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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Hit up Maverick first. By 11:00 the line is 1 and a half hours. Top Thrill Next, if you're lucky it'll be an hour max. MF at 12:00-1:00 is about 45 minutes. That's my main advice.


And Johnny Rockets is pretty good, at lunch time Raptor is pretty much Walk-on too


Thank you for the tips, i'll keep those things in mind. Do any other of the coaster have large lines or are many things walk ons? The vibe i get from cedar point is that their newer record smashing coasters suck all the lines away from coasters like the Iron Dragon, Corkscrew, Wildcat. Is that pretty much true?

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I'm sorry to break the flow but i'm traveling to cedar point this friday. This would be my first trip to CP and i want to get on all of the coasters, and especially the standouts like maverick, millenium, dragster, raptor, magnum, gemeni, wicked twister. I was wondering if someone who is frequent at the park could give me some advice on the ride lines, when particular attractions get the most traffic, etc. I plan to spend the entire day there want to get on a few other flats as well, especially their newest one. I'm planning my day and since i havent been before i thought some advice on someone who was more farmiliar with the park layout would be more helpful then just winging it.


Also, where are the best places to eat in the park? Any other tips would be well appreciated.


Save raptor for the end of the day, It can easily become a walk on.

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Yeah around there, maybe 11-1 and 4-6. Walk by Johnny Rockets, Chik-Fil-A, or some other larger eating place and see if it's crowded. If it is then head to some of the bigger rides. I know it will be tough resisting, being as you can see them from practically anywhere, but Millennium and Dragster sometime have a tendency to clear up a bit as the day goes on too, but before it gets close to closing and people are trying to get their last rides in.

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Well, 12:00 is usually really early for lunch, as everyone who wants lunch is...well in a line. Between 1-2 everyone usually gets lunch (After they finally ride their ride), and the lines don't start picking up again until about 3 if they do (They will for main coasters). So eat at about 3 for lunch is what I would say. I'm not sure about dinner. I'd say powerbar yourself through for a bit, maybe grab a quick snack, and power through the night until the park closes, and then get something to eat afterwards.


Highly suggest riding TTD and MF at night if you have the time, I mean legit when it's dark. It's AMAZING.

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Yeah around there, maybe 11-1 and 4-6. Walk by Johnny Rockets, Chik-Fil-A, or some other larger eating place and see if it's crowded. If it is then head to some of the bigger rides. I know it will be tough resisting, being as you can see them from practically anywhere, but Millennium and Dragster sometime have a tendency to clear up a bit as the day goes on too, but before it gets close to closing and people are trying to get their last rides in.


Alright, thank you. Just wanted to clear that up abit. Thanks for the info, i'm sure this will help me alot when i'm there friday

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Well, 12:00 is usually really early for lunch, as everyone who wants lunch is...well in a line. Between 1-2 everyone usually gets lunch (After they finally ride their ride), and the lines don't start picking up again until about 3 if they do (They will for main coasters). So eat at about 3 for lunch is what I would say. I'm not sure about dinner. I'd say powerbar yourself through for a bit, maybe grab a quick snack, and power through the night until the park closes, and then get something to eat afterwards.


Highly suggest riding TTD and MF at night if you have the time, I mean legit when it's dark. It's AMAZING.



Thanx for your opinion. I'll be sure to get those night rides in on TTD and MF!

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I went to the park today, and the park was absolutely packed. Cars were parked to the edges of the parking lot and soak city's lot was full. I know from facebook they now have Platinum Pass Sundays where if you have a platinum pass you can bring a friend for twenty bucks. The program is running outstandingly for how crowded it was.

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For those saying Cedar Point would never consider a Zac Spin, I found some evidence to the contrary. in

Discovery Channel documentary, around the 2 minute mark, they are discussing designs of coasters, and they clearly show and describe a "spinning ball coaster" which looks exactly like an Intamin Zac Spin. If we see actually see one at Cedar Point in 2013 is anyone's guess, but that's what I'm hoping for! Edited by SaweetDude04
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Zac spins are lame. I think if and when CP gets a new coaster, it'll be a Beemer. They're overdue for one, and I don't think CP was very pleased when Maverick was delayed because they had to take out the heartline roll.

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Zac spins are lame.

Speak for yourself. I've personally never ridden one, but it looks like you can get a pretty insane run if the conditions are right.


I can't see one going into CP, just because of capacity. I kind of want to see them put in a flyer to add to the variety of rides. (Replace Wildcat with a volare? Trololololol)

Edited by asimowalk
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Zac spins are lame.


No, the general consensus is that Zac Spins are not lame. Just the way that Green Lantern (and probably every other one that gets built in the U.S.) is operated is what's lame about them.

Edited by ernierocker
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Zac spins are lame.


No, the general consensus is that Zac Spins are not lame. Just the way that Green Lantern (and probably every other one that gets built in the U.S.) is operated is what's lame about them.


Why get a Zac Spin with a Capacity of like 500 an hour when you can get a 4D coaster thats a lot longer taller and more efficient?

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Zac spins are lame.


No, the general consensus is that Zac Spins are not lame. Just the way that Green Lantern (and probably every other one that gets built in the U.S.) is operated is what's lame about them.


Why get a Zac Spin with a Capacity of like 500 an hour when you can get a 4D coaster thats a lot longer taller and more efficient?


Why eat at an Applebees when there is a fancy steakhouse next door with valet parking and you have to wear a suit to get in the place? Because it might not be in your budget.

Edited by ernierocker
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Why get a Zac Spin with a Capacity of like 500 an hour when you can get a 4D coaster thats a lot longer taller and more efficient?


I don't think that would really be an issue. Cedar Point has plenty of other roller coasters and rides to eat up crowds. It's not like that would cause a 5 hour line because there's nothing else to do or ride in the park.

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Personally I wasn't too impressed by GL:FF, fun yes but it hurt me a lot. I hope CP doesn't go with a zac spin or another intamin for that fact, that would make 6 in a row including STR, but that's just my opinion. *If* they were to go with a zac spin they should go with the taller model on Intamin's website that hasn't been built yet. They are in need of another woodie though , GCI? GG? yes please

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