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The Official NoLimits/NL2 Help Thread

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^Yea, that was about the first place I checked, it is like they are not saving to the folder or something. In the simulator, it always says "screenshot saved", then when I go to the screenshot folder, there is nothing.


Could be because you don't have a utility like MS paint or Nero to open the pics.I'm always able to find my screens no problem.


MS Paint does not work either. What kind of format are the screenshots? Maybe, my computer is not reading it because of the format!?!?

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^Yea, that was about the first place I checked, it is like they are not saving to the folder or something. In the simulator, it always says "screenshot saved", then when I go to the screenshot folder, there is nothing.


Could be because you don't have a utility like MS paint or Nero to open the pics.I'm always able to find my screens no problem.


MS Paint does not work either. What kind of format are the screenshots? Maybe, my computer is not reading it because of the format!?!?


It's either a .BMP or .GIMP or something like that.

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^What should I type into the search? I tried searching "screenshots" and "video" and none of the pictures or video came up.


A hard drive search doesn't work like a Google search. You need to do a search for all (or part) of the file name. Do a search for a specific track you took a screen shot of. Like, say you took a snap of a coaster who's file name is Wooden1.nltrack, the screen shot .bmp file would be saved as Wooden1[long string of numbers]000x, where x is the number of the screen shot. (Ie. the first screen shot taken of a file is 0000, second is 0001, third is 0002, etc)


So try doing a hard drive search for [Track File Name] 0000.bmp

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I made video clips of my ride (that I will post later today), but when I opened Windows Movie Maker and clicked import media files and went into the screenshots folder, nothing was there. So I went to that same folder (not using movie maker) and still nothing was there, but when I clicked the button that says "Compatibility Files", then all of my video files and screenshots showed up.

How do I import the screenshots and video clips into Movie Maker?


BTW: sorry if this isn't the right spot to post this, I just thought that I should put it here because they are videos and pics from NL.

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Ok I've got a question for everyone here.


I've been using No Limits forever and I remember a few years back (possibly on Coaster Sims) someone posted about how to use NVidia cards to get stereoscopic 3D for NoLimits.


Well I've finally upgraded my computer and I can't find that article on instructions on how to get that working. As I just set up the 3D software (this is for red/blue glasses, none of that fancy shutter glasses stuff).


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Does anyone know an easier way to color wooden coaster catwalks/handrails? The only way I have figured out how to color the handrails and catwalks specific colors (a color different from the main structure color) is to individually click on them and choose 'individual color' and the color in the little box that pops up.


Seems there should be an easier way of doing this, but I can't find it...

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^It's too bad. Seems like that would be a quick fix or patch for the program. Makes making a large out and back difficult, having to put it at an angle.


I sure hope NL2 takes the time to work all this kinda stuff out. Program flexibility is much more important (to me!) than stuff like being able to walk through a swamp...

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