every time I try to record a video (or, for that matter, take a screenshot) nothing appears in the folder. It's just empty. Can anybody help me out?

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Oh, nevermind. Got the question answered on another forum... in 30 minutes. Great, helpful place ya got here, Jaco, keep up the good work!


There is no need for such a comment.


If you ask questions like these at a NoLimits community you can expect a faster response than a community which is primarily based on trip reports and park/ride news.

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Alright well I waited 3 days for anyone to respond to the help thread question. Since the thread seems fairly dead, I figured I'd give it a go as a thread topic.


Welcome to the world of Internet Forums. Some are more active than others. Or, no one thought your question was worthy of any help.


Oh, nevermind. Got the question answered on another forum... in 30 minutes. Great, helpful place ya got here, Jaco, keep up the good work!


I've set my sarcasm gun to bantron. Keep it up.

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^Yea, that was about the first place I checked, it is like they are not saving to the folder or something. In the simulator, it always says "screenshot saved", then when I go to the screenshot folder, there is nothing.


Could be because you don't have a utility like MS paint or Nero to open the pics.I'm always able to find my screens no problem.

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