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The Official NoLimits/NL2 Help Thread

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You can also do it with the Construction Kit. Which is available for download, along with plenty of other tools here:




And thank you!


I downloaded it, but I'm too stupid to use it - I have completed my first coaster now... It has just got the default supports, and is a bit pumpy... But I'm getting the hang of it. Seriously, NL rocks.

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^You mean without slamming your face into the ground? You can't.


What you can do is make a 3D black wall with a 3D object creator to hide the collision with the ground, like

on my YouTube. If the black wall is too obstructing, get some fog to hide the wall collision.


Other than that, no. I think NoLimits2 will have underground abilities but not NL1. The reason is that Terraformer used to be a third party program made by a loyal person. It'd take a re-design and integration to compliment the two programs in the same place.

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^You mean without slamming your face into the ground? You can't.


What you can do is make a 3D black wall with a 3D object creator to hide the collision with the ground, like

on my YouTube. If the black wall is too obstructing, get some fog to hide the wall collision.


Other than that, no. I think NoLimits2 will have underground abilities but not NL1. The reason is that Terraformer used to be a third party program made by a loyal person. It'd take a re-design and integration to compliment the two programs in the same place.


Well, it looked like Richard did in his Red Dragon Coaster.

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Email Mad Data and give them some basic information and they'll help you out.


Thanks,I got a new copy sent to me from the NL site but havn't installed it yet & was advised to make a backup copy.


I have the NLsetup.exe file currently saved on my hard drive (havn't run it yet) & want to copy it to DVD so I can A: install a copy on the laptop & B:to keep as a backup on disk should anything happen to my current system that would require me getting the game yet again.


Should I just burn a copy of the .exe file to a DVD before installing on the desktop or afterwards? The reason I ask is because I tried making a copy of the file from the old system(after the game was installed) & it wouldn't run the install program.

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How do you make a train stop before a launch? (=


You can either use a brake segment and have the transport section launch the train, but you won't be able to set the launch speed, only the acceleration.

You can also use a brake segment in combination with a lift or transport segment. You can use the launch setting on the brake run to make the train shoot from standstill and then let the lift or transport section complete the launch to the desired speed.

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With actual holes in the ground for the right-of-way or just the 'tubes?'


For the 'tubes': Simply double-click or highlight the desired sections, and put a checkmark in the Tunnel box


For true holes in the ground: Search this forum for a list of tools and somewhere on the list (by Vekoma Fan Boy) is the Tunnel Maker (it's free). Download to your PC and find a tutorial as I am not very good at explaining it or using it. Sorry for a lack of good, credible information.

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