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Robb, Elissa, Jew, and Jahan Go Bowling

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So tonight we um.....yeah....went bowling....


Here's the photos & video....


Robb is bowling! OMG!!! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!! I feel sorry for those pins!


Video #1! What does it look like when a Jew bowls? Now you know!


"Hey Cameron...don't you wish you were here playing with me?" (That's the pinball machine saying that....not Elissa)


"LMAO!!!! It's so funny...because it's TRUE!!!"


Jahan gets yet another new name! But what does he think of that?


Hey Ryan! Wish you were here....just kidding!


Elissa's turn to bowl!!! =)


"How the hell do I play this game again?"




Oy! Screw you all! I got a big slash mark on the screen!


Jahan likes holding Robb's BIG PINK BALL!


Oh, he's getting FOOD, of course!


Robb's turn to bowl....but where is he???


"Joey, just pretend the pins are Lebonese people!"




And people were wondering "Is Jahan gay?" Look at that picture! What do YOU think????


"Check out my BIG PINK BALL!"


While Jew was not happy about having to rent the shoes, he forgot all about it once he FOUND A PENNY!!!!


So the night started out where? The BUFFET of course!!!!

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Kinda reminds me of the antic's on my family bowling night with my older bro, and his wife. LOL. I absolutely insanicly, hate renting shoes, (my shoes are allowed to be used because of the bottoms! hehe. I remember last time I ended up bowling and flung the ball 2 lanes over , having friends sit on my shoulder tossing like 4 balls at once. We did some stupid crap! lol.


My average score ends up in the 140 range of I think the best you can get is what a 300?

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I also love to do bowling!


I'm a bit dissapointed Dan didn't went bowling with you guys. If he plays it as bad as darts, then it's bound to be funny for us/destructive for the lane


All those strobe lights can't be too good for him, either.


Looks like you guys had fun... but even more fun with the screennames!


Dan "Last time I was 'Thad Zawayuhhuhuhhuhilikeit'" Smith

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