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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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  99er said:
Or just drop the zero altogether and you have a 212' lift, 197' drop at 79 mph.


That too, although you can also get 7 2012 1997 (year steel force opened). Which is kinda interesting considering the previous clue was a black and white photo of the steel force logo/eyes. Not sure how the 7 would fit in though.


The other however, with the coaster statistics, is more likely.

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  downhillMTB said:
  99er said:
Or just drop the zero altogether and you have a 212' lift, 197' drop at 79 mph.


That too, although you can also get 7 2012 1997 (year steel force opened). Which is kinda interesting considering the previous clue was a black and white photo of the steel force logo/eyes. Not sure how the 7 would fit in though.


The other however, with the coaster statistics, is more likely.


As for the 7, there are 5 wing coasters (including the one about to be constructed in China), so plus this one is 6. Maybe the 7 is a hint that Cedar Fair intends to build another wing coaster at another park. Maybe not this year, but if CF builds another one after this, and the one in China is constructed, there will be at least 7 (I say "at least" because other parks may order a wing coaster.)


I was thinking of making a DT and SS tribute video, but I'll wait unti I can get pictures of the dismantling. Hopefully, I can get some pictures from Space Spiral until that, too, shuts down. Or, I could get one from the Giant Wheel (although I think that they don't like cameras on it.)


Speaking of the demolition, I went recently (August 1) and got some pictures of the preparation. There was a large fence surrounding the ride, so you can not see. However, there is a large gap in the fencing, with only railings not unlike those put up temporarily during Halloweekends (I think?) Therefore, I could see what is going on. The fences former surrounding the entrance to the ride are removed, and there is wood and other crud stacked against supports, which I assume is part of the fence that is not erected. A sign says "Disaster Transport is closed and is being removed for future development. Space Spiral was closed, with maintenance workers all around it. I even saw some maintenance standing atop the cabin as it ascended and descended the tower, and I even saw some people on the ramps leading to the upper deck.




Here are my visit pictures from my last two visits-This is kind of a general trip report, not just reporting of the demise of DT.





Dispatch Master Transport!!!



Its not perfect due to it being a panorama, but its one of my best pics of the famous "Repair Bay"



At full swing...literally, this is quite a steep swing!



Swooping over the water....



The tallest and fastest impulse in the world, only at Cedar Point!



This ride will be REJECTed from the park soon... RIP Dispatch Master Transport



This sled isn't going to Alaska anytime soon... especially after the sun sets (This is from a 7/29 trip, if you don't remember).



LOOP DEE LOOP!!!!!!!!!





Arrow goodness... or not-so-goodness. To be fair, Corkscrew offers some airtime on the hills, though.



Space Spiral broken - again. Sorry, but my only pictures of the men on the cabin as the ride operates is on my camera, and I'm too lazy to get that, sorry!



The mark of quality... 12E



Employees on the upper deck?



Wing coaster? 500 foot looping wooden water stand-up 4D 200mph launch beyond-vertical 12-inversion coaster? ;) Which one is more logical...



That door is the former entrance.



Door enthusiasts, look here!



Backstage Demolition Goodness!



Fence piece?



This is the wall erected around the ride site.



Bolliger+Mabillard+Steel+Green Paint = THIS!


The whole DT area was a dead zone, with even the food/drink place across from DT closed down.

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Nice photos.


Regarding the new banner "we can't keep it locked away much longer". First thing I thought of was greek mythology and some of the water based creatures, Leviathan (as stated before), Kraken. I also read up on Daedalus and Icarus (which both had constructed wings and were "locked up" in the labyrinth of Minotaur as the link below says)




Or it could be a play on words and it's going to be called the Loch Ness Monster

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  JonnyRCT3 said:
There is a new banner outside the main arcade building. It confirms it "will be set free" on Aug.13 3:30 p.m. It also features the same icon with "blue wings" that was seen on the DT banner.


Does Cedar Point do anything in the park for ride announcements? I'll be at the park that day so if there was anything happening I'd be sure to go see it.

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