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The Official NoLimits/NL2 Help Thread

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^ It's been awhile since I've used No Limits, but my guess would be because it's a lifthill section. That catwalk middle piece will be there unless you change the segment to something else. For the purpose of your coaster a transport section would work, but I know that would look weird while riding. Goodluck to you...

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^^I wouldn't remove it even if it was possible. It would be very difficult to evacuate people without the center catwalk if the train happened to stop on the lift. I'd simply lower the turn going underneath the lift.

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^^^I'll take a gander at what it looks like.


^^Well my idea is, B&M created a sliding staircase in case of an emergency. I'm using newton and if I change the banking at all the entire coaster changes, and I have to go back and rebuild the whole thing after the loop. I may end up having to re-do it, but I'll keep trying.

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When you are designing a coaster, what is the sequence in which you do the following.

-Build the track in NL

-Newton for forces



After looking at the Red Dragon coaster, I have becoming inspired to start doing NL again but want to do it perfectly this time. I have used AHG a little, but not extensively and have just started watching the tutorials about Newton 2 over on youtube. I have a couple questions, maybe you can help?


-Again, what order do you use all the tools?

-Is it necessary to use AHG and Newton together?

-Should I consider using Elementary too?

-How do you go from a NL track to a Newton file and back again?




Edit: More questions!

-What is the difference between Euler and Quaternion?

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If you use Newton you don't need the NL-editor and AHG. In Newton, you can build the entire track, with perfect banking.

The only thing you need the editor for are supporting the ride.

If you handbuild the track, you use AHG afterwards for correcting the banking.


There is no way to get a trackpiece you build in the editor into Newton, Newton only exports (sections of) tracks.


Elementary is similar to Newton, except that isn't far from user-friendly and you have to work out all the formulas yourself.


The difference between Euler and Quaternion is that you use the latter for inversions.

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^Cool. Thanks for your replies!


It is awesome you build the entire track in Newton and just export it to NL from there. One question though, how do you export from Newton to NL? I assume that one it is inside NL editor you can do anything to the track, including supporting it, right?

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^^Actually, I use Quaternion for everything. I just prefer how it works things (and so does Entropy). I don't know why Euler is default, because Quaternions offer a lot more. Just my thought.


^Newton2 also has a special save file format (.newt) so you can just save your Newton work like a document and work on it later to then export it to an element. Once exported though, it's doesn't go back into Newton...it's in bezier curve mode now. Just a little clarification.

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This isn't really a "help" comment, but I didn't know where else to post it. Am I the only one who builds everything by hand anymore? I've tried a few older tools like the Purgatorium (still works really well when I can get it right) or Elemental, though I don't quite understand it. I've also tried the AHG, but it made no sense to me. I tried making a zero-G roll, and though it made a heartlined element, it wasn't a zero-G roll because it didn't complete the roll. It just tilted to the right, inverted, then tilted to the left.


Some of these I haven't even heard of. Newton? I wouldn't know where to get it and probably wouldn't know what to do with it. This is part of the reason I don't post tracks. I can't use tools, and I'm never satisfied with my hand-built tracks.

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That is Entropy's YouTube page. (Entropy is the guy who made Newton and Newton2) He has 9 tutorials on there which cover the basics of building in Newton2. I advise you watch all of these before giving Newton2 a whack, and referring back to them whenever you get stuck. Granted, they will NOT cover every element in every situation, but they give you the tools and knowledge needed to play around with Newton2 and get the hang of it all.




EDIT: I forgot, don't neglect to watch the video "Newton2 First Look," this isn't part of the tutorial series, but it gives a nice preface to the tutorials.

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