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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I don't think they are making it seem like there will be a coaster at all. They haven't mentioned anything about a coaster. They are just making people wonder what it is in a creative way. It is people's extremely high and unrealistic expections that make people thing they will get a coaster every single year.

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Well, you just kicked my butt off of my seat didn't you?


Some parks go years, and years without a new, top of the line coaster. But this is Cedar Point right? 3 years is way too long to go without a coaster. It is not like Cedar Fair is putting a ton of investment in to other parks within their chain or anything. Or, that the entire amusement industry is feeling the crunch of the recession the U.S. is in. No, not Cedar Point. They are invinsible.

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^ I agree with what you're saying, and don't think people should automatically assume a new coaster is being built in *insert year here* just because it's been so many years. I think Cedar Point put that in peoples' minds by building MF in 2000, W in 2002, and TTD in 2003.

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Yeah, at this point I don't think it will be a coaster. I'm starting to think that it might be a heavily themed log flume almost like Ripsaw Falls at IOA (insert "Cedar Fair and THEMING!?" joke here). Hey, it is possible, but as people have said before, it could be anything.

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^ I have to agree and disagree. Sure it might not be a "Disney level" themed ride but for a park like Cedar Point or any other amusement park that would probably be considered highly themed. Either way if it's a water ride or a coaster I will be happy because i'm going there next summer and it will be nice to be able to cool off.

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Well, you just kicked my butt off of my seat didn't you?


Some parks go years, and years without a new, top of the line coaster. But this is Cedar Point right? 3 years is way too long to go without a coaster. It is not like Cedar Fair is putting a ton of investment in to other parks within their chain or anything. Or, that the entire amusement industry is feeling the crunch of the recession the U.S. is in. No, not Cedar Point. They are invinsible.

Like it or not, CP has certain expectations that come with being one of the highest profile parks on the planet. I'm sorry, but I don't think a new coaster every 3/4 years is asking too much for a place like CP. Now if I was saying Kennywood should be adding a multi million dollar coaster every couple of years, that would be ridiculous, because they obviously are not in the same league as a place like CP, hence the expectations are completely different for a place like that. I'm not saying CP has to have a new coaster every 3 to 4 years or I'll throw a tantrum but I don't think that fans expecting that are asking too much is all. Not to mention there are tons of parks that are much lower on the amusement park food chain that do add a new coaster on average of every 3 to 4 years. So I don't see why that's asking too much of CP.

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^That's definitely the truth. I know my friends will ask what Cedar Point is getting for the next season and if I say nothing major, they get upset and question why. Starting with Magnum up until Maverick, it was pretty standard to see a major investment every two years or so. Magnum, Mean Streak, Raptor, Mantis, Power Tower, Millennium Force, Wicked Twister, Top Thrill Dragster, maXair, Skyhawk, then Maverick. I think the only three year span in there is between Mean Streak and Raptor, which may have been filled by something, someone please correct me if I'm wrong. It wouldn't surprise me though if we don't see another large scale roller coaster until 2011 or 2012 at all. There was a four year span between TTD and Maverick and both were similar investments, so waiting until the economy gets back into a better state until investing as heavily wouldn't surprise me one bit. I'm actually hoping it's a nice water ride that fills the gap left behind by White Water Landing. I think that would be perfect for the park right now.

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I think the only three year span in there is between Mean Streak and Raptor, which may have been filled by something, someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


I think that was the year they put in Snake River Falls. I noticed that they usually have the pattern of adding a new coaster every two to three years. Even though it has been a couple since Maverick, I also feel that the new attraction for 2010 is going to be water themed, which is perfectly fine. Although if it's a new coaster, even better!

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