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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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With how the supports are looking, I'm really doubting the notion that there will be a lift hill. The tallest supports that are up right now are the ones that go over a row of supports. Many have speculated that these will be used for a lift hill: http://www.pointbuzz.com/Gallery.aspx?i=4759


Sounds good, but I'm not so sure. those beams are weird, some are taller then the others so its hard to say if they will actually be used as a base or another tube ontop or just be capped off with a track supporting...support.


I did realize that these: http://www.pointbuzz.com/Gallery.aspx?i=4405 supports will go on top of those beams, wether or not they get "extender" beams. I ruled out a lift hill because:


1: Look at the placement of the track connectors on those supports, some are on the left, some the right, some the middle, and then there is that funky one with the tube sticking out with a track connector. I think it will be some kind of S-Curve turning section (think Italian Job's police scene) with a high leadin with that one support with the tube sticking out the top.


Edit: Look at the webcam, 2 new peices of track have just been delivered to the construction site! More progress for today!

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I dont think it'll have a lift hill then a launch, to have the launch after the lift will mean the train will have to stop completely for a while then lanch and the system will surly fail a lot


I this is the case they might as well build two coasters!


Yay for Gemini 2!


wicked twister doesnt stop

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I'm too lazy to rewrite, so I'll just throw in two of my guesstimating posts from coastersims, written 6th, resp. 8th of August:


--- --- ---


Since I'm moving soon, I'll have to get rid of a couple of old socks anyways...


I could actuallly see "two tracks", with two launches on top(!) of each other (one track of course, but "excersized" in two parts...). The (upwards?) sloped dual supports seem to be for one launch, beneath these there is a whole set of other supports for another looong straight track part. The latter could be the place for accelling the train once again.


Imagine getting launched out of the station, taking the first half of that twisty course, then, turning back right into beneath the station, get lauched there again, possibly in sync with the next train getting shot out of the station at the same moment. Or, trains could be synced to meet/race/duel at certain spots, however.


Following the path of footers and recently installed supports does not clearly show wether the initial launch would be the one heading over the lake, or the one turning to the right and heading back. However there are two paths entering the long straight section (assumed to be the station area) as well as two paths leaving said section.

2x entries: http://www.pointbuzz.com/Gallery.aspx?i=4725

2x exits: http://www.pointbuzz.com/gallery.aspx?i=4722



Again, we'll see, and I could be totally wronk.

But guesstimation with that one is just soooo much fun!


--- --- ---


hehe, my next pair of smelly socks, happily dedicated to CP.


The initial launch (of two, as guesstimated already) out of the station will head to the right to meet the "other train", which has already been launched a tad earlier (from the second lauch below the station). "Other train" has in the meantime passed the curvy slings over the lake, only to meet the one just shot out of the station four or more times at various intersections. Some of these intersections could be inverted for the train going above, so riders of both trains would see the other train "virtually above" and thus facing each other upside down.


Imagine a braid, sort'a, maybe with a touch of pigtails... 8)


The basic layout to provide such an execution is there. In particular the required blocking & block timing (right before the second launch) would only make sense whith abovementioned sequencing, IMO. In case CP refuses to do just that, it would at least be another nice idea for some NL coaster.


*having fun with playing ideas, either way...


--- --- ---


Just for the fun of adding more disturbing thoughts!

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I was on Cedarpoint.com and it seems that it was down for about 2 minutes, 9:18 to 9:20...Yeah...


I saw this on the pointbuzz forums,


This track here: http://www.pointbuzz.com/Gallery.aspx?i=4920 with the weird crossties is the same as this:




The LIM launch sections on Wicked Twister. Those holes are mounts for LIM's.


Dude great find. That almost makes it confirmed as a launch coaster.

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You know that actually would make sense. I mean look at the footers by the water, 2 coasters could easly race/duel there.


That looks much more like only one track.


Those footers look just like Goliath's helix over the water.




you are exactly right.. it looks just like it.. hardly a record breaker though?

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