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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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Two unaccounted for coasters in the Cedar Fair chain, and not even a peep of excitement in the Valleyfair thread. Oh how far we have fallen.

It seems like a lot of folks have given up on a new coaster at Valleyfair but at the rate this park is going, I could see one coming sometime in the next 3 to 5 years.


We're being realistic. My prediction has the next coaster in 2020. It's a question of where the coaster would go. We can rule out replacing Excalibur. I think Corkscrew has a good few years in it yet. But if the Dinos Alive contract does end in 2019 as some have claimed, that's a lot of space that can be used.

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I was at the park this morning to drop off paperwork and noticed that most of the ticket booths at the front gate have been replaced with permanent airport-style metal detectors.

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I was at the park this morning to drop off paperwork and noticed that most of the ticket booths at the front gate have been replaced with permanent airport-style metal detectors.


I'm actually a fan of them doing this, not because I feel like we need higher security, but because the line for security will be significantly shorter than last year. The wands always took forever. These are commonly seen at arenas and ballparks, and they take 5 sec max per person. This will be good.

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I just came home from season pass preview day. I like the new security medal detectors. I finally got a chance to ride North Star. It's my new favorite ride. The view from the top is excellent. I would recommend if you visit the park on a regular basis to buy the fast lane season pass because everyone ran to the new ride. The que line filled up real fast. By 1:00 pm the line for North Star was by Flying Eagles. At least hour wait. With the fast lane I rode North Star 5 times in 20 minutes in a hour wait time. Thumbs up for Valleyfair with the fast lane season pass, also walking around the park I notice the new self serve Coke stations I like that with the new drink plan season pass every 15 minutes free refill. I meet up with Renegade Mike did a few laps on Renegade like the new seat belts running great.


Also on the way to Renegade I meet up with one of the park managers who sees me there a lot. I ask what the plans were for 2018 season said something thrilling is coming but of course won't say.

Edited by Lightning Rod
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1) The former general manager really liked water rides. He's gone

2) Maintenance issues keep coming up and other parks have removed there's.

3) The thrills and extra capacity of the new Soak City slides has depreciated the popularity of "get wet in your street clothes" rides in general.


As for a new roller coaster next year, no one has heard if the parking lot is approved and if it is it's going to takes too much money to have a coaster the same year. Dinos is still under contract and isn't going anywhere. I'll believe a new coaster is possible when someone suggests where they could realistically put one. My guess would be Soak City gets one or more of the Wildwater Kingdom castoffs.

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My North star opinion:


It's a nice ride that offers a good view, but mostly over the parking lot. I don't think it has much of a thrilling aspect to it. IMO, not what the park needed at this time. A frisbee would have been better. Not a BAD ride, just not what we needed.

And yes, today, lines were 75-90 min at peak with 2 operators. It looks to be a 2 operator ride. Should have 3-4 on busy days.

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My North star opinion:


It's a nice ride that offers a good view, but mostly over the parking lot. I don't think it has much of a thrilling aspect to it. IMO, not what the park needed at this time. A frisbee would have been better. Not a BAD ride, just not what we needed.

And yes, today, lines were 75-90 min at peak with 2 operators. It looks to be a 2 operator ride. Should have 3-4 on busy days.

. I understand what you mean by it's not what we needed, but I believe it was the best we could get. At least its a tall ride that adds to the skyline. While frisbee would be to similar to Xtreme swings. North Star is something we don't have anything like.
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75/90 minute wait. When I got there at noon be the line was full by 1:00 pm. For those who visit regularly I would buy the fast lane season pass I gave that a two thumbs up because with the wait time the line was by Flying Eagles enterance I rode North Star 5 times in a 20 minute wait or less vrs 90 minutes full que line so imagine what the lines be like on opening weekend. Also on Valleyfairs web app it says that (Nice! I think we need to get to send us one of those). I'm wondering if Cedar Point was impressed with the ride I can see them adding maybe a 500 foot star flyer. North Star is my favorite new ride.


Also when I was at season pass preview day I spoke with one of the managers on the way to Renegade ask if there were plans for 2018 said something thrilling is coming? So I'm guessing they have plans for something new in 2018? Guesses? But he knows won't say anything of course.

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Went to preview day today and rode Renegade a few times. The majority of the off season work was on the hill after the first drop and at the start of the horseshoe turn. Otherwise it is just a few other small places with just a few new boards here and there. It is already running great, some real good rides today and of course saw Renegade Mike. The new seat belts help with checking their secureness since they are on the side now and make it faster. Good crew today but they only ran one train. Then I saw Wild Thing getting stuck on the lift hill already this year. Luckily it only lasted a few minutes. The work done by IOE did not affect the over all ride but it did break easier coming back to the station and the mid course brake was quieter so it should at least improve the operations of the ride. WT crew was under staffed but they were hustling. As mentioned before the metal detectors are now where the ticket booth's used to be so they are permanent. North Star looked good but had an hour plus line so I will have to try it another time. So far they have not painted the new wood on High Roller. Forgot to check out the work they did on the carousel. Excalibur as expected was closed due to embarrassment or something like that.

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Lets hope for good weather on season pass preview day and opening day as well. It rain last year. From watching the North Star Pov. Is it possible to put a giant Frisbee in the midway stage area? Were the old scrambler's spot use to be? I think it would be cool to add a Frisbee right next to North Star in front of the park.


I like this idea because it would be a great fit by North Star!

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Do any of you think valleyfair could possibly get the 2017 coaster? Or do you guys think a water park, flat ride, or family/snoopy? I don't think kids because we've got that a lot in the past few years.

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Its finally here. Happy opening day . I can imagine what the lines will be like for North Star this weekend. 75/90 minute wait times on season pass preview day. Finally we have a nice weather day for opening weekend seem's like the past opening weekend's it's always has rain a lot. I'm really looking forward to the fast lane season pass this year invest in something that's worth buying along with the new drink plan season pass add on. Every 15 minutes get a free drink refill at any coke self serve stations.


I spoke with some management on season pass preview day along the way to Renegade ask about what's coming in 2018? They said they already have plan's in place. Any guess's what's coming in 2018? I don't think it will be a off season or park improvement's.

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Happy Opening Day! I missed the pass holder preview (for a good reason, I was at CP), so today will be my 1st North Star ride. I also have a random observation: I can't find the park map on VF's redesigned website. Did they remove it?

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Today when cleaning out my 9-year-old's school bag (end of another school year), I found this essay about our trip to Valleyfair! last summer that she wrote as a school assignment back in February. My kid's first trip report! Here it is reproduced exactly as written. All capitalization, spelling, punctuation, etc. is all entirely hers.



by Caitlin Wall


Have you been to Minnesota? If you have, you will probably know a place called Valleyfair. (If your dad and brother are roller coaster freaks, like mine are.) Anyway, I've been there and I'm going to tell you about it.


When we got there, I rode this thingy called Northern Lights. It's kinda like this Electro Spin thingy, yeah, let's go with that. I rode it at least twice. And then I pretended I a tour guide and rode a little taxi thingy...hoodlee hoo.


Anyway, my brother is a "roder coaster" freak, (and so is my dad), so he goes on adventures about "roder coasters" and is probably on a quest to ride every "roder coaster" in the U.S. (That's a lot o "rodercoasters"!) Anyways, that's all, so


[this is written very large, takes up three whole lines of school line-ruled paper]




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Fantastic Opening Day!


North Star looks great


Power Tower!


North Star Peek-A-Boo


Nice Skyline Addition


Only 1 side of Xtreme Swing was operating


It just looks good, even if it's not all that intense


Got this shot by accident


Sunny Day


From Corkscrew's queue

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And how exactly do you take a shot by accident?


I was attempting to take a picture of Wild Thing on its 1st drop. I didn't notice Corkscrew until I reviewed the pictures when I got home. Needless to say, the results are pretty good!

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And how exactly do you take a shot by accident?


I was attempting to take a picture of Wild Thing on its 1st drop. I didn't notice Corkscrew until I reviewed the pictures when I got home. Needless to say, the results are pretty good!


There's a spot next to the healthy food/dietary restrictions place that I've waited at so long for to get that shot. But all I got was this consolation prize.


It's just not fair.

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