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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Those are awesome photos. I am really looking forward to riding this on Coastermania weekend.


I will be there too. Perhaps the TPR people should schedule a meet?


and and STR is on the ERT schedule.

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here is the Coastermania page:





Notice the cool ClubTPR logo on the bottom!



I think the ERT schedule is good and each session is in one area so you do not waste a large portion of ERT walking between coasters. I bet if you do not like your spine and head, you can walk right on during the Mantis ERT.


2 Hours of ERT on MF is particularly good.

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^ & ^^ Opening week is Math and Science week. As I've said before, I'd advise NOT to go during that period. It's not a fun experience at all, and you can expect lines to be 1 to 2 hours for most major rides. The second week they are open is Amusement Park 101 week. I believe that is new this year. I don't know how crowded that will be, but I would assume it won't be much better than M&S week.

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^ Thanx again, I going up with a couple CP Veterans who "say" they know their way around the park. I'm just hoping for No Rain and No Crowds. Of Course you can't have one without the other...


I know the must hit rides for my three days there are TTD, Mav, Mag, MF, MaxAir, Skyhawk, and Raptor. Are there any others I definitely need to add to my list?

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The only other ones I'd say are must rides are Gemini and Wicked Twister. I'm not a fan of Blue Streak, but a lot of people are, so you might want to give it a try...the line is never long because it's tucked away beyond Raptor. Mantis maybe, but if you don't get around to it, no big deal. Power Tower makes for some nice views also...especially of Dragster if you get the correct side facing it.

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In the two years I worked there, I never saw a weekday crowd in May that I would describe as anything more than moderate. Even weekends aren't that bad in May. Sure, there might be a few long-ish lines, but nothing is going to be over an hour on a weekday in May, unless something really weird happens.


I went in on a Sunday in May 2008 (off day) and was able to ride 39 separate rides, that's how dead it was. And I probably could have ridden another 4 or 5 if they were open (Maxair was still down, Sky Ride was down for wind, TTD and DD went down for rain, Wildcat was down because of the lift hill incident that year). Granted, the wet-ish weather drove some of the crowd away, but even before it rained it wasn't crowded at all.

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After seeing your photos on the construction of CEDAR POINT's newest ride: Shoot the Rapids, it got me soooo excited I nearly wet my pants. I can't wait to go up there and ride it, so that I really can get my pants wet (and I'm not talking about peeing either, so get those nasty thoughts outta yer head).


"If you really must wet yourself, please don't do it on me!"

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In the two years I worked there, I never saw a weekday crowd in May that I would describe as anything more than moderate. Even weekends aren't that bad in May. Sure, there might be a few long-ish lines, but nothing is going to be over an hour on a weekday in May, unless something really weird happens.


I went in on a Sunday in May 2008 (off day) and was able to ride 39 separate rides, that's how dead it was. And I probably could have ridden another 4 or 5 if they were open (Maxair was still down, Sky Ride was down for wind, TTD and DD went down for rain, Wildcat was down because of the lift hill incident that year). Granted, the wet-ish weather drove some of the crowd away, but even before it rained it wasn't crowded at all.


There are no events on Sundays. In the 2 or 3 times I have gone during M&S week, every single time felt like a weekday in July or August. Every year I thought the next year would be better and it was just a *fluke,* but I finally got fed up and decided to just go another time.

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In the two years I worked there, I never saw a weekday crowd in May that I would describe as anything more than moderate.

Same here, only I worked there ten years. M&S week aside , it is never that busy that you can't get all of the coasters and doing so without having to rush around. One of the best things about going when there are a lot of schools there is that they generally leave early. Most start to clear out between 5 and 6 to head back to their bus. While the park might be full of kids and teenagers, that does not mean the queues will be.

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I can tell you that 200+ people from my school are going opening day. For some reason though, I like seeing a full park better than seeing an empty park.

Same here, there will probably be around that many from my school too. Opening weekend is busy, but it isn't as bad as you would think.

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^^ The park closes too early during the week in May to get that "kids leave to get on their buses" effect, in my opinion. And they added another "learning week" in Amusement Park 101 week the week after M&S week. After that it's already Memorial weekend, and Coastermania a week later. By the time all those events are over, kids are getting out of school and crowds begin to increase. In my opinion, that's GENIUS on Cedar Point's part, from a business perspective. Except for a select few days here and there (like Sundays, rainy/overcast days, etc.), those "whole park to yourself in early May" days are long gone and have been all but eliminated.

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For everyone asking what the crowds will be like on certain days, I found 2010 Crowd Expectations from The Point Online. Definitely read what's already been said about those physics days from previous posters though.


The Point Online has used information from past visits to produce our 2010 crowd expectations, however, we do not guarantee that the information will be accurate. The expectations are based solely on our opinions and personal experiences. There are many different reasons that could make the park more or less crowded than expected. Ask travel questions in our message board or to our Travel Specialists.


Days in which rain is forecasted, the park will be less crowded, especially when it may rain in the morning. When it stops raining in the early afternoon, the park is less crowded that evening. On sunny and warm days, the park will be more crowded. Sunday's are usually the least crowded day on weekends, except on weekends when Monday is a holiday. Since it is difficult to know the weather and how busy the park will be, we recommend staying in a hotel and spend more than a day at the park, along with visiting multiple times a year.


Please view the 2010 Cedar Point Schedule for official information and hours.


Please note that Fridays are considered the weekend.


We measure the crowds in three different categories:





May 15 - 16, Opening Day Weekend - Moderate

Weekdays From May 17 to June 3 - Light

Weekends From May 22 to June 13 - Light to Moderate

Memorial Day Weekend, May 29-31 - Moderate


Weekdays From June 7 to June 29 - Light

Weekends From June 11 to June 27 - Moderate

June 30 - July 8 (July 4 Week) - Heavy


Weekdays From July 12 to July 22 - Moderate

Weekends From July 9 to 25 - Moderate

Everyday from July 26 to August 22 - Heavy


Weekdays from August 23 to September 6 - Light

Weekends from August 27 to September 12 - Light to Moderate


HalloWeekends - September 17 to November 2

We recommend spending two days at the park during HalloWeekends.

HalloWeekends crowd levels depends greatly on the weather.

Fridays - Light

Saturdays - Heavy

Sundays - Moderate to Heavy

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