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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Millennium Force, Maverick, Dragster, and Raptor were all about an hour and a half wait. Magnum's line was down into the switchbacks and around a half hour. I was there from early entry to close and got seven total rides.


Tuesday might not be as bad, but I wouldn't expect crowds to be light.

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I made the mistake in going there during M&S week in previous years. The park is overrun with kids, stays like that practically all day long, and you can expect to have decent wait for all major rides. Granted, the park it not weekend in July or August crowded, but the crowds are not light by any means either. I'd suggest staying away during that time if possible. You're better off going on a Sunday in May or early to mid June...park's empty.

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I made the mistake in going there during M&S week in previous years. The park is overrun with kids, stays like that practically all day long, and you can expect to have decent wait for all major rides. Granted, the park it not weekend in July or August crowded, but the crowds are not light by any means either. I'd suggest staying away during that time if possible. You're better off going on a Sunday in May or early to mid June...park's empty.


Thanks for the responses. We're stuck to a Monday or Tuesday (planning on Holiday World Monday and CP Tuesday). Hey, as long as we get on all the major rides I'm fine. I've never had trouble with TTD being down everytime I'm there, so hopefully we won't this time!

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I see, well good luck. You most likely will have no problem riding everything, it's just going to take longer than you want (or at least seem so because of all the screaming kids, lol) and you will probably get increasingly annoyed as the day goes on. If you can tolerate those, then you're golden.

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^ Little kids are so annoying! Especially the ones that chicken out at the front of the line. In Cleveland, you either ride Millennium Force or you ride Millennium Force. (Bad experiences...)


Anyways, really pumped for CoasterMania. Any expectations on crowds?

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Anyways, really pumped for CoasterMania. Any expectations on crowds?

I'm sure that there will be a ton. Just from looking at trip reports from previous years, the "ERT" is really just the park open for a couple extra hours. Isn't CoasterMania over a couple days now? Maybe that would help the crowds a bit.

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I can't imagine it would require more than a weeks worth of full course testing. The majority of the testing probably happens with the lift hills. This could be why on the webcams you saw them moving the boats up and down them. That would be faster than sending a boat around and waiting for it to come back to the lift.


I will say though that aside from the two boats you see, the others are still sitting in storage.

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I'm sure they haven't gotten to full-scale testing yet.

I hope they have considering the park opens in two weeks.

Two weeks is a lot of time. I'd say you could probably expect full-scale testing to start the second half of this week, but the majority of the "testing" on a ride like this is things such as the pumps, show water, and station movement, which they've already been doing. A water ride is completely different than a coaster when it comes to how it has to be tested.
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^^Remember with Maverick the height requirement was originally announced before the ride was built as being 48". After testing they changed it to 52". They probably just don't want to risk the same thing to happening (Although I can't see a flume being too hard to predict the height requirement).


^I'm not saying that it takes a whole lot of time to do full-out testing, but what if some problem occurs. They would probably want enough time to solve the problem and still have it open on time. Better to be safe than sorry.

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Shot from the first lift hill.


Elevated shot from the first lift hill looking towards the entrance.


Snake River Falls is sporting its new color.


The rock canyon and second lift hill on the island.


Looking down at the first lift.


The splashdown and exit area.


These massive pumps will circulate water through the flume.


The tunnel, now complete with roof!


The service bridge over the lagoon.


Looking at the station and Snake River Falls from the bridge.


The entrance area to Shoot the Rapids.


The on-ride photo building is almost complete.


The complete entrance area.


Guests entering and exiting the ride will cross the railroad tracks right here.


Landscaping is taking place in and around the ride.


Trees and grasses have been planted on the island.


The 85-foot-tall drop onto the island.




Paddlewheel Excursions boats will travel under the ride.

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^I hear you on that. Shoot the Rapids looks awesome and I'm looking forward to riding it during Coastermania. My first visit to Cedar Point!


Mine too. Seems there will be several of us there that have never been before. Should be fun to finally get to this place.

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I usually am the one in any group who hates the water rides...but CP is outdoing themselves on STR. This ride looks awesome! Is it do to be part of any of the Coastermania ERT's?


Yeah I'm pretty sure we will have ERT on it at Coastermania.

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Ever since the park moved their opening to mid-May, weekdays before Memorial Day are just as busy as during the summer because of all the school groups. After Memorial Day weekdays slow down a bit until schools let out in the second week of June. That little two week gap is one of the best times to go to the park.


However, I assume you're going to be at the park sometime the week of the 23rd? Expect about one hour lines for the big coasters. It shouldn't be too bad, but I wouldn't expect to ride every coaster. And no, the park doesn't offer Q-Bot or anything similar.


Maybe one day the park will extend their season back to early May. Everything was a walk-on, even Millennium Force and Dragster (though that may explain why they don't open that early anymore...).


Have a good time!

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