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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Just curious, on my first day at Cedar Point (most likely Tuesday, June 9th, but not set in stone), I probably won't be arriving at the park until midday (anytime between noon and 3 pm). In what order should I ride the coasters to keep wait times at a minimum?

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  VF15 said:
Just curious, on my first day at Cedar Point (most likely Tuesday, June 9th, but not set in stone), I probably won't be arriving at the park until midday (anytime between noon and 3 pm). In what order should I ride the coasters to keep wait times at a minimum?


I'll be there the same day, but I won't be able to get there until 7ish. I plan on trying to hit the big 3 Intamins in a row.

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I'm not familiar with typical construction schedules, but shouldn't the Breakers project have been finished before now? It looks like there are a lot of finishing touches to be done before guests check-in this weekend...

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Cedar Fair always works like magic to finish up their finishing touches days before the park is open to the public. I wouldn't be surprised if they are working late into the night thursday before the hotel opens for Friday night stays.

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I'm crazy excited. I will be at the first rider auction and preview night event! It looks like its going to be a great night! It is unfortunate they will not have Maverick open that evening, but should be some great pictures of Rougarou and it's lighting effects. Anyone else attending Friday night?

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^Hopefully they will keep them clean and monitor the chlorine content and acid levels better than the one in Soak City.


Not to be a Debbie Downer, but I got hot tub folliculitis in the one at Soak City two years ago. That was the only hot tub I was in before I developed itchy bumps on my arms, chest and stomach and got the doctors prognosis three days later.


Love the swim-up bar & waterslides at SC, but I will be skipping the public hot tubs from now on.

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So according to The Weather Channel, there is an 80% Chance of Thunderstorms for Saturday the 9th. I'm trying to look on the Park's page as well for weather info to see what their radar system is giving them. What are the thoughts? Worth the trip? Or stay home? There's a group of 6 of us that have plans to go, but of the weather is going to be bad and rides closed, we don't want to waste our time.



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  Cj1990 said:
So according to The Weather Channel, there is an 80% Chance of Thunderstorms for Saturday the 9th. I'm trying to look on the Park's page as well for weather info to see what their radar system is giving them. What are the thoughts? Worth the trip? Or stay home? There's a group of 6 of us that have plans to go, but of the weather is going to be bad and rides closed, we don't want to waste our time.




I'd say it's worth the gamble, my guess it that it's going to be sunny most of the day with occasional storms. Thunderstorms don't usually stick around for very long.


Then again nobody has any idea what the weather is going to do.

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  Cj1990 said:
So according to The Weather Channel, there is an 80% Chance of Thunderstorms for Saturday the 9th. I'm trying to look on the Park's page as well for weather info to see what their radar system is giving them. What are the thoughts? Worth the trip? Or stay home? There's a group of 6 of us that have plans to go, but of the weather is going to be bad and rides closed, we don't want to waste our time.




When I visited in September from Texas I was concerned about weather also. It ended up hitting Sandusky, but not the Peninsula which a worker in HR told me is a frequent occurrence. The most that happened was some light rain and the rides kept on going...MF in the rain hurt a tad...but I didn't care!

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  CPFan1234 said:
So what's the swim up bar like in Soak City? Are the drinks expensive?


The swim-up bar is awesome, but not cheap. Expect to pay about $7-8 for a beer and $8-12 for mixed drinks. My recommendation would be to try their special (can't remember the name, but just ask)...it's a blend of about five different kinds of booze with a splash of fruit juice for about $10-12. Believe me, you'll only need one or two to catch a nice buzz!


Oh...and bring your ID because you won't get in without one, no matter what your age. 21 and over only - no kids allowed.

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