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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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I was on Cedarpoint.com and it seems that it was down for about 2 minutes, 9:18 to 9:20...Yeah...


I saw this on the pointbuzz forums,


This track here: http://www.pointbuzz.com/Gallery.aspx?i=4920 with the weird crossties is the same as this:




The LIM launch sections on Wicked Twister. Those holes are mounts for LIM's.



I never wouldave found that in a million years, but why would Intamin switch from hydraulic to LIM? Ohh yea because for the most part hydraulics have DOWNTIMES FROM HELL. And its almost garaunteed not to be an invert unless they plan to have really screwy banking.


but you know, maybe it will be a new intamin model....who knows.

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HOYS wrote:

I was on Cedarpoint.com and it seems that it was down for about 2 minutes, 9:18 to 9:20...Yeah...


I saw this on the pointbuzz forums,


This track here: http://www.pointbuzz.com/Gallery.aspx?i=4920 with the weird crossties is the same as this:




The LIM launch sections on Wicked Twister. Those holes are mounts for LIM's.


But could these not be magnetic brakes aswell?! Seeing as though they use them to stop the same coaster?!


Also could it be a mid circuit launch similar to the lift hills on California Screamin but horizontal?

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I never wouldave found that in a million years, but why would Intamin switch from hydraulic to LIM? Ohh yea because for the most part hydraulics have DOWNTIMES FROM HELL. And its almost garaunteed not to be an invert unless they plan to have really screwy banking.


but you know, maybe it will be a new intamin model....who knows.



I wouldn't say they switched from Hydraulic. LIMS use a high current pulse if you ran a Lim coaster on say TTD, damn that would be expensive.


Where as the hydraulic system would only use a fraction of the required power for a ride of that size and speed. Superman at SFMM for example uses LSM and is very expensive to run just on power consumption.


Also using LIMS allow for booster sections without having the ride come to a complete stop during the ride "aka. volcano's secondary launch, or even wicked twister"


Using secondary launches is tough, as I'm sure a few can relate the feeling on volcano when the second set doesn't fire "hehe" and you get the roll back, so we will see. LIM and even LSM launch systems both have more then their own share of problems, but at the least no cables that can break.


All I know is those turns are big and I'm not a fan of large slow turns so this thing had better have some speed, or else that looks to be a pretty boring part of the ride.




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^^ I think that's just the edge of a crane.


Doesn't look like track.


its not a crane! its track!


I accept that now. I made that comment before anyone mentioned the other angle(which I still haven't seen).


Going off just that Cedar Point cam you can't really tell what that is exactly.

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^^ I think that's just the edge of a crane.


Doesn't look like track.


its not a crane! its track!


I accept that now. I made that comment before anyone mentioned the other angle(which I still haven't seen).


Going off just that Cedar Point cam you can't really tell what that is exactly.


i felt it in my bones

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^^ I think that's just the edge of a crane.


Doesn't look like track.


its not a crane! its track!


I accept that now. I made that comment before anyone mentioned the other angle(which I still haven't seen).


Going off just that Cedar Point cam you can't really tell what that is exactly.


i felt it in my bones



Dude that is definitely a crane. You can see the little foot thing that keeps the crane from tipping over. Also, the "track" that you think you see is black.


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Dude that is definitely a crane. You can see the little foot thing that keeps the crane from tipping over. Also, the "track" that you think you see is black.


Not too mention it's now moved and is no longer in the shot.


I knew it didn't look like track.

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