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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2036 - Snake River Falls closing September 2nd, 2024

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....meh don't really care, I hope she had to wait in line for stuff just like everybody else there. If not then she is no different than other snobs that go to parks and cut lines because they think they are 'special'.


If it was me I would actually prefer that she cut in line. Would you really want to wait in the vicinity of her entourage and screaming fans for an hour or so? Sometimes getting the circus through the line faster is a plus for everyone.

Edited by Sean Menefee
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....meh don't really care, I hope she had to wait in line for stuff just like everybody else there. If not then she is no different than other snobs that go to parks and cut lines because they think they are 'special'.


If it was me I would actually prefer that she cut in line. Would you really want to wait in the vicinity of her entourage and screaming fans for an hour or so? Sometimes getting the circus through the line faster is plus for everyone.


What this guy said. A celebrity being in line would be a disaster, it's for everyone's benefit.

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^It's no different than what BGT is doing with their new coaster, so are they annoying, as well? SFMM is doing the same thing with Superman, so is that annoying?


-Steve "Once again, some SF Fanboy bitches about the dumbest crap just because it's CP" Burant



Im a CP and Cedar Fair fan chief and not a fan boy of any company or park like you. My point is that these guessing games are annoying for any park and CP are the ones that started this mess.


-Trent "I wonder why annoying people like this guy try to imitate Robb and make comments in this way instead of being more creative and coming up with something of their own" Green

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^How do you know CP started it? Have you traced back every new ride and every promotion every park did for them and discovered that CP started it? And with a user name with Magic Mountain in it, how is that not synonymous with being at least a Magic Mountain fanboy (if not all of SF, since that is their flagship park)? Last year, Kennywood just came out and said, "oh, by the way, we're building a launched coaster next year," and what were people talking about? The Intimidators and STR, because those parks actually marketed the rides leading up to the announcement. And what's a lot more annoying than me calling you out on your bias, is people who pick out something wrong with one park to complain about, yet magically forget about tons of other parks that do the same thing.


For instance, where have the sharks been on Holiday World and Gravity Group? People can't wait to jump down CP, KD, and Intamin's throats for their mishaps with new rides this year, yet HW and GG get a free pass for the Timberliner debacle? CP was railed for STR opening well after the season opened, yet where were the people bashing Kennywood and Premier for Sky Rocket opening late? The double standard that's shown by a lot of people on this site is laughable, and borderline pathetic.



**For the record, I'm not admonishing either HW or Kennywood for their delays, I'm actually a rational and intelligent person involved in the industry, not some pimple faced high schooler talking out of my ass. Therefore, I realize that delays and/or malfunctions occur, and it doesn't bother me when they do.

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Im a CP and Cedar Fair fan chief and not a fan boy of any company or park like you. My point is that these guessing games are annoying for any park and CP are the ones that started this mess.




Its called viral marketing and it works. It worked for movies like Cloverfield and NBC's doing it with their "Event" TV series. Hersheypark, CP, KD, Carowinds, BGT, SFNE, Alton Towers, and SFGAdv all tried it and it generated more buzz than ever (if you were around last year to see all the buzz that their viral marketing campaigns generated, you would know). As more parks discover the magic of viral marketing campaigns, more parks will jump in on the idea.


As long as viral marketing works, everyone will continue to do it whether you like it or not.

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^^I agree with most of what you say. However, I'm allowed to have the "opinion" that this guessing game BS is annoying.


BTW- My name reflects that fact that I grew up going to SFMM. As I got older I realized that the mountain is kind of a dump compared to other parks around the globe. I learned that other parks aren't filled with thugs and line ditchers. I would take CP over MM any day of the week. With that being said MM still has a place in my heart because it was the first amusement park that I frequented.


^Okay dude

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Personally this is my favorite time of the year when parks start throwing around hints and waiting to find out and finally see the concept art/animations! Especially because I know there's a good chance I won't get to ride whatever it is for a few years.


The only annoying thing about it is annoying people complaining about how annoying it is.

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Im a CP and Cedar Fair fan chief and not a fan boy of any company or park like you. My point is that these guessing games are annoying for any park and CP are the ones that started this mess.


Actually, I don't think that Cedar Point has really been fanning the flames at all this year. Besides the "Who's Hungry?" blog post T&T haven't been fueling the hype machine at all so far. We are all playing the guessing game, not CP or CF. The reality of it is that we have to wait until Mid-August when they announce it until we know anything for sure, but until then it is still fun to guess and wonder.

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